Chapter 13

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Two month's is what I had left before I will be forced to leave due to the incident I caused with the assholes; truthfully I wish I got the chance to break his fucking arm for trying to lay a hand on me and mostly being an asshole to me and Walker. If it wasn't for the men that tore me off of him I probably would be cuffed and sent to jail, I know I wouldn't have let it go even if he did beg for whatever pity of mercy he could think would save him.

Downing the soup down and tucking in the second piece of bread in the jackets pocket I grabbed my rifle going to continue my shift for today, and that will include the usual bag them and put them in the truck. I patted Connor's back when I walked past him with a grin as I couldn't wait to go home in two month's; seeing it more of pleasure now than a torture.

I walked to my shift waiting for Walker to arrive but he never, so I had had to carry on without him with a new partner that would not stop telling me problems with his new wife: the constant nagging was giving me migraines. I continued to ignore the young man until my shift was over, and I released by anger in other ways.

Going back to the room I cleaned out the rifle with much attention focus and before I knew it I was thinking if my Tio is getting well, and if my Primo finally talked to the girl he's been crushing on for the past few weeks that he has been sending letters to me about. Life was moving on back in Florida and my Tia told me the great news of getting remarried with Tio, again.

When I received their letters, it shed light here in the trenches whenever it felt suffocating or the tension of dying was rising by the minute and I had to remind myself the reason of why I'm here. It made me think more positive when I received the letters and the most of the men here were starting to drink a little more when their enemies wasn't shooting at us, most days.

Swinging the gun over my shoulder I closed my eyes smelling his intoxicating scent that clouded the words I wanted to tell him, I turned around to face him scanning him up and down wanting to hurt him as badly as he did to me, but how does a person do that when they care to much for that certain person.

"If your going to apologize-" Leaning in a threatening stance and stepping closer as I balled my fist open and closed several times; Sebastian's behavior changed once I did that, reflecting the same stance too, "-It will be pathetic to do so." 

Sebastian swiftly pins me against the wall, as I struggled against him, then had him pinned against the wall too: I kneed him in the stomach, then I was elbowed in the face, and tackled on top of the bed.

We both took are turns of punching each other until we both landed on the ground, I was about to punch him: until he had the upper hand, pinning my hands on the floor, and stables himself on my waist.

We panted heavily from the nasty blows we received, "I am so sorry Rual, I didn't have the heart to tell you at first. I was going to tell you about the Nurse I swear." Sebastian's pleading eyes was something I never seen before, and I should have allowed myself to let him explain: give him the chance.

"What about your fucking engagement?" I yelled pushing Sebastian off of me, but he sighs running a hand through his mused hair and watching the cut on his eyebrow bleeding down his cheek.

Sebastian comes near me cupping the both of my cheeks, but pushing his hands away shaking my head disapprovingly.

"The engagement is fake, family found out and my dad beat me every day....I made them believe I was cured, by asking a close friend of mines to pretend to be engaged to me." Sebastian explains hearing the cracks in his tone, and getting up with a painful groan.

I supported myself off of the bed limping over to Sebastian and hugging him tightly, I felt the hesitation of him hugging back, but sighed out of relief when he did.

"I don't forgive you completely, but I will try to." I admit to Sebastian pulling away and walking out of the room.

The words Connor told me kept ringing inside of my head and I knew he was right, this war does not wait for anyone to play catch-up, certainly people like myself.

I later found out that day, Walker was sent home early due from a gunshot wound that left him limping. I was relieved that he didn't die, but was upset I didn't have the chance to tell him goodbye.

Connor admitted he was glad that Walker was sent home, he didn't want him to die like many other's and it will tear him apart if Walker was killed horribly instead. I wrote a letter to Walker so he could receive it once he arrives back home.

After a few hours have passed some of us awoken to the sounds of screams, but this time it was more urgent and most of us went to help out with the shooting or to carry away the injured. I leaned against the mudded wall some shooting back as well, but then I saw one of their soldiers trying getting out of the trenches as I lifted myself off more trying to shoot back.

My eyes caught sight of a sniper aiming there gun towards where the snipers are at, but in a higher position I followed the where the man was aiming; I quickly got off of the stool as I ran towards Lt. Fischer. I forcefully pushed by a few soldiers that clouded by way to the Lt. my heart pounded loudly in my ears; the feeling of my palms sweating, forcing myself to run faster and faster before that German sniper has the chance to fire his weapon.

I tried to yell to the other sniper's, but the loud bangs of bombs that surrounded us and the bullets that was numbing are ears was hard for them to hear my yelling. The Lt. finally heard my yelling, but it was to late; the sniper pulled the trigger and the Lt. stood frozen in spot: I tackled Lt. Fischer, in the deeper parts of the trenches, but not before receiving two deadly bullets.

I closed my eyes tightly, feeling the dirt spit on my face harshly, the sensation of my body landing on the floor with much pain spread with a forceful need to be noticed; I placed a hand on my stomach side feeling the wetness of blood, my eyes averting to the sky. The dark clouds turmoil with a fusing hatred as it repaid with hard boiling water, while I close my eyes, and accepting death if it comes.


                                                Sorry for the shortness, but I hope you enjoyed the chapter. There's probably going to be three more chapters left.

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