Chapter 6

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I bounce my leg in anticipation waiting for Mikey to come home

Where is he?

I suddenly hear the key go into the door

I instantly turn around and I see him walk through the door

As he shuts the door, I see he has a saddened look on his face

"Are you ok Mikey?" I ask as he sits down

"I talked to her" he says looking into my eyes

My ears perk up at the thought of Emily

"What did she say?" I ask impatiently

"She didn't believe me and told me that clearly, she knew Conor better than me about he is not a player" Mikey admits

I roll my eyes, I could clearly hear in my head Emily saying those words

Emily is so stubborn, always has, always will be

"But she did change the subject onto you" he says looking me dead in the eyes again

I smile, she actually wanted to talk about me

"Really?" I say before taking a sip of my ice cold water

"Yeah, she asked how you was" Mikey says

I smile but on the inside I am happy dancing

I know she only asked about me but it is progress

"Can I ask you something?" he asks leaning back against the sofa

"Sure mate" I say nodding

"Have you checked your snapchat today?" Mikey asks getting his phone out

"Ummmm no why?" I say raising an eyebrow

I hear Mikey turn his sound on and some sound starts playing from the speaker in his phone

Clearly it is my snapchat

He turns his phone around and shows me a video of me on my snapchat

Suddenly I pull a girl into the view of the camera

My eyes widen as I see it


"Who is she?" Mikey asks

"I don't know" I say running my hand through my hair

"It wasn't me that was asking, Emily was the one that asked who she was" he says

"Emily saw it?" I ask, I wanted to shoot myself right there

Emily, the girl I care about most in the world has seen me on snapchat, with another girl

"Shit" I mumble

I hear my phone ding with the notification of a text

I pick it up and see I have a text from Conor

Conor: Hey mate, I was wondering if you would come and film a video with me tomorrow, you know finally be In one of my covers?

I gulp and I straight away showing Mikey the text

"You going to have to go" he says before getting up and walking into the kitchen

"Why?" I say following him

"Because he doesn't know that anything is wrong" Mikey says maturely

He was right, Conor doesn't know how I feel

I'm Not Who You Think I Am (A Jack Maynard FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now