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It is the 22nd of November 2017, when Jack and Conor are having a joint birthday party round at Joe's flat

It has been a whole year since they have seen Emily

She never contacted either of them since she left

They have no idea where she is

Conor has spent most of 2017 looking for Emily and bugging Oli and Mikey, trying to get them to tell him where she is

Whilst Jack on the other hand got in another relationship because he didn't know where to start looking for Emily, so he did the easiest thing and hid from his problems

It was like Emily didn't want to be found

The truth is, she doesn't want to be found

Conor won't give up hope looking for her though

So as the boys birthdays are a day apart, they decided to have a joint birthday party again, like every year

Apart from this wasn't like the one that Emily threw them last year

This was simply a house party at Joe's flat because they can fit more people in there as there is more space

Some of Jack and Conor's close friends had showed up including all the Buttercream Squad

Both boys deep down had hope that Emily would walk through the door

But as the night went on, it was obvious that Emily wasn't coming

It was a little after 10pm, when Oli pulls both Jack and Conor to the side

When Oli has both the brothers in the same place, he pulls two envelopes out of the back pocket of his jeans

"Aww Oli, you already got us presents, you didn't have get us anything else" Jack says laughing

Jack and Conor both accept the envelopes in their hands

"They aren't from me, just don't tell Mikey you have them because he will go mad if he finds out" Oli tells them as he gives them a crooked smile

With that Oli walks away leaving Jack and Conor alone with the envelopes

Both boys look at each other before nodding and walking away

They both needed space to see what was in these envelopes

As Conor walks one way, Jack walks another so they can privately open their envelopes

Conor walks towards Joe's stairs and sits on one of the bottom few

He quickly rips the envelope open and takes the card out of the inside

Once it is out, he opens it up to see not a lot of writing

But non the less, he reads it out loud

"Dear Conor, Happy birthday, E"

There is a big E in the bottom right hand corner of the card with a smaller kiss next to it

Conor instantly recognized it to be Emily's hand writing

His breath got caught in his throat

Could it really be Emily?

Conor holds the card close to his chest, hoping the find all the right answers from it

Meanwhile on the other side of Joe's flat in the kitchen, Jack is leaning against the counter with the white envelope in his hands

There is people around him, all drinking and chatting but he feels like he is alone in the room

"Hey Jack, are you coming into the living room?" he hears a voice ask

Jack looks up to see Joe looking at him

He shakes his head

"I'll join you in a bit" Jack says with a gentle smile

Joe nods before him and the group of people, that he is talking to, walk out of the kitchen to go to the living room

Leaving Jack alone with the envelope and his thoughts

Soon enough he rips open the white envelope and takes out the card

He is quick to open it and he looks at the writing

It reads

"Dear Jack, Happy Birthday, E"

Jack doesn't miss the kiss that is in the bottom right corner of the card

A smile appears on Jack's face at the thought of Emily being sat there writing the card out with her tongue sticking out between her teeth for "concentration"

He can't help but feel happiness spread through his body because he knew that Emily hadn't forgotten his birthday

"Babe, what have you got there?" a voice asks

Jack is quick to close the card and put it back into the envelope before quickly sliding it into his back pocket

He looks up to see Yasmine walking towards him

"It's nothing, shall we go and join the others?" Jack questions as he picks up his glass of Rosé wine from the side

Yasmine smiles at him and nods

Jack goes and wraps his arm around Yasmine's waist as they walk out of the kitchen

In the back of his head, the hope that Emily would come back was niggling away at him

A/N: So this is the Epilogue to the sequel of this book

The sequel is called "Your Not Who I Thought You Was"

I really hope you enjoy the sequel as much as you did this book!

Thank you so much again for all the love and support you gave me on this book and I hope you continue to love and support the sequel

Book started July 5th 2016 - Book completed April 8th 2017

Comment, what you would like to happen in the sequel? -Emily

I'm Not Who You Think I Am (A Jack Maynard FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now