Chapter 12

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I groan as I slowly open my eyes

I see the light shining through my uncovered windows

Fuck my head hurts so much!

Why didn't I shut those fucking curtains?

I roll over and shove my head into the pillows

I hear music from outside of my room

Who the fuck is that?

If it is Josh, I'm going to kill him

I lay there for a good five minutes, trying to gather my bearings

How much did I fucking drink last night?

I get out of bed, quickly grab my hoodie and pull it over my head before pulling my hood up

I slowly shuffle along to the living room

The music increasingly gets louder

I rub my face with my hands

I turn the corner to see Anth making some breakfast

I see that the sound bar, that was on the corner of the kitchen counter was on and playing music

I go over and shut off the sound bar

I really didn't need that on, whilst my head was banging

"Hey!" Anth exclaims turning around to me

I glare at him from under my hood

"Damn, man you look awful" he says

"I fucking feel it" I mumble as I go and lay on the sofa

"Do you want some breakfast?" He asks pointing at the bacon, he was frying in the pan

"I'm just trying not to throw up at the smell of it, I'm sure if I even try to eat any of it, I will throw up everywhere" I admit to him

He shakes his head

"You got so drunk last night, I was practically carrying you to the taxi" Anth says as he comes and sits on the sofa with some breakfast and his phone

"I don't remember anything, I didn't do anything did I?" I ask panicked as I sit up to look at him

"Apart from mope about all night, no you didn't, you didn't even get up to dance" he admits

I sigh

I felt like shit after Emily walked out, I rang her but her phone was off

I didn't know where she went

I wanted to forget what happened

I wanted to forget how I felt

I wanted to forget Emily

But that didn't happen

The more I drank, the more I thought of her

"You did talk to me a little bit about what happened with Emily" Anth says before taking a bite of bacon

I look at him as if I was telling him to continue

"You told me you didn't buy her a V-Fest ticket because Jack was going and that you felt like you would lose her to Jack, which resulted in me telling you that you took her away from Jack and you told me to shhhh because someone might hear us talking" He re-tells me the story of last night

I'm Not Who You Think I Am (A Jack Maynard FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now