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Long long long A/N at the end of the chapter! Pls read because it's v important😛😛😛

Updated cuz ya girl loves you 💖

Happy Reading xx



One month later...


"You mean a support group," Harry stated in an obvious tone, as I rolled my eyes, nodding nevertheless.

"Something like that," I replied, scooping up chicken soup with my spoon and popping it into my mouth. Harry simply shook his head silently, gathering up pasta with his fork and shoveling it into his mouth.

After the talk Harry, Damien and I had, Harry had gotten better. He was making an effort in trying to move on. He tried to spend more of his time with either me, or Damien, sometimes even visiting Liam down in the labs. He told me the recurring dream of Scarlett had now lessened and so have the taunting voices and hallucination, which was a relief.

He also began coming on missions with us again. Right after Scarlett's death, Valkyrie had been working hard on taking Black Arrow down completely. Ford only wanted us to take down Cruz and the other important members of the organization. So with Harry finally back on our side again, we were able to do that again successfully. Black Arrow was now out of the picture, and we- The Organization- remained at the top.

"Will the others even come if I come?" he asked, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Of course they will! Don't be ridiculous," I scoffed playfully, shaking my head.

"I'm serious, Jade. Louis and Spencer despise me for her death," he whispered, his eyes nervously glancing at Louis and Spencer themselves sitting in the distance chatting amongst themselves quietly. I glanced at them briefly over my shoulder before looking back at Harry.

"They won't hate you forever. This support group will just help them understand that it's not your fault and you're grieving as well. This is just to help everyone realize that they're not alone and we are all going through the same thing, it's just harder for some of us that's all," I explained, making Harry nod solemnly.

"I really appreciate what you're doing Jade," he told me quietly, a tiny smile dipping into his lips. "Thank you."

I simply smiled back in return, watching him look back down at his plate of pasta. I furrowed my brows curiously when he just stared down instead of go for another intake of pasta. My lips formed a sympathetic pout when I spotted his gaze that was directed to the 'S' tattoo he had gotten on the corner of his wrist.

My heart hurt for Harry and all I wanted was to take away his pain away. No one should ever go through the pain of losing a loved one; the pain is agonizing. It just devours you inside out, leaving nothing but that raw emptiness that still feels like a hungry rat nibbling your insides. All this could easily lead to depression. Depression is that unseen, unheard silent killer. It's the pain that's too much to cope with, too hard to deal with, and so misunderstood. It's hard to escape it, without help.

Harry, in my eyes, was still depressed. I can tell. Whenever we're in a group, he never contributes to the conversation. Normally, he'd always have an opinion to share, even when it's not needed. Now he just stands in the corner, his face holding a desolate expression, as he'd just listen in. There are times I can hear him crying from next door, screaming even. It took a lot in me to not go barging in, knowing that he'd at least want me to let him cry alone.

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