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sorry for the short chapter lovelies but HAPPY HALLOWEEN 🎃🕸👻

Happy Reading xx



S C A R L E T T 💣

  A euphoric laugh escaped Harry's lips at my words. The corners of his eyes crinkled as he grinned at me. His hands cupped my cheeks as he gave my lips a firm kiss, before pulling away to speak.

   "You're something else, Scarlett," he shook his head in amusement, thumb stroking my cheek. "Let's get cleaned up."

  We got cleaned up at a leisurely pace, taking our time to scrub shower gel onto each other as well as massage shampoo into each other's hair. Once we were done, we were too caught up with making out under the water we decided to stay for a minute or two. But soon, Harry's mood turned a bit bitter, as he grew quieter and quieter while I rambled about random things that came to mind.

  My lips formed a pout at his mood, noticing he was deep in his thoughts, his gaze settling on the floor. I encircled my arms around his waist, stepping forwards to simple hug him, laying my cheek on his chest. His arms came up immediately to curl around my shoulders, holding me to him as he slowly stroked my damp hair thoughtfully.

   "Harry," I whispered lowly, relishing the feeling of his warm body against mine as he held me to him under the water. "Talk to me."

   "About what Scarlett," he responded almost immediately, his voice coming out lower than mine.

   "About earlier today, the way you snapped..." I trailed off quietly, feeling his body tense under my touch as his hand stopped stroking my hair.

  My head rose from its resting position on his chest, gazing into his eyes as he placed his hands on my lower back and sighed quietly. His gaze was averted from mine, still deep in thought as my lips formed a small pout; utterly confused with the way he was acting, even though I had a few ideas. Unwrapping my arms from around his waist, they rose up to cup his cheeks gently pushing his face upwards to meet my gaze.

   "Baby, tell me what's wrong," I murmured pleadingly, inching closer until our noses touched. He sighed against my lips.

   "I'm scared," he admitted much to my surprise, his tone uncharacteristically vulnerable as he averted his gaze once again.

   "Why are you scared?" I asked even though I already knew the answer to my own question.

   "Because, I'm paranoid. Nothing makes sense to me right now. Everything is confusing and it's giving me anxiety because Omega can strike at any time and take you away from me and I don't want to let that happen I-I can't let that happen-" Harry began to panic, his words tumbling from his mouth quickly as he soon became agitated. I reached up to gently grasp his face again, tug it forwards to capture his lips in a firm kiss.

   "Slow down Harry, it's gonna be okay," I whispered reassuringly, somewhat shocked by how anxious he was. "They're not going to take me away from you."

   "You don't know that," he hissed suddenly, his bright eyes narrowing significantly. "It's happened before-"

   "Yes but that was Black Arrow, this is Omega Harry-"

   "That's even worse because Omega makes Black Arrow look like nothing," he growled lowly in irritation, his hands quickly slipping around to grab me by my upper arms. His sudden tight grip on me had me surprised, wanting to pull away immediately.

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