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Updated cuz it's Niall's birthday!!! Our cute lil marshmallow is growing up 😭😭😭


Happy Reading xx



H A R R Y 🔫

  A breathless laugh escaped her lips at my words, my eyes lighting up at the sound of it, reminding me of how much I had missed it. She ducked down again, smile still intact as her nose rubbed against mine adorably, before she captured my lips again. I sighed inwardly, relishing the feeling of her lips against mine after being away from her for so long.

  Our breaths mingled, the kiss moving at a slow sensual pace while she dipped her tongue into my mouth. Her soft hands caressed the sides of my face, my body flushing with heat as she rolled her tongue against mine sultrily. The sexually frustrated side of me was pushing me to take this further, but I resisted, only wanting to kiss her and respect her since this was pretty much like our first kiss all over again.

  My fingers squeezed her waist as she moved her tongue against mine before slowly pulling back to sink her teeth into my lower lip. A low groan was emitted from my throat when she moved to tug on my lip ring with her teeth, painfully reminding me of how she used to do that every time we kissed. I was pretty sure she didn't know that. My anxiety soon disappeared as I felt her hands trail over my chest, dipping under my shirt to feel my hot skin.

  My lips tore away from her, trailing over her cheek as she exhaled sharply. They showered linger wet kisses onto the skin of her neck, feeling her grip my shoulders as she sighed in euphoric bliss. My lips travelled back up to the spot under the hinge of my jaw, my favorite place to leave love bites. I sucked at the skin, causing blood to accumulate at the surface before nipping lightly as well. A soft moan was drawn from her swollen lips as I rolled my tongue lightly over the heated skin, soothing the dull ache that would've settled there.

  I pulled away, pushing her hair to the side to admire the mark I created on her olive skin. A smirk curled onto my lips as her hand travelled up to the side of her neck, feeling around for the mark and accidentally putting pressure on it, causing her to wince. She pouted at me while I let out a chuckle, feeling giddy that I had her back in my arms again. I drew her closer, wrapping my arms around her waist as I hugged her, solely because I wanted to hold her tight.

  Just then I wanted to tell her again how much I loved her, but I didn't want to make her feel guilty for not being able to say it back, even though she knew it wasn't her fault. Instead I mouthed the words silently, resting my chin on her shoulder as she sighed deeply. During these last few days I've been trying to do little things to convince her that it was worth taking the risks and going through with the surgery, by doing little things such as spending time with her and with her friends. But I had one other thing in mind as well.

   "I want to take you somewhere," I murmured quietly, before pulling back to lean my forehead against hers. Her eyes searched for mine trying to decipher my emotions before she nodded slowly.



   "A graveyard?" Scarlett asked as she scanned the place with her helmet in her hands.

  Her face fell when she realized why I brought her here. A grim looked covered her face as she stepped off the motorbike. It was late night, the darkness giving off an ominous vibe in the cemetery as we trudged through the grass quietly. I lead the way, Scarlett trailing behind seeming too wrapped up in her own thoughts as we walked to the section that was closed off for The Organization specifically.

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