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sorry not sorry for the continuous smutty chapters. they're stressed and need to relieve themselves by having sex cuz why TF not. skip if you don't like smut.



Happy Reading xx



S C A R L E T T 💣

Harry was seething quietly beside me. I bit my lip, not wanting to say anything that would agitate him more about the situation. I settled for allowing my hand to touch his shoulder, which only made him tense up before he was brought out of his thoughts. He started the car, and began to pull out of the empty parking lot. No words were exchanged between us on the way back to The Organization. I tried not to take it personally, knowing that he was simply overwhelmed with everything that has been happening with Omega lately.

I thought back to the last few days where he seemed like he was at ease while we were together. I suppose during that time we spent, we almost forgot about the whole Omega problem since Valkyrie were taking care of it. Sadly we had to return to it and deal with it, and hopefully it will be dealt with in a way where nobody would get seriously injured, or worse: killed.

After arriving at The Organization, we called for a meeting straightaway to discuss the new information we had learnt. Harry had sat back and let me do the explaining, pondering quietly with his hands folded over his chest, fingers tugging his lip ring. At the end we had come to the conclusion of beginning to investigate whom this spy was. We knew it would be extremely hard to look for the spies as The Organization had huge numbers occupying the facilities: it could be anyone.

At the same time, we were going to look for the bombs. If by Tuesday we don't find the spies, we focus on just locating the bombs as well as staying on guard, as Omega will be arriving to abduct Sami and I. During Tuesday we would start evacuating people, but leave a few to aid us in taking down Viola and her assassin team when they come to abduct Sami and I. This was because if we showed started evacuating people any earlier, we wouldn't be able to catch the spies and they would probably report to Viola about what we were doing.

If we aren't able to locate all the bombs two or three hours before the time of the explosion, we evacuate everyone. Nobody should be in the building during that time.

The plan was messy, and disorganized. Nothing was certain and it bothered me immensely, but it was what we had to work with. Our base will be in ashes by the end of Tuesday and we'll have to relocate. Zia had already warned the branch in England about what was going to happen, and told them to follow the same plan we had, unless they had something better.

"That's the plan," Vlad concluded, his gruff voice considerably lower this time while everyone remained quiet.

"My father worked years on building this place, now it's all going to ashes and we can't even do anything about it," Zia muttered solemnly.

"That is unless we find the bombs, you all seem to be forgetting that if we find the bombs we wouldn't have to go through with finding a new base right?" Sami remarked sarcastically.

"Sami's right. We need to get the blueprints of the warehouse and apartment building out and start searching out every single corner of these places. Other than the spies, the bombs are our main priorities; we should focus on the bombs more," Damien spoke up in a firm tone.

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