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I seriously hope this chapter isn't as shit as I think it is.

Please excuse any errors :))

Song for this chapter is below 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
Can't Help Falling In Love by Elivs Presley (my personal favourite is the cover by 21 Pilots)

Happy Reading xx



5 years later...

S C A R L E T T 💣


  Harry yelled from across the room, making me frown lightly as I turned to face the direction I heard his voice in. He was standing there in his suit, trying to refrain himself from running his ring-clad fingers through his short hair that was gelled back. I excused myself from the newly weds, Louis and Liam, before taking Alek's hand in mine, and heading over to Harry.

He had a look of worry etched upon his face; dark brows sloped downwards over his gleaming green eyes. I was momentarily reminded of when he used to wear his lip ring and eyebrow piercing. He had taken it off a week before our wedding for reasons he never really told me. He had also cut his hair, and so did I, because I was trying to convince him to cut it since he looked like Chewbacca. But he said he'd only cut it if I would cut mine, so we did.

   "What's wrong?" I questioned with a chuckle, finding some amusement in his panicked state.

   "I can't find the twins," he muttered with a sigh, eyes darting around frantically.

   "They must be around the cake," I told him, before turning to try and spot out the giant wedding cake Louis and Liam had because they wanted to be extra.

  Surely enough, our twin girls were standing there; hand in hand while their free ones were poking at the cake, tasting the frosting. One of them scooped up some frosting and wiped it onto the other one's face, causing her to squeal loudly. Harry followed my gaze, a disapproving frown etching onto his face while he walked over to them. I followed him with a smile of amusement, letting Alek go to play with Xavier, Vicky's son.

   "Mabel, Amara," he called out sternly, earning the girls' attention.

  They both snapped their bright green eyes towards Harry, emitting a squeal of laughter when they saw their father approaching them.

   "Daddy!" they giggled together, raising their frosting covered hands up to beckon him over to carry them. Instead he just towered over them with a stern look on his face.

   "What did I say about touching the cake?" he questioned, crouching down to meet their eyes, even then he still couldn't. They were so tiny and he was like a giant compared to them.

   "I dunno," Amara giggled adorably, before reaching out to grab Harry's face with her hands. He immediately jerked his head back, but unfortunately she didn't miss, staining his face with the white buttercream frosting of the cake.

   "Amara," he growled in annoyance, picking her up and lifting her into the hair, his hands tucked under her armpits as he dangled her into the hair.

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