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HI MY ANGELS! Sorry for the long wait! Please excuse any errors and the shortness of this chapter, more intense ones will come your way!

Happy Reading xx



S C A R L E T T 💣

   "Please, Angel, don't leave me. We can't be separated, because then I'll lose you and I can't live with that, I-I can't! Please stay, I'll sleep on the couch if you want me to and you can take the bed. Anything you want! J-Just don't leave me!" he begged, on the verge of crying before I hushed him, getting down on my knees to reach his eye level.

   "Harry, I would never leave you."

   "But you were gonna go to Louis'-"

   "And I was gonna come back," I responded, making him sniffle and nod vigorously. "I'm sorry, I didn't know what else to do. You weren't acting like yourself, you were acting like...your old self," I said hesitantly. I wondered to myself whether Blake's words affected Harry, which could have caused him to act this way.

   "I know; I don't know why I was acting like that. I was just so angry. Angry I wasn't there to protect you. Angry that you didn't tell me earlier, even though I knew very well that you couldn't. Something came over me, and I'm sorry Scar, I truly am," he apologized sincerely, his explanation helping me understand more now as I nodded in acceptance and pulled him in for a hug.

   "I just thought Blake's words about how soft you've gotten might've affected you and made you want to change again," I muttered lowly as I rested my chin on his shoulder.

   "I would never change back to the person I used to be. However, a part of the person is still inside of me Scarlett, and that was evident today. But I would never let myself go back to the way I was before I met you," Harry said honestly, making me sigh in relief, nodding as I tightened my arms around his neck.

   "I love you, Harry," I told him, turning my head to kiss his cheek. He sighed in relief, hugging my torso tighter before pulling his head back to press his lips firmly against mine.

   "I love you Scarlett. God, I'm so sorry for treating you so roughly," he whispered, cradling my cheek as I smiled lightly and shook my head.

   "That kick in the crotch was payback for it," I couldn't help but mumble, making him crack a tiny smile.

   "I'm sorry," he said again, pulling away from me and standing up.

  Harry cradled my face, pressing a kiss to my forehead and muttering one last apology before moving away to clean up the mess he created. He didn't let me help him with any of it, so I just stood by the side, sometimes going behind his back to pick a few things up. My expression fell when I spotted the broken photo frame that I had dropped when Harry grabbed me. I was caught slightly off-guard when Harry grasped my hips, gazing over my shoulder and frowning at the broken frame.

   "I'm so sorry, I'll get a new one," he sighed heavily, making me nod lightly in response, taking the photo out of the frame and leaving the living room to discard the broken frame.

  After the living room had returned to its normal state, Harry and I decided to hit the hay in order to wake up early tomorrow morning.


   "Scarlett?" Harry whispered into the darkness for the eleventh time, making me let out a small groan of annoyance.

   "Yes Harry," I said tiredly, with my eyes still shut.

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