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I never realised how much I miss writing from Scarlett's POV 😫❤️

Happy Reading xx



S C A R L E T T 💣

"Scarlett, you were my lover."

My lips parted at his words in surprise, feeling even more dreadful for not being able to remember him and feel the same way. However, I was still confused. I had a million questions running through my head but I couldn't find myself asking any one of them because I was so baffled with everything I was learning, even if it was little by little.


"It's okay," he whispered, tugging his lips to the side before staring out at the crowd below. "The Organization know about your plan to take down The Comet tonight."

"What? Why are you telling me this?" I questioned, finding it odd that he was telling me, a member of αήττητος that our opposition knew of our plans and were probably going to stop us now.

"Because, I know you won't warn Viola about us knowing," he said grimly, his eyes flickering to mine before moving back.

"You're right," I nodded. "Only because after what I've learnt tonight, I have no interest in aiding Omega with anything."

"If that's what you want, then you can come with me," he whispered all of a sudden.

My eyes widened at his suggestion, finding it absolutely absurd that he was asking me to just leave like that, with the risk of Omega finding out. Then again, part of me wanted to go with him, learn about my past since Omega was nothing but a big fat lie to me. They never did anything for me; Viola never rescued me according to Harry. I still felt conflicted, unsure of whether he was telling me the truth. There were many signs that proved that he was indeed telling the truth but after being lied to so much I didn't know who to trust anymore.

"Come with you? I-I don't know," I stuttered unsurely, her face contorting in confusion as I was torn between aborting the mission I was supposed to complete with Omega, and leaving with him. "Harry, you know what's going to happen tonight with The Comet, I can't just leave Viola will-"

"Yes, you can Scarlett. If you come with me, you'll be safe, you'll learn about your past. These people took you away from us, tampered with your memories, probably even wiped them away! They've turned you into something completely different from your old self, and if that infuriates me I'm sure it must infuriate you too," he ranted, unable to control his words as my eyes widened significantly.

He swallowed thickly when he realized he probably just overwhelmed me even more and now I was feeling conflicted. But part of me understood it was incredibly hard to get me to understand when I was so clueless about what was going on. I took a step back, my eyes darting from here to there as I tried to contemplate his offer.

"How can I trust you? How do I know you're not out to kill me since Omega is close to tearing down The Organization?" I stammered, saying whatever came to mind. He sighed harshly in frustration.

Suddenly, he dug his ring-clad fingers into his pocket, pulling out a wallet and flipping it open. He pulled a Polaroid out, making me frown in slight confusion before my eyebrows shot up and lips parted. The polaroid consisted of a woman and a man, the man being Harry with his arms wrapped around the waist of the woman, his cherry lips pressed firmly against her cheek lovingly as she smiled at the camera, taking the picture herself. The woman was me.

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