so close to losing my sh*t rn

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wassup y'all

no this is not an update

this is a rant, please keep an open mind while reading this

because I'm just really tired of all the nagging and whining and questions about Scarlett (and many other things)


also, the reaction to the previous chapter was disappointing. like yeah okay a 'HICKY' incident happened but seriously you guys it wasn't even that bad. IT WAS JUST A KISS. he REJECTED her. he REGRETTED it. she felt HURT for getting MIXED SIGNALS. pls get that through your head do I have to spell it out? (For the people who don't understand).

i said there was a happy ending do you really think there would be a happy ending with harry falling for vicky ??? I think not.

another thing, does like no one care that spencer got shot ?????? like ??? he's a human bean who got shot and y'all are worried about a kissing incident that doesn't even matter anymore? where's your compassion? some people did care WHICH I APPRECIATE. but srsly tho I thought the spencer getting shot IN THE EYE was gonna get attention, but clearly I was mistaken.

most of all, I was just sad. idk I was really proud of that chapter, it was intense, and I thought you guys would love it just like i did, despite the action and all that :((((((

there were so many emotions, what with the encounter with Zayn and THE VIOLENCE. some people also didn't like the chapter because there was violence. this is a book about assassins...

some of you are like 'kill vicky she gives me anxiety' (you know who you are) 'turn vicky gay' blah blah blah y so extreme? why am I the only person defending her???

1. ffs harry kissed her first, SHE WAS CLEARLY CONFUSED WHEN HE DID.

2. even if they did kiss, he has the right to move on it's been five months since his freaking girlfriend died, if he wants to mess around a bit LET HIM, if he thinks he'd be happy again if he found love again ISN'T THAT'S WHAT'S IMPORTANT. (this is not gonna happen btw so don't start crying.)

3. he rejected her ???? like he literally said 'you're not her' her being SCARLETT. I'm sorry but if that were me I'd would be embarrassed as fuck, hurt as fuck and angry as fuck WHICH SHE WAS.

but yeah other than that, there's still the thing about Scarlett. I know my A/Ns are shit and boring and long BUT THE NUMEROUS TIMES I'VE ASKED TO JUST WAIT AND STOP ASKING QUESTIONS IS JUST GETTING A LITTLE TOO MUCH.

okay i'm gonna stop now this is getting too long

but in all honesty, i love you guys, without all of you this book wouldn't be popular or loved as much. but you have got to understand that some of your comments get frustrating and i have to speak out like this, even if it seems rude and savage or whatever.

shoutout to those amazing people who understand me and respect what i'm tryna say here. you guys deserve your own harry 💖

pls don't take this the wrong way, after all this is just a book and these are all just fictional characters. but as an author, I hold all these characters close to my heart and sometimes get frustrated when people don't understand them the way I do.

not sure when the next update will be up, usually it depends on the type of reaction I receive from chapters and obviously the previous chapter was sucky which made me feel bad since i was already having a hard time. so it depends on this I guess.

I hope you understand 💖

Until we meet again...


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