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for those who're wondering, no this story is not going down the route of the bucky barnes/winter soldier story. I may have used that one line and the whole dying and coming back to life thing, BUT THAT'S CUZ I'M MARVEL TRASH.

I promise you the rest of what will happen in this story is not just another version of the winter soldier movie. so pls don't think you've already predicted the rest of this story because I can still change things and shift things around.

if you don't know what I'm talking about, ignore this and read on ☺️

up above is Sami Rashidi, a new character who's POV is shown later on in this chapter :)

Happy Reading xx



H A R R Y 🔫

   "Who the hell is Scarlett?"

My mind was sent reeling at her words, unable to comprehend or process the image of her standing in front of me. My eyes blinked once, lips still parted in shock as I tried to remember how to breathe, unable to speak, totally stunned as her words bounced around inside my skull.

"Scarlett," I said again, her name coming out in a mere whisper.

Her eyes flickered to the right before she quickly reached for a gun, lying on the floor and aimed it at me. But I was still in shock, standing there dumbfounded with my gun lowered and eyes widened. Just as she fired it, a body collided with me harshly out of nowhere, knocking me to the ground. It was Seth. But I couldn't care less that she tried to shoot me, she was getting away.

"Scarlett!" I yelled, scrambling to my feet again as she sprinted away before jumping over the edge of the roof.

My breath got caught in my throat when she grabbed the ladder the helicopter had let out, and was hovering around waiting for her. She hung onto the ladder, not climbing up yet as the helicopter flew away, her gazing back at me. My knees buckled as I watched her fly away, me wild-eyed and bewildered as I could only hear one thought loud and clear in my head.

Scarlett was alive.


"He's in shock," Jade stated, putting a hand on my shoulder and squeezing it as a comforting gesture. But my face was still stuck in an incredulous expression, eyes unblinking and staring ahead as my mind ran wild.

"Are you sure it was her?" Damien whispered quietly to Seth, who began to speak up I cut him off.

"It was her. It was Scarlett," I finally spoke firmly, my eyes flitting to Damien.

"He's right, I saw her too," Seth muttered.

We had now returned to Nevada. It was around 1 AM in the morning, but we had to sit in the conference room and ponder over this. Along with Valkyrie, Spencer, Louis and Dexter were here as well. When Jade told them the news, they were almost as shocked as I was; confused even as to how had she survived and managed to stay alive all this time.

"Did she say anything?" Vicky asked softly, her big blue eyes concerned as she huddled close to Spencer and waited for my response.

"I-I said her name, and she said..." I trailed off, shaking my head in disbelief as I felt like crying.

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