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I'm LITERALLY trying my hardest to make this story longer UGH!

Anyways, pls comment my lovelies! It serves as motivation for me to write more chapters and update often ❤️

Happy Reading xx



H A R R Y 💀 (I FINALLY updated my phone and I realised there was a water gun next to his name)

   "What are you doing?" I questioned, noticing how Scarlett was packing a few things away into a small suitcase.

   "Just packing up a few important things, just in case this place goes down in ashes," she mumbled softly, throwing in her journal along with a couple of our photo frames. "Do you have anything specific you wanna throw in here?"

   "Umm my whole closet?"

  She chuckled softly, letting go of an article of clothing and approaching me. Her soft hands cupped my cheeks, lips touching mine in a soft and gentle kiss. My hands held her waist, pulling her closer and molding my lips over hers gently. We pulled away for a short breath, gazing deep into each other's eyes as we both tried to decipher each other's emotions.

   "You okay?" she asked me quietly, eyes showing concern as I nodded slightly.

   "I'm trying to stay positive," I told her, making her smile lightly before nodding.

  Today we were trying to discretely search for the spies; discretely because if the spies find out we're scooping them out they would probably report that to Viola and the whole plan would change. There were a lot of risks we were taking here, but we had no choice. Niall and Zia found the blueprints of the warehouse and apartment building and started sending out people to locate the bombs. Since I've been in The Organization ever since I was three I was one of the people who helped locate the bombs. Even though I knew every crook and nanny of this entire warehouse and apartment building, I couldn't find the bombs.

  I spent the morning doing that as Jade stayed with Scarlett, as her 'bodyguard' just in case Omega decides to randomly ambush us. Nothing was predictable, nothing was certain, and it frustrated me like hell. Words couldn't describe exactly how I was feeling, it was difficult to decipher and I could see Scarlett getting frustrated with it sometimes. But she was patient and understanding, and I appreciated that. I was just worried to be honest, worried about her, and everyone else.

  Scarlett almost died risking her life for me during her first mission, and pretty much did fall off a cliff and survived. What if something happened to her, but this time she doesn't make it out alive? My heart clenched at the thought, my head shaking to make the dark thoughts dissipate. I walked up behind her as she arranged a few personal possessions in the tiny suitcase, wrapping my arms around her waist and hugging her tight.

   "I love you Scarlett," I murmured softly into her ear, tucking my face into the dip of her neck and pressing a kiss to her skin. "Always."

   "I love you too Harry," she whispered, hand coming up to touch my face before she turned around in my grip and engulfed me in a warm tight hug. "Always."

  Hearing her say those words back were like music to my ears; music that I haven't heard in about seven months. To hear them again warmed my heart up, bringing a smile to my lips causing me to hold onto her tighter. There was nothing I wanted more than to take her away right now. I wanted us to run away from all this chaos, to somewhere remote just like she wanted. But we couldn't. Scarlett would never leave her friends in a mess like this. The old me wouldn't have cared, but right now I do care and I too want to stay and help The Organization get through this problem.

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