Chapter two

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Me and Noah hadn't spoken since our last little discussion. He had changed and I don't like who he's become. Before the accident he was being different but now he's completely changed. The sweet Noah that I once knew was gone. Replaced was someone who I didn't recognise as my brother.

I was extremely tired. My father had grounded Noah for two months. He took away his keys to his car just in case, but my father knew that Noah can barely get back in a car, let alone drive it.

"Quinn?!" Someone shouted.
"Yeah?" I shouted back.
"Come down here." They said and I think it was David.

I ran downstairs and found my whole family in the Living room.

"What's this about now? Haven't we had enough family meetings for now?" I snapped.
"Loose the attitude young lady." My father scolded me.

Noah was stood with his arms folded with his back to me. I was just glad I couldn't see his pathetic face.

"Your cousins are going to arrive tonight and all of you will be starting school the next day. However before they come, I would like this situation to be solved." He said.
"What situation?" Fraser asked playing dumb.
"I don't know maybe the fact that none of you are getting along. Noah and Quinn are constantly at each other's necks and don't think I can't tell that you and David aren't getting along."' My father said to Fraser. "And the fact that something is also going on between David and Quinn. You four think I am stupid, but I am not. I understand I can't just tell you to get on after everything, but I expect you to all be civil, especially when your cousins are here. Understand?" My father ranted.
"Yes." We all replied.
"Good. Now Fraser Quinn and Noah you can clean the house up, whilst me and David go and pick your other brother up from the train station. " he was talking about Harry as he had been away go visit my stepdad in prison.
"Daddy can't i come with you?" I asked.
"No! Do as your told." My father shouted. "David, lets go." My father said and they left.

Noah turned around when the door slammed shut. "Oh Daddy can't I come with you?" Noah mocked. "Your pathetic." He continued and started laughing. He walked towards me and pushed past me.
"Wow dude, leave her alone." Fraser said.
"And what are you going to do About it, little brother?" Noah said standing over him. Fraser didn't do anything he just left it.

I sighed. Noah was completely lost.
He's not my brother any more and frankly I don't care. I walked past him trying to leave, but Noah grabbed my arm.

"Your not going anywhere little sister." He told me, now dragging me towards the kitchen.
"Stop being a jerk, why can't you just let me go?!" I snapped.
"Because dad said we have to clean and I'm not going to do it so that means you are going to have to." He told me.

When we reached the kitchen he pushed me towards the sink and told me to start washing the dishes. If he thinks I'm going to be forced to do all the work and let him sit on his arse he's got another thing coming.

"I'm not going to do what you tell me to." I told him.
"Yes you are and you will." Noah told me.
"Why would I?"
"Because of you don't I will make your life at school a living hell. You have my word." He threatened.
"One thing you should know about me Noah, is my ability to hold a grudge. If you stray down the road of making an enemy of me, then if you ever want to come back from this then it will be along time until our relationship can ever be the same."
"Do you think I care about our relationship anymore. As far as I'm concerned, your just the kid my mother decided to take. Maybe if you never existed everything would be alright." He told me.
"Well I'm glad you feel that way. I'm not as weak as I used to be Noah and if you think you saying that is going to destroy me, then your wrong. I'm done with you. I'm not going to clean, you can do it. Go ahead and make my life at school a misery. I can handle it." I responded and left.

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