Chapter thirteen

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Cover above by @ignited_flame789

That night I ended up spending alone with Fraser. My cousins had some clubs or something after school and David had to go and collect assignments as he now started college and Noah kind of spent the night avoiding me locked up in his room. I didn't know what was wrong with him.

Harry went out i think it was all a bit much for him as he was hurt by his own father and abused and it was a lot to process for him. Although it was worse for me it affected him just as bad.

I was sat on the couch in the living room with Fraser. We were watching some kids movie that I loved and never really grew out of. Fraser wasn't that bothered but, I think it was because deep down he was still a little kid and he sometimes acted like one but, I'm not saying anything.

But, every five minutes I felt eyes on me. I began to notice he kept looking at me. I wanted to say something but, didn't know how to. Instead he said something.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. I looked over at him confused.
"I guess." I replied with a shrug.
"Did that all really happen?" He asked.

I nodded and then He sighed.

"I'm sorry." He said.
"What for?"
"For being so awful to you when you first moved in with us. You didn't deserve it, you've been through enough and even i, you're own brother, hurt you. I'm sorry. I shouldn't of done what I did, I should be protecting you." He told me and I smiled at him.

"Fraser, I accept your apology but, I don't need protecting. And siblings always fight maybe not as extreme as what happened between us but, it's not that bad. You didn't break my arm and claim it was because I fell of a swing." I said.

"Well I broke Frasers arm when he was ten and made him tell dad it was because he fell out of a tree." Noah said walking in and sitting the other side of me.

"Dick." Fraser muttered.

"Yeah but, that's siblings. I now understand that a grown man breaking a child's arm, a five year old, is wrong." I said.

"Your right. It was wrong." Noah said looking me in the eye.

"I know." I relied and he placed his hand on my knee and rubbed it.

"But ..I can break Noah's arm in revenge because that's what brothers do." Fraser said launching over me and attacking Noah. Fraser was on top of Noah on the sofa attempting to twist his arm back whilst pinning him down.

"Sis, a little help." Fraser said as Noah was beginning to over power him. I giggled and helped Fraser by sitting on Noah.

"I thought I was your favourite?" Noah said.

"But you broke his arm so it's only fair he breaks yours." I relied.

"Whatever happened to just because they did it to you doesn't mean you should do it to them rule?" Noah asked.

"It went out the window when you even thought I could have favourites. Who do you think I am, a bitch?" I said.

"Don't swear." They both snapped.

"We both know you have favourites, don't try and deny it because we know when your lying." Fraser said.

"Ow! Now that hurts! Get off!" Noah shouted.

"Aw but it's just getting fun!" I said.

"Shut up and get off of me so I can teach you by watching and him by causing him pain that you shouldn't mess with your older brother or it ends in tears." He said.

"Nah, I'm fine where I am." I said with a smirk.
He glared and me and Fraser smiled applying more force.

"Quinn If you don't get off of me Fraser won't be the only one in pain." He warned me.

"That's funny because it's that you right now?" I asked which, made him mad.

"It won't be for long." He said.

He pushed me off of him and I fell off of the sofa and onto the floor and then pushed Fraser back and switching so Noah was now on top of him.

"Now baby sister, which whilst I teach my little brother a lesson. This is why you don't go against your big brother." Noah said smirking.

Him and Fraser started fighting. Well more like Fraser missing and Noah hitting right on target with his punches. They hadn't shifted. Noah was still on top of him and Fraser was trying to break free. Noah kicked him and punched him a couple times and Fraser managed to knee him in the stomach but that was all. "Quinn a little help?" Fraser pleaded.
"Nah I'm good." I said.
"Well that's good because your next." Noah said.

In a second he was off of Fraser on top of me. He punched me but, more playfully than Fraser and no where near as hard as he would of done for anyone else. If he was actually mad it would be a bit harder but he was just play fighting.

"Ow! Noah! Stop!" I said.
"Aw but it's just getting fun!" He said copying what I said earlier.
"Noah! I'll tell!" I shouted.
"But who's there to tell? Davids out and I'm the oldest so I'm in charge. So you got no one." He said.
"Noah!" I whined but, then I kneed him where it hurts and smirked to myself. Then I quickly legged it whilst he was on his knees in pain.

"Your going to got it now!" He shouted chasing after me, I was laughing my head off.

To my surprise Fraser stood in front of the living room door by the and I could see from the top of the stairs that he wouldn't let Noah come after me.

"Fraser move!" He shouted.

"No." Fraser replied. Noah and him exchanged glances and I couldn't quite work out what was going on.

Noah's P.O.V

"Move Fraser." I told him more calmly and quietly than before.
"No, maybe we should lay off of the violence after what happened today." He told me.
"Do you think I'm going to really hurt her?" I asked him. "I'm not angry we're just playing. Look it's just a bit of fun, I wouldn't you really hurt our sister." I explained and he sighed and let me pass. I grinned. Her eyes widened and she sprinted down the upstairs hallway and I ran up the stairs.

By the time I got up there, there was no sign of her. Confused, I walked into the first bedroom. Empty. One by one I checked each room until I got to mine. She was hiding behind the curtain.

"You're not very good at this are you?" I said laughing. She didn't respond.
"Well I'm coming to get you." I told her.

I pulled her out from behind the curtain and began to tickle her. She was in fits of laughter, I didn't realise she was this ticklish.

"Nooaah! Stop!" She screeched between laughs.
"If you say that I'm your favourite." I told her.
"No! Frasers my favourite!" She said smirking. I kept tickling her and she kept laughing.
"Alright I'll just have to continue then." I told her.
"Can't breath." She said and she was no crying from laugher.
"Go on say it."
"Noah you're my favourite!" She shouted and I pulled her up into a hug and she was trying to catch her breath. We hadn't been like this in a while. I had been wanting to hug her so no one could hurt her all day but, i hadn't until now.

"I love you." She told me.
"I love you too." I replied and kissed her forehead.

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