Chapter Sixteen

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I left Fraser and Quinn after I knew she was alright and headed back upstairs where I knew Jacob was. My attempt to calm my self down, but I didn't succeed and the thought that I Was even in this situation, made me more mad.

I kicked the door open to mine and Jacobs bedroom. He saw me and I could tell he was trying to predict what I was going to do next. He stood up and said "please, Noah, calm down." He said. I rolled my eyes and snarled
"You're fucking telling me to calm down?!" I shouted.

He stood up and walked towards me, gesturing with his hands for me to calm down, but it just made me more pissed. "Stop doing that! You dick!" I shouted.
"Stop defending her! Just because she's said all of this doesn't make it true. Why do you believe her anyway? She's lying. None of that happened." Jacob said, I literally think I went red with anger.

"Because she's my fucking sister! Of course I believe her! Why would she lie about this?!" I shouted.

"Because she's a twisted bitch! When I first walked into this house you were in the middle of another argument with her!"

I launched at him. He can't call her anything. How dare he.

I pushed him down and grabbed him started to strangle him. I could tell he was struggling underneath me, but I didn't care. Suddenly, he kicked my stomach from underneath me and pushed me off of him. He didn't do anything though. He just stood up.

"I'm not going to fight you." He said. "Not over her, she's the enemy. We're supposed to be on the same side."

"What the fuck do you mean? I'm not on anyone's side!" I shouted.

"Well right now it seems as though your on her side." He said so calmly, was he purposely trying to wind me up?

"No, I'm defending my little sister from an idiot." I said.

"Exactly. So your on her side."
He said.

"Stop twisting my fucking words! If that makes me on her fucking side, then of course I bloody am!" I seethed.

"Fine! Get out of my room!" He shouted.

"Last time I checked this was our room!" I said.

"I'm not sharing with someone who's loyal to the enemy!"

"You're so childish! This is pathetic! Stop thinking this is a game because it's not."

"Everything is." He stated. "Now get out." He said.

"No you get out! You moved into my house and then into my room! You can go and fucking share in the smaller room with Stefan! I'll share with Fraser because he's my brother and loyal to me, unlike you!" I shouted and he rolled his eyes and left the room.

I smiled. I'd won.

Quinn's p.o.v

I sat in the kitchen with Fraser, he had made himself some pancakes now as well he made me two a swell and I sat eating them besides him.

Just then we heard shouting and it sounded like Noah and Jacob i looked at Fraser. I wanted to go up and stop Noah but Fraser knew what I was thinking. "Don't Quinn. Leave it between them." He told me.
"But it's about me, I've caused this." I said now starting to feel guilty.
"No it's Jacobs fault he did this, not you. I wish they'd just leave and go back to wherever they came from." He stated, making me shocked.
"Why do you want that? They are our cousins." I said.
"Yeah but stefans so annoying he's like he little brother I never had and never wanted - sisters bad enough." He said.
"Just kidding." He told me and held his hands up to mock a surrender. "Yeah but he is like a lost puppy walking around. Then Masons always telling me what to do like he's the boss of me, he's not my older brother or my dad, I don't have to listen to what he says. Same for Jacob and he's an idiot- especially after what he did to you, but I didn't like him before that as he's such a jerk. They should just all get out." He said.

He left me shocked because I thought he liked them all. Stephane sweet, but Frasers right.

"Sorry bro, you're loosing you're room." Noah said walking over to us.

Me and Fraser looked at him confused and he then continued "basically Jacob told me to get out of my room and share with you so I told him to get out since it's my room and house and to share with Stefan, you can share with me. It's not like we haven't shared before." Noah said.

"Ugh but I like my room." Fraser said.

"Yeah well I thought you'd prefer sharing mine because it's bigger." He said.

"Point. Okay yeah I'll switch, but I'm not sleeping by the door." Fraser told him. Noah started laughing

"Don't tell me you've still got that little phobia about sleeping by the door? Because your scared someone will come in at night and kill you." Noah said smirking.


"Oh my god you have haven't you? Aw more little Fraser." He said and ruffled his hair then put him into a head lock.

"Okay! Fine! Just get off of me." He said and he did.

"Yeah it's cool. You can sleep by the door." Noah said smiling.

"No I don't want to sleep by the door!" Fraser said.

"Aren't you scared something will come through the window?" I said.

"Shut up Quinn, you still sleep with the door open a crack because you're scared of the dark!" Fraser snapped.

"Am not!" I argued.

"Yes you are!" They said.

"No I'm not! People just leave my door open, nothing to do with me." I said. The two of them looked at each other evilly.

"Okay let's put it to the test."

Before I knew it I was over Noah's shoulder and going up the stairs. Shit I knew what they were going to do.

We ended up in my room, Noah put me down. He and Fraser stepped away from me weirdly but then I realised as Noah switched the light off and everything went black. I couldn't see them or me. Suddenly something touched me. I sceamed. The light went back on and Fraser and Noah were laughing at me.

"Just admit it." Said Fraser.
"Fine.... I'm scared of... the dark." I said, They smirked.
"Aw baby Quinn's scared of the dark wa wa wa." Said Fraser making pretend baby crying gestures. I rolled my eyes and Noah wrapped his arm around me and we walked out.

Sorry I know I haven't update I've had exams.

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