Chapter fifteen

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Just to clarify this is who shares with who:
Stefan- Fraser
Jacob - Noah
David has his own room and so does Quinn
Mason - Harry


When I got home I found the house was empty so I decided to go and get a little revenge on my lovely two brothers Fraser and Noah. Noah annoyed me because he made me admit that he was my favourite and Frasers a dick so deserves everything he's getting.

I made my way upstairs and entered Frasers room first. I stole his phone charger which I think is pretty clever because unless he steals someone else's that the same as his he's screwed. They'll get annoyed for him steeling theirs and if he doesn't then he'll be annoyed that he can't use his phone. I also stole his chemistry assignment and we were in the same chemistry. It was strange that he'd actually done it because he never did his homework and I've not done mine so it's mine now. He won't bother to do it again and this is my revenge for making me re do the biology and I sucked at chemistry so it helped a lot.

Next I went to Noah's room and went to his bedside table draw. I started rummaging through it.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" Jacob snapped coming into the room, I forgot him and Noah shared.

"Nothing- uh just" I started but, he stopped me.
"What are you doing in our draws?" He started, I thought it was just Noah's? "Why are you going through our stuff?!" He shouted at me.

"It's none of your business!" I snapped, attempting to walk out of the room, away from him.

"Your not going anywhere you little bitch! Have you taken something ?! What's in your hand? Come here!" He shouted at me. I kept walking until I was pulled back.

"Get off of me!" I shouted.

"Don't you talk to me like that! Your going to learn to behave! your such a brat!" He said, he pulled my arms behind my back as if I was being handcuffed and shoved me in their closet. It was pitch black and brought back memories of the basement my stepfather used to lock me in.

Noah's P.O.V.
I was stuck in detention after school with Damon, Jake and Dylan, let's just say our chemistry teacher didn't exactly like her going away present as she was leaving maternity leave. The teacher was out and we were alone.

"So Noah, I hear you're throwing a party on Friday?" Dylan started.
"Yeah, we haven't told many people yet, who told you?" I asked.
"I have my sources." He smirked, he was just trying to get to me. It was probably Jacob.
"Whatever, so you thinking of coming?" I asked.
"If I'm not busy." He said trying to act cool. I laughed.
"You've got no life, you'll be there." Jake residents smirking.
"Shut up!" He snapped and crossed his arms, sitting back in his chair in a huff.

We talked a bit about the party but, Damon was a bit spaced out. He wasn't the type to get into things like Dylan and Jake who can act like teenage girls secretly. Jake was more the player type, the pretty faced guy who was full of himself. He was the typical blonde haired blue eye type of guy.

"Damon? You alright mate?" I asked. He came out of the trance he seemed to be in and turned to look at me.
"Course." He replied bluntly and I decided to leave it there, Damon was a tough guy to figure out.

By the time I got out of detention, Dylan drove us all back and dropped me off first.
I got out of the car and walked up towards my house.

I noticed that all of the cars were in the driveway well except my dad but, everyone else must be home.

when i got in, all i could hear was shouting and crying? i could hear it coming from upstairs so i made my way up there and found everyone except harry and david there, i guess everyone wasn't home. I saw Mason yelling at Jacob, Stefan seemed a bit conflicted like he didn't know who's side to be on but, he was leaning towards mason's. Then all was left was my brother and sister. Fraser seemed fuming but, remained as calm as he could as he held Quinn in his arms aside from our cousins, protecting her but, she was crying.

"what the hell is going on?" i almost shouted. They all turned to me and froze. Quinn didn't look up, Fraser's gaze landed on me but, his expression didn't change. Jacob looked caught or guilty, Stefan had his eyes widened as if i was going to do something and Mason looked like he was also expecting some sort of reaction. I decided to leave my sister to later as she was my top priority but, i needed to understand the situation to be able to be there for her.

"Noah, it's a misunderstanding, its nothing - they've got it all wrong!" Jacob said, trying to convince me of something but, what?

"you fucking liar! Just admit to him what you did!" Fraser shouted.

"Fraser!" i snapped at him cursing. "What's he talking about, Jacob?" i asked, but he didn't respond.

Stefan looked at Mason and then Jacob, expecting at least one of them to say something but, neither of them said a word, i think they were waiting for the other one to make the first move.

"Jacob locked Quinn in a Closet." Stefan said really quickly, i could tell he was scared of what Jacob might do because of his temper.

"Stefan! you little snitch!" Jacob shouted and was about to pounce on him but, Mason stood infront of him and placed his hand on Jacob's chest pushing him back. it was like there was some kind of power struggle between the two of them but, Jacob was no match against Mason. It was rather amusing to see Jacob defeated, he did have a large ego.

"Why the hell did you lock her up in a closet? Why would you do that to her?" i asked, glancing at Quinn. Usually i would of attacked right here and now but, for some reason i trusted Jacob and thought that there must be more to the story. Quinn can be a brat sometimes so what did she do to deserve it?

"Because i found her in our room, going through our things, she deserved it!" Jacob shouted.

"Quinn? Is this true?" i asked, god, i sounded like david trying to be level headed and fair when usually i don't care about that i just lash out.

"i-i was only tr-trying to get you back b-because you annoyed me in school." she said, i smirked remembering what i got her to admit in school. i'm never going to let her forget that but, did she really need to get me back? "i was just fooling around, I'm Sorry." she apologised but, he voice was muffled.

"don't worry about it sis, but how did that lead to you locking her in the closet" i asked Jacob.

"i was trying to teach her a lesson."

"By locking her in a fucking closet?! she didn't deserve that!" i was getting angrier now, he had no right.

"that's not all, she had a panic attack thanks to that bastard as it reminded of her of things that happened before- you know." Fraser said eyeing me. i nodded. My teeth were gritted together now and my fists were clenched. I was known for having a bad temper, just like Jacob. I had to control myself though for Quin.

"you're such a jerk! you fucking idiot." i couldn't, help myself from cursing as i wanted to beat the shit out of him then and there but, i held myself back. Just seemed i decided to let my words do it for me.

i walked over to Quinn and Jacob stormed off and Mason went after him followed by Stefan, probably trying to calm him down before he does something he regrets.

"you alright?" i asked, placing my arm on hers. She nodded. She was still clinging onto Fraser like her life depended on it. "i'm sorry." she told me.

"don't worry about it, now you hungry? lets go and get something to eat, yeah?" i proposed. she nodded and followed me with fraser down the stairs.

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