Chapter Eight

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When Monday came and we were back at s school everything was different. Now it was towards late September and early October and it was autumn was almost here. I love autumn it's my favourite season. Summers too hot and winter is too cold. Spring just drags on and autumn is somewhere in between summer and winter. I also love the leaves falling and Halloween. Much better than summer.

"Quinn, are you ready?" Noah said coming into my room. I was dressed in my school uniform and unfortunately still in deep trouble. You see, David was Beyond mad at me and he hadn't changed his mind on a nights sleep and I was now being treated like a little kid. Noah had come to collect me to take me to school. I'm not allowed to leave the house without David, Noah, Mason, Jacob or Harry. Jacob was driving me and Noah to school and the others were going with Mason.

"Yes I am, why are we leaving so early anyway? We're going to have too much time at school before it actually starts." I said.
"You want to get out of this prison cell we call home, don't you?"He asked me with a smirk. He's got a point, I am being treated like a prisoner. "Plus I've got to talk to the coach" he admitted.
"But to leave this one we are entering another one, commonly known as school." I replied.
"Shut and walk." He said coming over to me and pushing me out my bedroom door.

When the two of us were at the front door and Jacob had joined us we were going to leave but, David stopped us.

"What now?" I snapped.
"Loose the attitude. Now, Quinn. Do you know what you do when the school bell rings, telling you it's time to go home?" He asked me in a patronising way.
"Yesss... I go to the gates and meet Noah and Jacob." I told him in a bored tone.
"Good girl. And if I hear any trouble there will be consequences." He said.

This isn't much of a punishment because they wouldn't let me work home alone anyway. You can't really walk to my house from school and they'd kill me if I got a lift off of a friend.

When we reached school, I jumped out and literally sprinted into school before Jacob or Noah could stop me. I was getting bored of my family's irritating and annoying company. They like controlling me way too much.

"Quinn!" Karli yelled when she saw me.
"Hey." I said as I walked over to her.
"Have you been living under a rock or something? I haven't heard from you in ages." She said to me.
"Feel like it." I muttered. "My brothers cut me off from everything and everyone. I'm grounded." I said.
"Ah well that sucks." Lexi said as she came over to us just hearing the last bit of our conversation.
"Tell me about it." I said.

The bell rang and first period was draining. Until lunch I spent most of my time day dreaming about life. Honestly It went from one thing to the next. When lunch came I was so happy to get out of my draining useless lessons.

"Sorry, Quinn Clark?" The teacher said just as me and Lexi were about to leave to meet Karli.
"Yes?" I said walking over to the teacher and Lexi left the room and waited outside as the teacher gave her a look. "I'm sorry but, do you think you can do me a favour? Can you give this to your brother and this to Jacob." He said.
"Yes but, which brother? I have three at this school." I replied.
"Noah, tell him I want this doing by tomorrow." He said giving the sheets to me and I left the room.

"What was that about?" Lexi asked.
"Brother." I replied. "He wants me to give these sheets to Noah and Jacob." I explained.
"Oh? Why?"
"Don't know must of forgotten to give them to them in their lesson." I said. It was only homework.

Finally it was lunch and I had to find Noah. Eventually, me and Lexi found him at his lunch table and I walked over to him and his friends. I didn't like his friends, they ere the typical boys you'd find in high school. Noah was really popular and his table was very exclusive. They were the typical athletes, jocks and bad boys. The guys who were known for breaking girls hearts or sleeping around. I didn't like Noah's friends at all they seemed scary and intimidating.

"Noah?" I said in a small voice as I went over to him. He was talking to this guy called jack. He turned around to see me and so did the rest of the table, I was now scared. "Hey little sis, what's up?" He asked me. I looked at everyone who was sat at the table, Harry was now sitting with them and so was Jacob. Harry gave me a small smile but, Jacob glared at me. "Uh... My teacher gave me these to give to you and Jacob." I said, still in a small voice. I handed Noah the sheets and he gave Jacob his. "K see ya." I said as quickly as I could and left with lexi.

Lunch was soon over and lessons dragged on as always. Eventually it was the end of the school day and of course I was happy but, I didn't want to go home.

I made my way out of the school building and when to the place where we had agreed to meet. Jacob was there talking to some guy on the football team. Jacob and Noah both played football and were both on the football team. He saw me and watched me carefully whilst continuing his conversation as I went and stood near them.

"Hi...." I said, looking down. I didn't really want to be here alone with Jacob but I had no other choice.
"Who are you?" The football player asked.
"Quinn. I'm Noah's sister and Jacobs cousin." I explained, not making eye contact.
"Oh yeah, I didn't know Noah had a baby sister." He said looking at me smiling. I mentally cringed when he said 'baby sister'. I'm not a baby! "Yes and who are you?" I asked rather rudely which, earned a glare from Jacob but, the football player asked me.
"Aaron Thompson." He said. I smiled politely and disengaged in the conversation whilst they continued talking about sports and whatever else.

Noah was taking forever and Jacob was still talking to that guy. I recieved a text
From Fraser asking where we were because he had No one to walk with because Stefan had ditched him to walk home with Harry. "Hey sis." Fraser said coming over. Fraser
And Jacob acknowledged eachother but, something told me Fraser didn't like Jacob. "Hey Fraser." I said, turning away from Jacob and towards him.
"How come you guys haven't left yet?" He asked me.
"We are waiting for Noah but, i don't know where he is. " I explained.
"I'll text him."

Fraser got a reply saying he was coming and finally he headed towards us in our direction. However he had a black eye and busted lip.

"Noah? What happened?" I asked as he came over to us.
"Nothing you need to worry about." He said to me, looking down on me.
"But Noah, your bleeding. Should we call David? Where's Mason?"
"I gave him the keys to the car we took this morning because he was going somewhere with friends after school or something." Jacob explained. That was why we were walking.
"Leave it Quinn, we're not calling anyone, okay?" Noah snapped and I just left it.

We walked home with me and Fraser walking together in front and Jacob and Noah talking quietly behind.

When we did get home, David was there. Great. "Quinn go up stairs." He said as soon as he saw me. "Wait Noah what happened?" David asked walking over to him.
"I'm fine, nothing happened." Noah said.
"Well something obviously did. What happened? Tell me now." David demanded.
"This guy said something, something about someone and I guess I lost it." Noah said.
"Quinn go Upstairs NOW!" David shouted at me and I sighed and did as I was told.
"Fraser and Jacob leave as well, I want to talk to Noah alone."

Davids P.O.V

"Well? Why did you get in a fight Noah?" I asked him.
"Some guy said something about Quinn.." he said. I clenched my fist.
"What did he say?"
"Him and this guy were talking in the boys locker room about who they wanted to get with and I guess our family name is known around the school. Not many people knew Quinn was our sister I guess they never made the connection until lunch today. Quinn came over to my table and all my friends saw her. Then people started talking. Then when I heard these two guys talking they said they had heard that Noah Clark has a sister. Then the other one started talking and they started talking about doing it with.... Quinn and-" he tried to continue but, i stopped him.
"Okay that's enough." I said. "I hope you best up that bastard so badly that he doesn't even think to look in her direction." I said with a smirk.
"So your not mad? Your not going to tell dad?" He asked surprised.
"You protected our little sister from some pervert. As far as I'm concerned nothing happened. Alright?"
"But one thing." I continued. "Keep an eye
On her in school, we don't want anything bad
To happen to her." I said and he nodded and I then chucked him a bag of ice.

Okay soooooo sooooo sooooo sorry I haven't updated for a while. Been busy with school. I have a bit of writers block with this book so any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I love all of you guys, thankyou sooooooo much❤️

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