Chapter nine

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I thought I'd try something different so let me know if you like it! Thanks for reading ❤️

"Fraser and David! Stop picking on you're sister!" Their mother called out the kitchen window. The two boys rolled their eyes and replied "fine." In a bored tone. They waited until she got into the car and left for work after blowing them kisses to say goodbye. The children were all outside and their father was in the house in his study.

"Please! Please! Please let me play!" Four year old Quinn begged.
"This game is for boys only, no girls allowed!" Fraser snapped, sticking his tongue out at her.
"But mummy said that you have to stop picking on me, stop! Let me play." She said.
"If you can catch the ball!" David said laughing lifting the ball high above her head as she jumped for it.
"That's -no- not- fai-r" she said whilst attempting to jump up and grab it but, she wasn't successful.
"Is" said Fraser.
"Isn't." She argued.
"Both of you stop it! Quinn you can't play because you're a baby." Noah said, finally getting involved as he was just dribbling the basketball like a football.
"I'm not a baby!" She said stomping her foot.
"You are! You cry all the time" said David.
"And you can't sleep without the door wide open."
"Your scared of the dark."
"You can't do anything by your self."
"Your scared of your own shadow."
"Your small."
"Your annoying."
"Okay I get it! Shut up!" She screamed and they all laughed at her.

"What's going on?" There dad said coming out.
"You've done it now!" David snapped In a harsh whisper.


David's P.O.V

I smiled at the memory as I walked up to Quinn's room. "Knock knock." I said opening the door.
"Come in." She said and I walked over to her sat on her bed doing some homework.
"What are you doing?" I asked her.
"Maths homework." She said, not sounding happy about it, I smiled.
"Are you getting on alright? Need any help?" I asked her.
"Yeah- what's the answer to this question?" She asked pointing to a question on her sheet.
"If I told you that, you wouldn't be learning anything, now would you? I can teach you how to work it out though." I offered.
"Fine..." She replied with a sigh.

Masons P.O.V

It was my responsibility to make the dinner tonight and I didn't know where to start. Truth be told I'm not much of a cook. "What you doing?" Harry asked entering the kitchen.
"Figuring out how to work an oven." I relied, rather truthfully because I had no clue how to switch it on. He laughed at me and turned the knob and place the pan over the flame and kinda took over my responsibility.
"You can cook?" I asked rather surprised.
"Yes, I used to make dinner for me and Quinn so I kinda had to learn." He replied. I still don't know his story, I know why he's here but, I don't know everything.

Eventually dinner was ready and I just helped Harry out and let him boss me around for once. He was definitely a better cook than me. "Mmmm something smells good." Quinn said entering the kitchen with David following her.
"Well of course it does because I made it. " Harry stated. Thanks for the credit Harry.
"Oh really?! You haven't cooked in ages!" She turned to the others. "Trust me, he's an amazing cook!" The others just laughed at her because she was getting exited about basically pasta.

We all sat round the dinner table and began to eat. "So how was football?" David asked Noah, taking over the role uncle George would normally do.
"Good, we're definitely on the team." Noah replied a little too confident.
"Yeah we are." Jacob agreed, even though they don't actually know yet.
"Do you think I could Start going to dance lessons at school? Well after school? They've posted a sign up sheet and I want to sign up and-" Quinn asked but, she was interrupted.
"Nope." David, Noah and Fraser all said at once.
"But why not?"
"Dad will never let you do it." Fraser told her.
"Why?" She continued.
"Because it will distract you from you're studies." Noah explained.
"Well you do football." She said. David and Fraser raised their eyebrows at what she had said and looked at each other, then at Noah.
"And do you have any idea how many A's it took me to let me even try out for the team. And if my grades drop I'm out." Noah explained.
"So what I'm hearing is if my grades are good which they are then I'm allowed?" She said smiling like mad.
"Nope." Fraser replied.
"Urghhh. Why?!" She snapped getting allowed.
"Dance is stupid, a waste of time why would we let you do it? Dad won't and neither will we. Well I won't let you. You'll be dancing in tight outfits with boys." Fraser said making me and my brother kind of shocked, we didn't realise how overprotective they are of her but, I understand. As her cousin I wouldn't like to see a performance of that.
Wait isn't that ballet?" Stefan said. Quinn nodded. "Is that the type of dance you want to do?" She nodded.
"Definetly not, you're not going to dress like a slut." (A/N this is not supposed to offend anyone, I did ballet for years and it's just an old fashioned view of ballet)
"But-" she tried to continue but, they wouldn't let her.
"Over my dead body." Fraser said rather dramatically.

I know it's short. Sorry. Okay running low on ideas, is there anything you would like to see happen? Or see more of? Please let me know and I hope you liked it❤️

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