Chapter Four- Old Friends-1

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Chapter four

Friday, best day well night of the week, don't you think? Well I do and I love it!!!!

"So Quinn, seeing as though uncle George is away for the weekend, it sounds like your brothers and my brothers are throwing a party." Stefan informed me as we walked through the halls of our school.

Okay, so you may be thinking that my family have already been here a week and we're already throwing a party? Well Noah and Jacob have officially become the schools players and bad boys. People think Jacobs more of the player and Noah's more of the bad boy. However I have heard of some rumours going around about how Jacobs already either made out with five girls and hooked up with four. Noah hasn't been so active,
He's made out with four and slept with none as far as I know. I am his little sister and you don't exactly go around telling your little sister who you recently hooked up with do you?
Exactly. Not to mention the fact me and Noah don't talk like at all, ever. Same for me and Jacob, Noah's officially turned him against me. Although, what shocked me the most is how Stefan is on m side completely. Him and Jacob have fallen out, just like me and Noah, just not as extreme.

"I heard a rumour." I told him. Mine and Noah's relationship has become that bad that I don't even know that tonight my house is going to be filled with drunken teenagers.

Hasn't Noah learned his lesson from the last time he got wasted?! He was almost killed!! You'd think that would put someone off of alcohol for good, wouldn't you? But no.

"Mason was telling me last night, after you had gone to bed." He explained.
"And what exactly are they planning?" I asked, wanting him to continue.
"Nothing extravagant. Just like any other party. I know that Jacob, Noah,
Fraser and mason have been spreading the word around. Basically the whole school is coming." I nodded.
"I don't want the whole school to be at
My house." I replied.
"Why are you bothered? Do you not like parties or something?" He asked me.
"Something like that." I replied, remembering the last one.
"So lets not go." He suggested.
"How can we not go to a party that's at our house?" I questioned curious.
"Let's just go out for the night, we could go bowling and invite
Some friends?" He offered.
"I'm sorry, that sounds great and all, but you are going to the party. I'm not taking that away from you. I will go to Karli's house or lexi's, can you cover for me? I know my David wont let me leave the house as I'm his repsoniblity and mason shares it. You were right, your brother is quite controlling." I said and he laughed.
"I'm glad I have someone that agrees with me." He said smirking and put his arm aroun my shoulder.

Me and stefan walked to the cafeteria and I left stefan as he went to go and sit with Fraser and their friends. As soon as stefan was gone, I grabbed karli and lexi. I took them both outside, where we could be alone and we ended up sitting at the top of an empty bleacher.

"What's this about Quinn?" My blonde haired friend, karli asked me.
"I need to ask you both a favour." I confessed.
"Anything, of course! What's up Quinn?"
"You see, I have an old friend that I want to visit. I have three old friends I want to see." I told them.
"Aw Quinn are you home sick?" Karli said sympathetically.
"Not really, but your on the right lines."
"Spit it out then" lexi demanded, being direct and getting straight to te point. That's lexi for you.
"My brothers and cousins are having a party and its the perfect time for me to slip out without them noticing." I explained.
"A party?! Isn't that the one I heard about, can we come?!" Karli said exited, forgetting everything.
"They have parties all the time, you won't miss anything. I need this favour, you can come to the next
One." I promised.
"You better keep your word." She Said sternly, but I could tell she was trying not to smile.
"Anyway, what's the plan?" Lexi asked not caring if she could go to a stupid party or not.
"I'm going to leave school towards the end of lunch. You two will cover as one of you at least are in my lessons. Luckily I bought my purse with me to school today, so I have enough money to get here and back. Tonight can you two have a sleepover? And when I'm done ill come back and stay the night at yours. Stefan will cover me at home. You two will tell anyone if they ask, that I was at yours the whole night. Can we do it?" I finally finished.
"Yes! I love sleepovers, we can have it at my house!" Karli offered.
"Thanks karli! " I replied.
"What's the time limit though? We need an idea of when you will be back." Lexi said.
"Midnight." I told her and we all agreed with my plan.

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