Chapter 3: Proposals...

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    Cass looked drop dead gorgeous when I picked her up at 8. Her hair was straightened, makeup was perfect, her dress shined in the light, and her shoes dazzled. "I know I will be traveling in a few hours, but I have to make these next hours the best with my Coley bear," Cass cooed as we passionately kissed. I felt sparks like I always did, but not as strongly this time around. Her eyeliner and perfume reminded me of Dalton, and I started to smile for no reason like a freakin idiot. Stop it brain...
    Cass giggled and swung her purse around, saying sweetly, "Let's go Coca Cola."
    I smiled weakly at her and patted my pocket one last time for the box. We got into the car and listened to Cass' favorite tones. Dalton hates this song I thought as she screamed to One Direction's Best Song Ever. We passed Chipotle, and I was instantly reminded of Dalton spitting over a mic while deeply and a little too dramatically replying to an interview, "Chipotle burritos," and the explosion of burritos just a few hours ago. I stifled in laugher.
    Dinner was awkward. Cass was mainly on her phone and I got glimpses of Eben's Instagram. I wonder why.. When I would ask, Cass would laugh and put her phone away, but when she thought I wasn't looking she would take it out again.
    All during the resteraunt I could just not stop thinking about Dalton. I missed him alot, and I started to blush violently when I saw a little kid scream playfully to another one in the kid's area, "LET ME LOVE YOU!"
    That reminded me of when Dalton wanted to hug me but he was already hugging me. I shook my head and felt tears form above my eyes. What was wrong with me...
    Cass suddenly snapped up from her phone, concerned. "What's wrong baby?" she asked quietly.
    That was when I decided to go on one knee and propose to her. "I love you so much Cass, be mine and marry me," I quickly said as I grabbed the diamond from my pocket.
    Cass dropped her phone and started to scream, "YES COLE! HOLY SHIT YES! AHHHHH MY COLEY BEAR!!! SCREW BERMUDA I'M STAYING!"
    People clapped as we hugged and kissed passionately. We took a selfie for Instagram and Cass could not stop shaking.She kept hugging and kissing me and loving me. Trust me, I loved it, but it became to a point where I felt no sparks or no magic. Once I dropped Cass at home, I ran up to my room and slammed the door is disgust. I was supposed to be happy, she said yes. But why did it feel so wrong?
    I tried to text Dalton but he wouldn't reply. I flopped onto my bed with mixed emotions. At least Cass was staying now, but still: I wanted to be alone. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "COLE YOUR FRIENDS ARE HERE!" my mom screamed.
    I flew out of my room and crashed into Dana, Will, and Gabe. They were all grinning like idiots. "CONGRATS BRO!!!!!" they all screamed.
    "Thanks guys!" I smiled. Will grabbed a cake from his bag and screamed, "LET'S PARTY WITH THE FEW HOURS WE HAVE LEFT IN LA!!!'
    Luckily my family left all four of us alone so that we could nonstop party. Dana and Gabe got into a huge food fight, but Will noticed that something was up. I kept looking away from the selfie with Cass, avoiding the subject, and blushing whenever Dalton's name came up.
    I excused myself from the party and went out to look at the stars. I wondered if Dalton was looking at them...
Going to Texas was a big mistake. On the whole plane ride, I could not stop thinking about Cole. Was he okay? How did it go? I left terrible by leaving him so suddenly, but my thoughts were scaring the crap out of me. I tried to not think about Cole, but it was so hard to not think about those chocolate brown eyes...
    I called five people Cole, including Madi at the airport. Seeing her again made my head feel cold and my head swirl. When we kissed, there was absolutely no magic or sparks or anything!
    Sure, I got down on one knee and proposed, but I felt worthless. I really didn't put my heart into it, and I just wanted to be alone. As I went down on one knee, a guy came around and grabbed Madi and shoving his lips onto hers. I gasped in horror.
    Madi shoved him away, but the guy crooked a smile and replied, "C'mon baby! We had SOO much fun last night! Let's do it again tonight!"
    He then wiped out his phone and showed her photos. Extremely, extremely disturbing photos. "SO GOOD!" he screamed, "RIGHT LILY BOO?"
    I ran back onto the plane, back where I came from. A flight attendant questioned me, but I shot her the dirtiest, nastiest look I had ever given someone. I took someone's seat and cried into my hands on the way back to LA. I felt worthless. I had no purpose. As I scrolled through my phone, I saw Cass and Cole smiling and Cass wore the ring Cole and I had picked out hours before. I screamed in silence and threw my phone on the ground.
As soon as I got back home, I sprinted to nowhere. I had no idea where I was going, or who I was or my purpose. I followed roads and I didn't care what happened. Cole was taken. Madi cheated. My family will be so disappointed. I found a rusty old knife on the side of street.  Perfect I thought evilly. I ran to a nearby park and started to stab myself. No one was around, no one knew, no one cared. I fell on the ground, blood leaving my body and rust poisoning my bloodstream. I curled up into a ball just in time to hear someone scream. I looked up and saw Cole holding my knife. He whispered ,"Uh oh," and stabbed himself right in the chest. He fell in my arms.
I woke up screaming. It was just a normal day. I was in Madi's home. I was not outside. Cole was not dead, but it sure in hell didn't feel like that.  I felt flushed and ran to the bathroom to vomit in fear. I was shaking and crying and holding myself, trying to calm down. I spotted a razor nearby. I snached it and started to rip skin like crazy. I screamed again and vomited up more blood. It was a bloody mess.
I honestly had no idea what happened. Ever since I proposed to Madi a few days ago at the airport, I have been getting so many bad nightmares. Seeing Cole and Cass so happy burned my soul. She said yes. That killed me. I didn't know why I was so jealous. What was I so jealous about? Everyday I tried to be happy, but I couldn't stop thinking about beautiful Cole. Why? WHY? That night was the worst. I hadn't cut in ages, and now its back? Why can't I just get my feelings straight? WHY AM I FEELING THIS WAY. These feelings about Cole were ripping my life apart.
Madi came running through the door and screamed,"HOLY CRAP DALTON!!!! WHAT HAPPENED??" She immediately called 911 and held me close as I shook violently and continued to vomit up blood. I was going to die in the arms of someone I didn't even love anymore....

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