Chapter 4: Burning Feelings

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The days after proposing to Cass have honestly been the best times of my life. I completely forgot about Dalton and just focused on my beautiful future wife. We did everything together to a point where I completely forgot about the work I had to do for Eben. Everyday was a gift. Everyday until a few days before work.
It started off as a normal day. I woke up right next to my princess, and we hugged softly before I got up to get ready for the day. Gabe and Dana were also coming back today, so it was going to be exciting to hang out with them. As I was in the bathroom, shaving, my phone rang. I looked at the number and it was Dalton's.
My heart immediately started to race and my palms began to sweat. I tried to ignore these strange interactions, and I just assumed that I was excited to talk to him again.
I picked up the phone and said, "Hey Dalton! It's been awhile!"
I was replied by heavy breathing, screaming, and sirens. I gripped the phone, suddenly concerned. "D-Dalton? Are you okay?" I asked. No reply. The sirens got louder, and I heard Dalton scream in agony with the statical sound of a flushing toilet. "DALTON?" I screamed into the phone. "HEY!" suddenly I heard ruffling and an officer replied to me, "Boy, your friend is in grave conditions. Shut the hell up," and the line went dead.
My breathing quickly rappined. I started to shake violently. What was going on with Dalton? I thought fearfully. Oh my god, he's dying.
I tried to contact Madi, but she wouldn't pick up her phone. No, no. I started to cry angrily and I knew what I had to do. I grabbed cash from the drawer and ran away. "Cole? Is everything okay?" Cass called from the bedroom. I yelled back, "I have t-to go. I will be back soon."
Before she could make any other comments, I sprinted into my car and drove the airport. I felt like it was my duty to find Dalton. I was extremely concerned about my boyf- buddy and I felt like if I didn't go, something terrible was going to endure. I really cared about him and I was not ready to lose Colton. Colton. I was never going to ever lose that.
I choked back tears and tried to drive as fast as I could. Once I arrived, I payed for a ticket for Dallas and boarded the plane. I'm coming buddy I cried into my hands as I flew past LA.
Once I arrived a few breathtaking hours later, I called Uber to the Dallas Hospital. I cried and screamed into my seatthe whole way there. I was extremely lightheaded and dizzy. What is he already died? What if it's too late? I remembered every UStream we had. His hugs. His laugh. His smile. His eyes. He was so freakin hot. Uhh...I could not believe I had just thought that. I can't lose him now...
I threw myself out of the car and gave my money to the driver. I didn't have enough money for the full ride, so the driver gave me instructions. I tried to read them, but my brain was so fried that I kept getting lost. Of course, no one would help. This traveling took so much time. I forgot what day it was and fell asleep on a random bench for who knows how long. I knew it was a pretty long time, for I smelt and looked terrible. I was dying of hunger and thirst, but I had one mission: to find Dalton.
After a few more days of prancing around Dallas, I finally found a hospital. I ran to the desk, smelling terrible, my hair was a wreck, my eyes bloodshot, and my skin was as pale as a ghost. When I asked for Rapattoni, the nurse threw me a dirty glare and replied horsley, "Idiot there is no Rapattoni here."
I was at the wrong hospital. "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?" I screamed at the nurse.
She nodded and snarled back, "You DO NOT use that language in this area. There is another hospital an hour walking distance away. Here's a map to get there."
She threw me a map and I snached it and ran away, trying my hardest to follow the directions. It was getting dark, rainy, and my eyes were spilled with tears. I tried to ask people on the street, but no one dared to help me.
After many hours of wandering,sleeping, and trying to live off of dirty water and no food, I finally arrived to the other hospital. I approached the desk lady and she threw me a horrified glare at my condition until she asked, "Yes?"
"Rapattoni," I muttered, leaning over the counter, trying to catch my breath. The nurse typed something into her computer before shaking her hand and whispering, "No visitors at this time. Come back tomorrow."
I got so fed up that I slammed my fists onto the counter and snarled angrily, "YOU LET ME SEE MY GODDAMN BEST FRIEND RIGHT NOW YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE HELL I HAVE BEEN THROUGH THESE PAST FEW DAYS JUST PLEASE," I fell onto the floor and begged. "Cole?"
I looked up and saw Kiva. "KIVA???"
"COLE! HOW DID YOU GET HERE?" she said and hugged me tightly. I cried into her shoulders and sobbed, "Dalton butt dialed me during the time the paramedics came to his house, and I grew extremely concerned. H-he's my b-best frieend."
Kiva held me close as I continued to cry. " Once I heard the news me, the girls, and Fran got immediate tickets to Dallas. Thank God Madi cared enough to tell us. We got here a few hours ago and it is just.. Terrible. He kept saying your name repeatedly and we were going to get you but we knew that you were in LA but... you came just for this?"
I nodded my head and cried, "May I please see him?"
Kiva took my head, left the desk lady in awe, and brought me to Dalton's room.
I have no memory beyond the point of the bathroom. When I opened my eyes and saw my family crying and screaming on my lap, I honestly thought I was dead until a nurse in the back screamed, "JESUS CHRIST HE'S ALIVE!!!"
Ever since that I was up and running. I had a large stomach ulcer that caused the bleeding, but I refused to tell anyone why I had cut myself with Madi's razor. All I wanted was Cole. I wanted to tell him why I started to cut, but then realized I had no idea why. I wasn't angry, and I had nothing to be jealous of. I already got the girl of my dreams, but I needed that boy. I was worried beyond hell when Cass called Madi and told her that he ran away.
"RAN AWAY?" I screeched. Madi nodded and I sobbed angry tears into her shirt. I haven't been the same ever since. I would stare out the window, and every person looked like Cole. I refused to eat or take my meds. I was so on the verge of just ending it all: I would probably never seen Cole again anyway. I had become so depressed that no one could make me smile or laugh or even crack a grin. I wore myself thin and had restless nights until I was too sleepily to keep my eyes opened for any longer. . I was sleeping until I heard a soft voice. A very distinct voice... Cole.
"Oh, oh my god," I heard Cole break down as he crashed into something. "D-Dalton," he sobbed.
My eyes snapped open and had to be playing tricks on me. Was Cole Pendery really next to my bed? When I touched his hand, I screamed, "COLE!!!!!!!!"
"DALTON!!!!!!!" he screamed back. I jumped out of bed and ran into his arms. Cole looked terrible. His face was ghostly, eyes bloodshot, hair full of dirt, and he smelt like crap. But he was all that I needed right now. I was more happy now than I was seeing Madi. But why.....
Seeing him in that condition made my heart stop cold. I gasped in horror and ran over to his bed, holding his soft hand and admiring him sleeping so soundly. The monitor beeped happily, relieving some stress, for Dalton was not dead. Suddenly Dalton's eyes popped open, widened when they saw me, and he screamed, "COLE??!!"
"DALTON!!!!!!" I screamed back. He jumped out of his bed and latched his arms onto mine. My bro was okay. I held him tight and we cried into each other's arms. "I missed you so much," Dalton sobbed.
"I missed you too," I replied.
It felt so good to hold Dalton again. It felt like I never had before and I felt a few sparks... Wait.. I could recognize these feelings from anywhere... No, no way. I simply ignored it and broke my hug with Dalton. He sat me down, and we caught up on our past week.
"So you two are engaged," I smiled warmly for him. But why did it feel so forced...
Dalton nodded and stared at his bandages. Bandages? Oh no... "Dalton..."I whispered quietly.
Tears formed under Dalton's eyes as he looked at me with pain. "I just want it to end Cole. I can't do this anymore."
I held him close again on his hospital bed, Dalton crying in my arms, me petting his crazy hair. After letting go, I looked into his eyes, and woah...
"Why," I asked softly.
Dalton just shook his head and promised, "I will try not to do it again."
After he said that, I scooted closer to meet with his brilliant blue eyes. His lips twitched lightly and his eyes were intensely locked onto mine. I started to sweat as we moved closer and closer. I couldn't help it: it was like a drug. Just as our lips were about to meet...
Will and Dana came crashing through the room. I threw myself backwards as all reality hit while they symmetrically screamed, "DALTON!" I threw him a naughty smile and he stuck his tongue out at me. But what the fucking hell was that... 
After hugs and more crying, we all sat around and talked. Dalton and Dana were in a heated conversation about hockey. Dalton would occasionally glance up at me and catch me staring at him. He and I would then blush and look away. What was actually wrong with me. No, nothing at all. Dalton was straight, and I was straight. We were both engaged and happy. That was the way it was going to be. But almost kissing, well, that really changed the game. I debated so many things but assumed non of them were real. It was just a mistake: I'm sure it was nothing... Right?
After a few hours of hanging out, Will noticed our strange interactions and motioned for me to talk in the hall. This cannot end well...

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