Chapter 6: Sound of Silence

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    It felt so wonderful to see Cole and live in his presence again. Cass and Eben also came, which slightly confused me, but I pushed my thoughts aside. Will and Cole went out to talk, but when they came back, Cole wouldn't look at me. Whenever I said something or even smiled, he would blush violently, which made me blush. What is wrong with me?
    Eben explained to us what was going on and that we were leaving tonight for LA. I was pumped to get out of here, for I hate hospitals. I couldn't wait to put these feelings aside and try to work things out. I'm sure this is no big deal; I still loved Madi, and I was straight.
Thinking about traveling with Cole, however, made me feel lightheaded and dizzy. I tried to make eye contact with Cole to make sure that everything was okay, but I couldn't stop staring into those chocolate brown eyes...
    Cass then came over and planted her lips on Cole's. I looked away and cringed slightly. I couldn't help it. Girl, get off my best friend. I simply sat there as Madi protectively hugged me and the others chatted with Eben about the new music video. But all I wanted was to be alone, and just to talk to someone, anyone...
    I couldn't think straight as I walked back to the room with Will. I had a crush on my best friend. Dalton. The guy who was engaged to someone else. The thought of that burned a hole through my heart, and I sighed in sadness. Will caught on and said softly, "Hey, give it a few days. Maybe your feelings will go away. Just remember, things between you and Dalton are going to get awkward."
    I nodded and stared at the ground. I heard someone familiar in Dalton's room. I could tell automatically that the laugh that echoed from Room 13 was no other than Cass. I swear to God, if she heard the conversation...
    Once I entered the room, Dalton smiled at my presence, and I felt myself blush violently and looked at the ground. Eben was in there, and he said, "Good to see you Cole. Congrats on the engagement. I see that all of us are here except for Gabe, who is coming back from Florida to LA tomorrow. I have ordered a private jet to take us home tonight. You are now dismissed from the hospital, correct Mr. Rapattoni?"
    Dalton nodded, and Eben clapped his hands together and piped, "Get ready now. The plane will be here in a few hours. I will let ya'll know when it's time to head over to the airport"
    Once Eben was done speaking, Cass noticed me and ran over to kiss me. "I was soo worried baby and I am glad to see you again," Cass cooed.
    "You too," I lied and faked, yet again, another smile. Dalton caught onto this one and crooked his head. I just shook my head and dismissed it, daring not to look into his beautiful eyes. I needed to talk to him, just to get him to understand.
    Just as I was about to say something to Dalton, Cass came up to me, closer than she already was, and whispered in my ear, "Let's talk outside."
    I was extremely uncomfortable with Cass being that close and really didn't feel like talking, but nonetheless I moaned and walked out to the hallway with her.
    She pulled me close and away from the traffic and immediately started to kiss me. She had me up on the wall, and I squirmed uncomfortably. Cass broke the kiss and frowned at me. "What's wrong Coley? You love these kisses," she pouted.
    I stared at her and shook my head sadly. Cass' expression changed from concerned to grim. "Do you know what Madi told me today?" Cass snarled.
    "What?" I questioned. Usually when Madi tells Cass something, it's not good.
    Cass looked around anxiously before whispering, "She told me that Dalton told her that you were set up. Dalton doesn't really like you. He just wanted more people to mourn around his bed. Do you know how shallow Dalton really is? He always gets his way, and Madi is practically his slave. He is using you as a toy. Do you really think he had cares about you and this whole Colton thing? NO. He does it for money you idiot. He does it for the fame and the fans. He honestly doesn't give a shit about you."
    I stumbled back, stuttering, "N-no... Not the Dalton I-I know..."
    "Madi doesn't lie. Oh, and Dalton's on drugs. Practically everyone knew that one. He said  that he was cutting himself because of how much he hates you. Every strike of that razor was meant for your face. Thought I would tell you, just in case Dalton is a little psycho. Oh wait, he's an emo bitch. He even bit me before when no one was looking," Cass continued and showed me a bite mark on her hand.
    My head started to spin, and I had to grab something to keep balance, "So Dalton lied to me this whole time? Our friendship was a joke to him?" I hissed.
    When Cass nodded, I angrily stomped into the nearest bathroom and threw myself into the stall, not caring if others were staring. I cannot believe I wasted all of my time just to visit some shallow freak who didn't actually love me. Any feelings that I had for him washed away as I angrily sobbed on the toilet seat. I was done and would never, ever speak to Dalton Rapattoni again. 
    Cole and Cass left the room while Eben and the boys went to fetch food. My parents and sisters went home and were planning on flying back to LA in a few days, just to spend time in our home ville. I chilled in bed, dying to tell someone my crushing feelings that were eating my life away. Cass and Cole then returned. My face brightened when I saw them.
    I smiled brightly at Cole, who gave me a cold shoulder and grabbed Cass, whispering, "Let's find the others. Get me out of this nuthouse."
    Cole then stomped away with no goodbye while Cass threw me a smug smile before running off to fetch her fiance. What. The Hell. Did Cole hate me now? What did I do? Did he not notice me? Did I saw something? I flopped my head onto my pillow, drowning in all of my problems that no one dared to listen to.
    As Cole and I wandered around dining area of the hospital, I texted Eben, telling him about Cole's feelings for Dalton and how I broke it up.'   
    Eben replied to me immediately, saying, Very nice work baby. I'll give the boys a few more days off so that we can have some fun ;)
    I grinned at the phone and turned it off, just so Cole wouldn't get suspicious. My plan had worked. Cole was never going to go near Dalton again, so Eben was all gold and all mine...

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