Chapter 18: You Can't Separate Our Magnetic Pulse

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I heard his voice. It was dark and husky, and had flavors of anger trailed into it. Dalton's face froze, and we looked at each other sympathetically, silencing giving each other reassured looks until Eben snapped coldly, "Didn't I say something guys. Didn't I say no attractions? Huh? I think I remember myself VERY WELL boys! VERY WELL? Now what the actual HELL is going on?"

Dalton started to whimper up something, his blue eyes dissolving hope and were filled with immense pain. Eben shook his head and snarled, "Save it, Dalton. I know exactly what's going on. And it's going to stop. NOW. You two are not allowed near each other at all times. You will be watched during UStreams, when we transport, and what not. I would throw one of you out of the band, but that would just ruin MY hard work. If I EVER catch you two again, I swear to God I will make your life and your career a living hell. I have the power boys; play by MY rules or you'll GET IT. Goodbye. I guess I will have to WALK you BACK to the hotel like LITTLE BABIES. Get in the car NOW."

Silent tears streamed down Dalton's face. He was broken, and the little light I had given him died out. It shouldn't be this way. It wasn't fair. No. It was not going to end like this. Seeing Dalton in pain stabbed me in the heart, forcing me to drench blood from my poorly shaken body and sadly get tossed into a river of chains and heartbreaks. Unfortunately, I could only cry out, "You can't separate us if it's true love!"

Eben turned back, a nasty, nasty grim expression planted on his face. His crooked teeth turned into a poor excuse of a grin as he hissed, "I already have."
Dalton cried the entire way home. I was forced to sit in the front, my head snapped forward as my heart wrenched open. I heard his soft whimpers and low sobs and could feel literally feel his salty tears landing onto my bare arms. I caught his reflection in the window, and saw him with his head in his legs, not allowing any light to touch his eyes. My heart broke. I could taste metallic blood in my mouth. I wanted to punch Eben so badly, scream and cry and rant and not listen...

But that would ruin every single one of Dalton's chances for fame. I couldn't do that to my little angel. The one who showed me the light. The one who gave me love. My soul mate was right behind me, vigorously shaking and screaming and crying. And there was nothing I could do about it.


I watched the entire scene from my bedroom window, smirking silently. I had a new plan, and this one was a lot better than anything Eben had to offer. During his little parade to fix Colton, I stalked Dalton online. I was able to hack into his files and learned some insane things about the kid. But what caught my eye was how rich he was. His father was secretly an entrepreneur, and made millions per year. The family secretly lived in wealth, and they just donated all of their money to charity.

A new thought played into my brain. Quite cruel, but in the end, I would get what I wanted. This plan could work perfectly with Eben's plan, and then at the very end, I make my own move. I laughed silently as I watched a sorry looking Dalton and Cole get booted out of Eben's car and shoved into the hotel lobby. I quickly slid off my bed and went down to the lobby, pretending to be confused when I saw the guys.

"What's up?" I asked, walking up to Cole and giving him a big kiss on the cheek. Both Cole and Dalton stuffed up, but Eben just nodded his head. So the plan did work. I silently congratulated myself as I pretended to crock my head in confusion. A flustered Eben snarled, "Cole, you are sleeping with Cass tonight. Dalton, you are sleeping with Madi tonight. Now let's just forget this mess and move on. Don't you dare let me catch you again."

With that, he spun on his heel and stormed off. Dalton choked back tears and ran to the elevator. Cole's face dropped further than it was and he looked at me sadly. "Guess we are together tonight?"

I smiled happily, even though my insides sang, That's what you think. Now if all goes to plan, it should start off with Dalton's little depression...


"Dalton, please let me in. It's freakin cold and I need somewhere to sleep!" Madi cried, banging on the door again. I couldn't move. After Cole and I were thrown back into the hotel, we were forced to sleep in different rooms. We weren't allowed to see each other at all during the ride home, and once we got back to LA,I flew onto my bed in my room, blasting music and screaming in darkness. I didn't want to be near anyone, yet all I wanted was Cole. I yearned for his touch, his comfort, his love. I couldn't bare to see my fake lover at this time of despair. I didn't want anyone, anything, anymore. I just wanted him. Madi had no where to stay and was currently throwing rocks and yelling from the window.

"Go away!" I screamed, throwing a pillow at the door and snarling at it. I heard Madi back up and whispered quietly, "Okay, Dalton. As you wish."

As she left, the temptation to cut grew real. But then, Cole's perfect face and perfect smile and perfect everything popped into my head. I couldn't break the smile. Ever, ever, ever. My thoughts slowly decreased as I soothed myself with Colton thoughts. I felt his love and his presence, his soft words of It's Okay. Something inside of me sparked, kind of like striking a match.

Cole definitely strikes a match across my heart I thought happily. Suddenly, a song idea popped in my head. I smiled and grinned and wrote about our ups and downs in a song. I felt the lyrics and they felt so true. I smiled proudly at my work and placed it my my bed side so I can show Cole tomorrow. I knew that I somehow could.

Just as I was about to fall asleep, my phone exploded. I got so many tweets and questions and an explosion of photos. I only needed to see one photo, and before I knew it, my phone was across the room, broken and shattered. Smothered into pieces.

Just like my feelings for Cole.


I sat with Cole on the couch. His head was in his hands and he was whispering words I couldn't make out. But I knew Madi was going to be here soon. She had to be... A few seconds later I heard a knock.

"Door's open!" I sang out, and a very pissed Madi walked through the door. "Unbelievable!" She spat. I pretended to be confused. "You look flustered, why don't you sit down?" I asked, gesturing for her to sit down next to Cole. She sat down, right next to the rim of the couch, and close enough to Cole. I winked at the window and saw that the camera was ready. "Oh Madi! Why don't you move over?" I proclaimed loudly, shoving her into Cole. She fell on top of Cole, and their lips connected. I looked over to the window, and once I saw the thumbs up, I knew I was gold.

"I'm so-so sorry!" Madi squealed, jumping up. Cole's eyes were widened in fear, as if he just kissed Satan. I tried my hardest to hold back laughter. "Whoops!" I shrugged happily, lightly punching an extremely concerned Cole in the arm. He looked down at his phone and dropped it. "OH MY ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed loudly, jumping up and running off to somewhere.

I grinned wickedly. Colton would soon fall faster than the ball on New Years Day.

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