Chapter 16: Quite an Explanation

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So many of you guys really liked the last chapter! I feel honored to post this next update haha, but thank ya'll so much! It really means a lot that people care about what I write :D


"What the hell happened?" all realization hit me in the face faster than a trunk on a speedway. I instantly broke my warm, tender hug with Dalton and spun around to deal with the unfortunate truth. Gabe and Dana's faces darkened as Dalton and I blushed violently.

I cleared my throat, and Will broke their intense glares by casually saying, "Uh... Colton no bromance, all romance?"
I shot Will the direst death glare as Dalton stammered, "I-I... Like.. Cole... and we are... dat..."

"We are umm... Yeah..," I stared at the ground and moved my foot uncomfortably. I tried to say something else, but Gabe cut me off.

"So let me get this straight, you two like each other and are secretly dating," he questioned to us. Dalton and I looked at each other and exchanged weak smiles. I took his hand and shrugged, "He's my love."

"GIVE IT TO ME GABE!" Dana smirked as him and Gabe smacked high five. Dalton and I crooked our heads in confusion as Will's eyes widened and he almost spat out the insane amount of Nutella flooding from his mouth. "Wat the fuck..." he stammered. I couldn't help but giggle at his stupid actions.

Gabe then turned to all of us and said, "Dana and I have been noticing your strange little actions, and we both thought that you two had a thing for each other. We betted, and well, we were right."

I groaned as Dalton laughed like a little girl. Will rolled his eyes and playfully spat, "Well you gave Colton over here a heart attack."

Hearing Colton made my heart rate go up. I grinned at Dalton and ran my fingers through his hair. He started to blush as the other guys awed.

I locked vision with his icy blue eyes, and felt a level of sparks I never experienced before. The stare was more intense than any I had ever given Cass. I could get lost in his eyes forever. The way his eyebrows raised for his bug selfies, the way his eyes would light up whenever he got excited, damn I wish it was easier to call him my very own...

Will suddenly threw himself in between us, causing all of the guys to laugh as Dalton and me were thrown back. "HEY!" Dalton pouted and threw me puppy eyes. I swear my heart just melted. Gah Dalton why are you so hot...

"Hate to break it to you guys," Dana came over to help a ridiculously laughing Will up, "But you guys need to be careful with your whole Colton thing. You don't want to get caught by Eben or the fans or anything. Take it easy, okay? Wait to get like a room or something, you never know when a fucking paparazzi is going to shove its ass in our lives."

"Yeah, you are right," I sighed sadly. Dalton quickly pecked me on the nose and whispered, "It will all work out Cole, okay? You gotta trust me, we can be alone later. I'll boot Madi out, I know how, okay babe?"

Babe. My baby just called me babe. I was fangirling harder than any fangirl but it was crazy because I had this relieved feeling that HE WAS MINE! But Madi and Cass had to be in our lives and the fans would never agree and Eben would slice our heads off and the world will end and Dinosaurs will ressercute from the dead...

I didn't realize how anxious I got until I felt warm lips on mine. All of my anxiety flooded away as I realized who truly loved me. "Yes Mr. Rapattoni, that will most certainly work," I murmured softly before deepening the kiss. I freakin loved this kid. I had hurt him too much now. It was now my job to protect him.

No matter what.


"Yeah, I think that you'll have a great time with them tonight," I smiled warmly at Madi, still tricking her into thinking that I liked her. I sure in hell felt guilty, but at least I would be able to be alone with my Cola.

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