Chapter 10

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I woke up in a small room with little light. There was a puddle on the ground of something. It was awfully cold, it must be a basement.

The room had a small cot, a sink, and a toilet. There was a door, too. I jiggled the handle, but it was no use, it was locked.

It took me a minute to remember why I was here, until I remembered the events from last night. Ana had betrayed me, she was no longer my sister, or even a friend. And now I guess I must be in a cellar in the terrorist base. Why would they want to take me though, I wasn't important.

Oh yeah, Ramona is their leader and the attack was on her orders. I don't know if I could believe that though, Ana had said it. Does that mean Dad is alright? Probably not, I mean, even if Ramona might not be killing him, that doesn't guarantee that he isn't hurt.

Above all of this, I just want to be in Luke's arms. I want him to hold me and comfort me. The only problem is that he is mad at me. Why is it a problem that I love him? Apparently since he is a guard I can't love him?

The cellar door creaked open and a man with a rat-like face appeared. "Come on, our leader needs you to come up to his office."

I sighed and stood up, maybe they realized that I was the wrong person and they are going to let me go. I followed rat-face up the steps. When we got to the main floor it looked the same as the basement, cold and grimy.

Rat-face brought me into a room with a man behind a desk. "Leader Ranche, this is her."

Leader Ranche? Ramona isn't the terrorist leader, wait, but why was she sneaking around?

"Hello, Lilian."

It's Lily! I wasn't about to take my chances with this guy.

Leader Ranche had a stone cold face and brown hair with grey streaks. His expression was sullen and her eyes had an evil glare.

"Listen, we are going to take a video of you really quickly, okay Sweetie?"

"Um, okay," I said.

"Just stand over there and ACTION!"

Rat-face held up a big box with a piece of glass and buttons on it, it must take the video. Ranche began speaking to it. "Hello, Ben, long time, no see. By the way, thanks for raising my daughter for me!"

Raising his daughter? Oh God. Ana was his daughter. My mom had an affair with Ranche.

"Well, I should get to the point," he laughed, "So, as you know, we are terrorists, terrorists who are tired of the castes. Here's the deal, you shut down the castes or," Ranche grabbed me and put a knife in front of my throat, "or I kill your only daughter."

Crap. Dad wasn't going to shut down the castes for me. He hated me and would let me die.

"I'll give you one week," Ranche said.

Rat-face pressed a button and put the box down. Ranche backed away from me, "By the way, Sweetie, don't think about escaping, we have guards all over this place. Jim, take her back to her cell!"

Rat-face grabbed my arm and drug me back to my cell. He threw me in and slammed the door. I sat on my cot waiting for my death day.

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