Chapter 3

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Marinette had awoken in her bed, although she has no memory of ever leaving Volpin's garden. He must have carried me home. With that thought she smiled and started getting dressed. Marinette felt confident that day, so she decided to wear a black and red polka dotted crop top (so subtle Marinette) and black shorts that went just below her belly button with 5 buttons on them.

Marinette was running later than she thought, so she had no time to put her hair up in the two ponytails with red ribbon as she usually does. So she brushed it and ran out the door.

Nathanael lives relatively near Marinette, so he sometimes sees her walking to school. He's never had the courage to actually catch up with her and say hello, but after the night he had  with her, he was determined to let her get to know him beyond the mask.

He saw the bakery door open, spotting her unmistakably beautiful dark hair and yelled to her. "Hey Marinette!" He started speed walking towards her but then he stopped and his jaw practically fell to the ground. Marinette blushed.

She looked absolutely stunning. Nathanael had never seen her hair down, or this much of her skin. Her usual pink shirt and grey jacket was nowhere to be seen, and her pink jeans were replaced by the most attractive black shorts in the world. He had no clue what to say.

"So-I-umm... What made you look your change? Imeanchangeyourlook well I mean dontgetmewrongitlooksgreatbut uhhhh.... Just curious what inspired this new look?" Nathanael hated it when he stammered. Great. She probably thinks I'm an idiot now.

Instead of laughing at him, she simply smiled and answered his question politely. "Oh, dunno, I kind of just woke up happy, and thought it would look good... Does it look good? Be honest."

"Good? It doesn't look good it looks absolutely stunning!" Nathanael did not realize what he said until it was too late, and covered his mouth with his hand, his face becoming a deep shade of Crimson. Marinette giggled, thanked him and they walked to school.

I Marinette walked into class and she seemed to grab everyone's attention. She didn't notice but Nathanael did. He even caught Adrien staring, which was the last thing he wanted Marinette to notice.

"Mari you look amazing!" Marinette looked up at Alya and smiled at her. Rose commented on her outfit as well.

"I think you caught a certain someone's eye as well!" Alya jerked her head in adriens direction, and Marinette's eyes met with his. Adrien quickly turned back to the board, and she sighed.

"Hey what's wrong Mari? I thought you were head over heels for this guy," it hurt Nathanael to say this to her, but he had to know why she was so upset.

Marinette looked at him, then at her lap, and started to fiddle with her fingers. "It's just that... It's been an entire year and- I dunno I just don't want to waste any more of my life pining over him when he'll never reciprocate the feelings..." Before Alya or Nathanael could respond, Mrs Bustier started her lesson. Marinette and Nathanael were silent for the rest of the period.

Nathanael felt like something wasn't right. He didn't know what, but there was something wrong. He asked to go to the bathroom and sprinted out of sight of all his classmates and maybe anyone who was wandering around the campus. Nathanael transformed into Volpin, and scoped out the area.

There was of course, an akuma attack. Why was he not surprised.

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