Chapter 8

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Great. There was only one reason I had went to Marinette's house, and that was to ask about the American girl, and I forgot. Nathanael felt so stupid. It was already late and Mari needed her sleep.

I guess I'll just have to ask tomorrow.

Nathanael detransformed and plopped himself onto his bed, and turned on Sleeping with Sirens (cuz he's a little emo tomato) and drew portraits of Volpin saving Marinette. As the hours passed, he grew tired, and ended up falling asleep.

He woke up to his music still playing, and drool covered on his notebook. What time is it? 7am.

"Shit!" He had 15 minutes until he had to be sitting in Mrs. Bustiers classroom. Nathanael threw on random clothes, grabbed a muffin from the kitchen and ran out the front door, practically bolting to school.

He checked his watch for the time. 7:08. He was making okay timing, so he started to speed walk rather than running. And just his luck, he slammed into Marinette. Or he assumed it was her, all he saw was her dark hair in two ponytails before he fell on top of her.

"Oh uh... I'm so sorry, are you okay Marine..." Nathanael looked up, shocked at who it was that he actually knocked down. "Ladybug?"

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine, just late."

"Late for what?"

Ladybug looked at Nathanael like she didn't mean to say that. Like she gave something away about herself.

"Umm, it doesn't matter. Don't you have school or something?"

Nathanael reached for his neck and rubbed it nervously. "Yeah, I do. Actually I'm pretty late myself." Ladybug smiled and offered her hand to him. He'd never been around her in his civilian form before. He felt so vulnerable and reluctantly took her hand. Ladybug then launched into the air and swung him to the front of the school campus.

"Thanks ladybug! Wait... How did you know I went to this school?"

She looked down anxiously. "Huh? Oh umm...lucky guess?"

"Well a ladybug is an omen of good luck!" Nathanael was horrible at making small talk. She smiled then slinged her yoyo to the top of the building and flew off.

Then the bell rang.

He ran up the stairs and entered the campus to find his fellow students shuffling towards their classrooms. Phew. Just the five minute bell. The first bell always rang at 7:10am, and the second one rang at 7:15, indicating you were late if not already in your seat.

Marinette barely made it in time. She burst into the class the exact second the tardy bell rang, and sat down next to Nathanael, sighing with relief as she got her books from her backpack.

"Alright class, as you know, the American exchange students are coming tomorrow, and if you are hosting one at your home, make sure everything is ready for them. The Americans will be coming to school with you as well, so be sure to inform your teachers to prepare some extra seats in their rooms. As for this class, you can simply grab an empty chair and put it next to yours." Mrs bustier continued to speak, but Nathanael zoned out, he was admiring Marinette, her hair was the same as ladybugs.

Then he spoke up. "So Marinette, hosting an American this year?" Marinette nodded. "What's her name? Is she nice?"

"Her name is savannah, and yeah she's really nice! Also, how did you know it was a she?"

"Lucky guess."

Nathanael turned to face the teacher, but he could still she Mari looking at him from his peripheral vision, making him blush.

"Jeez you two, just kiss already! Everyone knows you both want to." Alya burst out loud enough for the entire class to hear, grabbing everyone's attention. Both of them turned beat red and buried their faces into their books.

After class, Mari ran as fast as she could out of the class after Alya's announcement made the whole class laugh out loud. No more than 2 minutes later, she ran into Nathanael yet again.


She turned around immediately, and the two bumped heads together, both their lips brushing against the others skin. Marinette looked up at him, and he looked down at her. He was almost a head taller than she was. They stayed like that for a long while, until Nathanael felt a hand press against the back of his head, pushing his mouth onto Mari's. DAMMIT JULEKA!

Marinette looked surprised at first, but then she let go of all thought and let herself melt into the kiss. She put her hands on the back of his neck, playfully running them through his hair.

"Oh. My. God. MARI!!!! I know I told you to just kiss already but I didn't expect you to actually do it!!!" But her best friend was ignored. Mari and Nathanael were too immersed into the kiss to hear her.

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