Chapter 1-First sight

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I walked across the Gardens of the freshly cut grass and clean, recently painted walls of the large building , some students sat under the trees of the gardens and others sat on benches outside The huge doors. I braced myself. I took a deep breath and walked through the large doors of my new, huge school. It felt weird to be back in America after all these years, a decade. It smelt of summer, the air was warm and there was so many people. Much more than in Besney; a small, Basically deserted Island on the Mediteranian coast. As a fabulous first impression I tripped over the leg of a chair in the cafeteria and shoved a girl while she was putting on lipstick and a curvy, 'S' shaped, red line went up diagonally crossed her nose and went over her freshly plucked eyebrow. She turned to me with a look of disgust and pointed her lip-gloss at me, it was practically touching my  nose, I moved the lipstick put she put it back in place.

  'You little bitch, look what you've done!' she snapped-this girl really needed to calm down before I flipped- then looked me up and down, she paused and pointed her lipstick at my mini-skirt 'where, the hell did you get that skirt?' she asked in confusion 'I have that skirt, and I was told it was one of a kind' she smirked and flipped her dark hair.

   'I bought it when I was... on holidays, in Spain' I didn't want anyone being suspicious 

   'Liar! Mine is one of a kind, you copied the design! that’s, like. . . fraud!' she screamed in  my face. What age was this girl? It was just a skirt.

  'No, you annoying little spoilt brat! I bought it!' I yelled she was surprised a newbie would shout at a popular girl like her 'not everyone is a bad person that has to lie and steal and cheat, I cast speak for you or who ever sold you your cheap "one of a kind" skirt, but I've better things to be doing with my time!' I snapped and waited for her reply. When she didn't I walked off, my temper was probably going to get me in trouble one day. I marched to my locker and dumped the un-needed books there. I stomped to my first class and got approving and disgusted looks for a reason unknown to me, until my next class.

I accidentally shoved my way past my fellow classmates. One boy I nudged turned to me to complain and for some reason froze when he looked at me, he gulped

   'Hi, I'm Cody' he smiled 'well done for standing up to Dana, everyone wants to but are too scared abs intimidated' then it hit me, that’s why people were staring at me in the halls.

  'Oh, that! Was that a mistake?' I asked and turned to look at him properly. I swear to you, the willpower needed to keep my jaw from dropping was unbelievable. He had a short boy-version side-fringe and green eyes that made me melt. he smirked at my reaction.

  'no, I thought it was brave' he smiled shyly, I smiled back awkwardly and looked around for a seat. 'You can sit beside me if you want' he offered I smiled again

  'thanks' I said and put my books over his desk and beside the window. The teacher was late so I found out that Cody has a little sister and his parents are divorced. Also his best friends' names are Max and Tyrah. Then Max came through the door and stared at me there was a silent conversation between Cody and Max when Max finally nodded and sat in the back.

  'what was that about?' I asked my eyes following Max

  'oh, this is usually his seat but he's fine' Cody smirked to himself 

  'oh, I'll move then' I said and got up but Cody grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into my seat and the teacher walked in, he moved in and I held my breathe, he smelt nice, minty. Why was I acting like this? I only ever liked someone once before and he turned out to be a pig... Long story.

  'he's fine, he likes the back anyway.' he whispered, I enjoyed his closeness, oh God I was being such a creep. I was acting so stupid. I giggled quietly to myself. 'what?' he asked me, I was so embarrassed that he heard me.

  'um...nothin'.' I smiled at myself the teacher looked down at me.

  'hello, my dear' he said he was in his forties or fifties, he looked sweet with red cheeks and a wide smile 'what's your name, darling?'

 'Lexie, sir' he smiled

 'Delightful! Is that short for Alexandra?' he said cheerfully

 'Alexa, actually, but I prefer Lexie' I corrected politely 

 'lovely, Miss Lexie and your last name?'


 'Lexie Jones, it has a nice ring to it, my dear. I am Mister Greene. I teach English and History also.' he smiled and returned to the class 'open your books on page three hundred and five please' during the class Cody and I passed notes it was so nice to talk to someone who wasn't angry at me of hated me. After class Cody walked me to my next class and told me I could sit with him later at lunch and for the first time in a while I felt happy.

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