Chapter 18-Doug

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Chapter 18- Doug


I was violently flung against a cellar wall as the bars were dragged across and I was locked in. The Dorphling mutations were smirking at their work. I was curled in a ball, still trying to catch my breath and my uncontrolable tears and gasping wasn't helping. My dad was going to be so worried and what about Cody? He wouldn't accept this. He was probably on his way now. He couldn't take them. He wasn't well. He kept shaking and he wasn't ready for this. I started to hyperventalate, well I would have been if I had been able to breathe but because I couldn't I passed out and my head hit the cold, brick floor.

I woke up with water all over me. I sat up suddenly and coughed. My head pounded at the sudden movement. I saw the weirdest Dorphling mutation, the dark one with kind of mutated with boils and completely white eyes, the first draft, grotesque one. Cody's father. I crawled backwards with a gasp, the movement hurt my head again. I gingerly put my hand up to the wound on my head. Blood covered the tips of my fingers. I almost gaged my breath became shaky.

   'Oh no' said Cody's dad in a surprisingly normal voice 'Are you okay?' he handed me a long strip of bandage. I wrapped it around my head. I suspiciously eyed him, I tried to speak but I was too dehydrated and my voice was too quiet and croaky. He handed me some water he held at his belt. 

   'Here, have some of this...' I took it gratefully, after sniffing it, just incase. I gulped it all down with out taking a breath. 

   'Thanks' I smiled handing the container back to him. He nodded. 'But why?'

   'Because, I work for the queen. The Good Queen. You see...  when the evil queen was building her army or Morphlings ( Dorphlings that she used her powers to turn black and brainwash, I was the first dorphling she captured and was... a first draft, so I'm not as... improved as the others. But I wasn't brainwashed properly as she had hoped, so I fooled her by telling her I loved her, even though at first I did. But, I knew it was wrong, she kidnapped us for goodness sake-I'll get to that in a moment- so I returned to the good queen who sent me away to work on the L.B.P.P. -la bestia protection program because even though you hadn't been born yet they knew the curse skipped two generations and were preparing- so we could protect you and your family and loved ones... and Cody.

     Anyway, it was at this point that the evil queen decided to kidnap just one dorphling-me-, brainwash me immediately and use her powers to clone me to make her very own, loyal army. (In the beggining she had wanted to kidnap us all so she could spite the good queen and win against her). The Evil Queen never told Cody about the magical world let alone the fact that his dad was a dorphling because she knew if she did he would be good and be more powerful, thus defeating her. But as Cody got older and older, he wanted to know more about his dad, so she took a picture of us both and edited it to make me look human and that's how he recognised me. Then she told him the tragic story of how I left her when I heard she was pregnant, et cetera, et cetera. I don't know how she covered for his little sister...'

   'He has a little sister?' I smiled. I know he expected a question to do with, well... everything else. He nodded

   'Yes... any other questions?' he asked, sounding like a teacher.

   'Yeah. Why does The Evil Queen hate The Good Queen and why are they called that instead of their names? and-'

   'Wait. One at a time... Well, she hates her because... Apparently The Good Queen was always the one who was loved the most and her sister, The Evil Queen felt neglected. She took it upon herself to destroy The Queen and to always beat her in everything she encounters... but luckily for us The Good Queen always wins, even in little things -such as having a family- and big things -there was a bit of a war many years ago and The Good Queen won, therefore she has more land and the bigger castle et cetera... but that made The Evil Queen's hatred towards her stronger-

   Also, the subjects don't call them by their name simply to easily distinguish them, there isn't much of a proper reason. The Evil Queen still demands to be called by her name, so we do... to her face. The Good Queen's name is Hope and The Evil Queen's is Hailey.' I nodded in understanding

   'Speaking of names... waht's yours?' I asked

   'Doug...' he replied. I smiled. Cute

   'Next question?' I asked. He nodded. 'are the other...em...'

   'Morphlings' he reminded me.

   'Thank you. Are they completely loyal? Do they forget their life with The Good Queen'

   'No, not completely loyal, they complain about her and everything. Also, yes they totally forget it. Forget everything, their family and everything...'

   'I can't think of anything else at the moment... what's going to happen now?' I asked 'I know Cody's coming for me. But he's going to get hurt...'

  'Well, let's go.' he smiled and unlocked the cell.

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