Chapter Three

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The girl in the picture above is Grace Kinney.

Enjoy the chapter!



I could still feel the tingling sensation that Dani left when she touched my arm. If I didn't question my sexuality before, I do now.

Ugh, this is so frustrating. Why can't life be simple. If my parents found out that I questioned myself, I would be put in therapy or something!

I tried to ignore my thoughts as I sat with my friends, at our usual lunch table. My short, dark-skinned best friend sat next to me. While Hunter sat across from us.

Hunter was tall, with spiky brown hair. He was muscular, but still looked small. I'm surprised that he's single, but I'm sure he'll find the right guy.

As for Grace, she was a couple inches taller than me. Her dad is black and her mom is white, so she has caramel colored skin. Naturally, her hair is curly, but she usually straightens it, to keep it out of her face.

While eating my lunch I kept getting the feeling that somebody was looking at me. My friends we're talking, so I glanced up and looked around the cafeteria. I stopped when I saw the silver haired drummer looking at me from her table. My hands started nervously hiding themselves in my sweater sleeves as I looked down at the table.

She started sneaking glances on the first day of school. I know that she doesn't know my name, it's obvious. But today we actually talked for the first time.

When she bumped into me I nearly fell, and when her hands touched my waist, all I could do was freeze. I didn't know what to do. I must've sounded so stupid when I mumbled an apology.

I was quickly snapped away from my thoughts when Hunter said my name, making me quickly look up.

"What? Sorry, I was just thinking." I laugh lightly and look up at him.

"Lunch is almost over Lilly, you should throw out your stuff." I looked at the clock and nodded before standing up.

I walked over to the trash can and threw my stuff away. On my way back, I guess I tripped over my own two feet because all I remember is falling.

As most people laughed at me, I rubbed my knee where I fell. I flinched slightly when I felt a gentle hand touch my shoulder.

"Hey, you okay Love?" That voice was familiar. I looked up and saw the silver haired drummer.

I swear, my heart skipped a beat when I looked up at her piercing silver-black eyes.

"I uh.. You... Sorry.." I looked around and noticed how people we're still laughing and whispering, making my hands shake slightly.

I hate having this much attention, I felt like I was going to throw up.

"Relax, it's okay. What's your name?" Her voice calmed me down some, but my hands were still shaking.

"Lillian, I'm sorry for tripping. Did I bump into you when I fell? I'm sorry about earlier too, I didn't mean to get in your way." I kept on rambling, I didn't know what to do.

My heart was beating so fast, and as people kept on glancing over, I found it hard to breath.

I looked around for my friends and saw them quickly walking over. They knew when I was on the verge of a panic attack.

Dani was looked down at me with a worried expression, but my breathing started to become uneven. Hunter quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the bathroom.

When we got inside I was having trouble breathing, my body was shaking as tears weld up in my eyes. I was coughing and trying to get air into my lungs, closing my eyes tight as Hunter pulled me into a gentle hug.

Grace was by the sink, getting a wet paper towel and walking over.

"It's okay Hun, you just got scared. It's okay. Relax." She said calming words as she gently wiped away the tears with the paper towel.

They always knew how to calm me down when I had panic attacks. Thankfully, they don't happen often, but when they do, sometimes they can be pretty bad.

This time wasn't that bad, but there was a time in ninth grade, when I got lost on my way to class. The hallways we're so crowded and I was so small. I actually ended up tripping and hugging my knees to my chest until everybody left. By the time Hunter and Grace found me, I was hyperventilating and wouldn't let them touch me. I ended up blacking out and going home early.

By now, I was calmed down and sniffling slightly. Ryan was slowly rubbing my back, while Grace was smiling slightly.

"You okay now? We should get to class." I nod in agreement and rub my eyes slightly before walking out of the bathroom.

Lunch was over, so we just walked to our next classes. I didn't have many classes with them, but this one I did. Which I was so thankful for.

Ryan and Grace were already in the classroom when somebody grabbed my arm. My reflexes caused me to quickly turn around and smack whoever it was in the face.

My expression changed to one of fear as I looked up and saw an unamused Dani, looking down at me.

"Well, okay then." She seemed mad as she rubbed her cheek slightly.

"I uh... Bye." I quickly got away before she had a chance to get anymore angry.

The rest of the day went by slowly. Hunter, Grace, and I all went to Hunter's house and hung out. We usually do this after school, since none of us really have sports or clubs to go to.

All in all, I would mark this day as a bad one.


I feel as if this chapter wasn't good enough, I did try though.

Leave me any feedback in the comments please!


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