Chapter Thirteen

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All I can see is his face, his disgusting perverted face as he touches me all over. His hands going to every part of my body as I try to scream for help. Nobody ever comes to help me. I'm stuck with him in this small closet.

I feel tears pouring down my cheeks as I try to get away. He keeps hitting me and tearing at my clothes.

"P-please let me go..."

"You know you love this, don't deny it."

The only thing I smell is sweat and alcohol. Somebody please help me...

I quickly wake up, crying and breathing fast and hard, I must've fallen asleep at Dani's last night. She sits up and quickly wraps me into a gentle hug as I try to calm down. Tears are streaming down my face and onto her shirt.

"Shh, Angel I'm here. It's okay, I've got you." She whispers calming words into my ear to help me relax.

After a few minutes, I sniffle and slowly pull away. My eyes are red and puffy from crying as I look up at her.

"I'm sorry, I thought they would stop by now."

"Please don't be sorry, it's not your fault Angel." She smile slightly and rubs her thumb against my cheek. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I quickly shake my head. I'm never going to tell anyone, I don't want them to think of me differently.

Dani nods and gently brushes her hair out of my face. "You don't have to Angel, it's okay."

The incident happened Freshmen year. I was at a party and my friends were drunk and I was sitting alone. He could barely stand, let alone walk, but her managed to force me into a closet.

I had bruises in so many different places for the next couple weeks. What he did to me was so incredibly painful. That's what started the panic attacks.

From then on, I've been scared of most guys. The only ones I'm not scared of are mine and Dani's friends.

My thoughts were interrupted by Dani standing up and running her fingers through her messy hair.

My phone chimed and I picked it up, seeing a text from my mom.

Where are you!? You never came home last night! ~Mom

Sorry, I accidentally fell asleep at Dani's house after school. I'll be at her house all weekend. ~Lillian

I looked up from my phone, my eyes going wide when I saw Dani in only her bra and underwear. My cheeks were a bright red as I stared at the tattoos spread across her back.

She was facing her closet while looking for clothes.

"Enjoying the view Angel?" She laughs lightly while smirking and pulling on black skinny jeans, turning to face me.

"I uh.. No, I mean... I'm sorry for staring.." My breath was shaky as I looked at my lap and bit my lip nervously.

"Its okay Angel.. You can stare all you want.."

I blush more as she walks over while slipping on a tank top. Her hand caresses my cheeks as she sits down across from me.

My curly brown hair was messy and all over the place as I looked up at her shyly.

"The nightmares are getting worse, Lillian. You keep squirming and whimpering in your sleep."

I fumble with my hands while.liking away. "I'm sorry Dani... I'm trying not to think about it. I really am."

She sighs lightly and nods, smiling gently and tilting my head up to look at her.

"Angel, you're so adorable and perfect."

My cheeks turn a deep red as she slowly leans in towards me, our faces inches apart. I turn away and close my eyes.

"Dani... I'm not ready.. please."

She nods quickly and pulls me into her lap, rubbing my back and holding me close.

"I'm sorry Angel, I just can't help myself sometimes. I'll wait for you."

I let out a quiet sigh of content as I relax into her touch. Looking over at the clock I notice that its around noon.

I felt bad about making Dani wait to kiss me. Deep down I want to kiss her, but every time our lips almost touch, I'm reminded of the incident. It scares me.

All of a sudden I feel Dani's grip tighten around me, her hands squeezing my arms slightly. Ever since the accident she been getting small pulses of pain in her head, she says they aren't a big deal but I can tell she hurts.

She lets out a quiet groan and pulls away, laying her head in her hands. Her silver hair was messily hanging as I gently rub her back.

There are light marks on my arms where she squeezed me, but it doesn't hurt and I know she doesn't mean it.

Dani has been so helpful with my panic attacks and my nightmares and all I do is rub her back when she gets headaches. I'm such a bad girlfriend. I should be doing more.

If I don't do anything... She might leave me... I need to try and do more...


It has been SUCH a long time since I updated my stories! I will definitely try and update a lot more!


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