Chapter Twenty

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Dani's POV

Its been a few months since Lillian and I have been together. Our time together has been more than perfect. She's opening up more and has become more comfortable with her sexuality. She even hugs and kisses me in public, which is huge for my little angel. We've been through so much together and I can't wait for more experiences.

Our senior year is coming to an end and graduation is approaching faster than I can even process. It's prom season and I haven't even asked Lilly yet, I've been trying to figure out the best way to do it. Maybe a cliché sign with flowers and silly pun? Or maybe a whole ass marching band? She deserves the world and I don't know what to do.

As I'm thinking through all the different possibilities my thoughts are interrupted as I hear my Angel's laugh. She talking with Hunter as I walk with her, our hands laced together. I can't help but smile as I hear her beautiful laugh, glancing down at her to see her smile. I wasn't even paying attention to what they were talking about, something about Hunters new boyfriend. Yeah, Lil and I aren't the only gay couple in our school anymore. Hunter is now dating the captain of the baseball team and they're actually fucking adorable.

Lillian's anxiety has also gotten a lot better, her panic attacks are less frequent and she isn't as scared of crowded places. As I turn to look down at her my eyes get lost as I admire every feature of her face. From the way her nose scrunches when she laughs, or the freckles on the tip of her nose. She's so beautiful and I'm so lucky to have her. She turns to look up at me, her hazel eyes sparkly as she smiles softly.

I lean down, kissing her softly and cupping her cheek as we stop outside of her classroom. "I'll see you after class, okay Angel?"

She nods and smiles brightly, her cheeks heating up a bit from the kiss as she speaks. "See ya.."

And with one last peck on the cheek I walk away, walking with Hunter to our first block class that we share. Hunter and I have grown close, he's actually really fun to hang out with and he lets me know if anything is going on with Lillian.

As we walk into the classroom, somebody makes a homophobic remark toward Hunter, making my blood boil. Hunter just weakly laughs it off, sitting down next to his boyfriend as I sit on the other side of Hunter. His boyfriend was still in the closet, but they made it work, kind of like how Lillian and I made it work. I just love how they hold hands under the table where nobody can see, it's honestly adorable.

I watch closely as Luke, Hunters boyfriend, smiles weakly and squeezes his hand. Luke is a nice guy, quiet but nice. Apparently he has pretty shitty parents, and school is his escape from home. His fathers and alcoholic and his mother is nowhere to been seen. So it's just him and his abusive father in a small house. He occasionally stays at Hunters place, and has even stayed at mine and Lillian's place once or twice. We really just want the best for him.

"So Dani, hows your girlfriend? She's been looking pretty good lately.. looks like puberty finally did it's magic." A couple of guy laugh as I go to stand up, Hunter grabbing my arm to stop me.

"Don't talk about Lillian like that, asshole." I speak through my teeth as I glare at him.

"What are you gonna do about it?" He smirks as I just clench my jaw and stay in my seat.

I don't get up, not wanting to start anything. I haven't gotten into any fights in a while because Lillian doesn't like seeing me hurt. But I can't stand to hear people talk about her like that. If only they knew what an angel she is, or how perfect she is in every way possible.


Hey, guys! Long time no see! Sorry about the very long disappearance, school has sucked ass. But I'm back! I won't update very often but I will do my best to get one out every other week. Thanks for understanding!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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