Chapter 1

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I wake up to the sound of a voice and slight breeze. The voice isn't clear due to the pounding in my head. I must have gotten really wasted last night.

"Hello? Are you awake? Are you alive? Please don't be dead." came the same voice. This time I was able to understand what they said.

I open my eyes slightly and see green all around me. Rolling on to my back with a groan I look up and see a very bright sun greeting me along with the feeling of grass poking at my skin.

"Oh thank god you're okay." she said again sounding relieved. Looking to my right where the voice came from I saw a tall tan girl wearing sweatpants and a loose shirt. Her striking blue eyes meeting my coffee brown eyes.

I sat up slowly, trying not to make my head pound any harder. The wind picked up a bit and that's when I realized that I had no shirt on. Looking around, all I could find was cups and plates scattered in the yard.

"Uh... what happened?" I asked, looking up at the girl. She looked around and then studied me.

"You don't remember anything at all, do you Tobin?" she asked, looking at me with her eyebrows furrowed.

"How do you know my name?" I asked. I don't think I've ever really seen her around.

"We're going to the same school. I just moved here a month ago. I'm uh, I'm trying out for the soccer team and I remember seeing you there." she said looking down at me with a slight smile.

"Of course, yes, you're the the girl who beat out Kelley for our pacer practice test during camp. Yea, I totally remember you now, you're uh..." I paused, trying to remember her name. It wasn't coming to me.

"Alex." she said quickly, saving me from looking stupid for not being able to remember. Alex... Alex Morgan I think.

"Alex Morgan, correct?" I said, trying it out to see if I at least got part of it on my own.

"Yea, yea that's right." she said, flashing me a bright smile. Looking around again for my shirt and also just at the damage made from the party, I see the nicely trimmed grass and the big white house to my right.

"Is this your house?" I asked, still admiring the property. It seemed even bigger than it was last night.

"Um, yea, it is. It's a lot for just three of us and it's definitely not as comforting as my last house, but I'll get used to it." she said with a slight frown.

"Are you kidding, this place is amazing. Damn, if I lived in a place like this." I said, pausing to think of all of the things I could be capable of doing.

She was studying me again with a curious look on her face. I decided that I should finally get up now. I stretched my legs a bit, then went on to stretching my arms out. I groaned a bit from the stiffness of my body, probably from laying on the ground all night.

As I continued stretching, I saw the girl looking at me. Not at me, at my abs that were slightly defined. I held back from smirking at the attention and finished loosening myself up.

"You wouldn't happen to know where my shirt is, would you?" I asked, making her look away.

"Uh... no? I don't know where it would be." she said while looking around.

"Hey! Baby, why are you outside?" said a voice coming out of the house.

Turning around to see who the voice belonged to, I looked at the boy and had to hold in a laugh. Of course it's him, its always him. The one and only Servando Carrasshole.

"Heath? Babe... what are you doing talking to this trash on the lawn." he said walking over while smirking at me.

"Nice to see you too Carrasco." I said staring at him. It became a contest now, who was going to back down first.

He looked away, only to kiss the blue eyed girl next to him. He was practically eating her face. Flattering.

"Servando, please." Alex said, pushing him away slightly. He gave her a slight growl as she backed away.

"Go back inside, I'll meet you in there in a minute." she said giving him a slight push to the house. He turned around to kiss her one more time, then left us to go back inside.

"I should be going. I'll see you at our first captain's practice, right?" I asked slightly smiling at her.

"I don't know, my car is kind of getting worked on so I won't have a way to get there." she said with a frown appearing on her face.

"Well here, I'll give you my number and I can pick you up tomorrow. Does that sound good?" I asked, hoping for her to agree. It's the least I could do.

"Sure, yea, that sounds great" she said taking out her phone and unlocking it. A few moments later she handed it over to me to put in my number.

"There you go." I said handing her phone back to her. She looked at it and saved it.

"Okay, I'll text you later tonight so we can figure everything out and everything... and... yea." she said partially blushing as she looked at my stomach again.

"Alright, sounds good. I'll talk to you later." I said walking down the driveway. I didn't drive here so I have to walk back to my house. I could use a run to sober myself up a bit.

I take off down the street, slightly jogging. I looked back to see the blue eyed girl watching me still from the yard. I gave her a little wave, earning one in return.

This chapter was sort of inspired by The Spectacular Now. This chapter is a little shorter than I wanted it to be.

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