Chapter One Lies

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We had been in the underworld for what felt like days which were probably just mere minutes in the world above. Killian and the others were busy on a search party looking for some missing pages I don't know why. They didn't fill me in on the details. "You alright?" Jack questioned as he sat next to me on a bench. "Yeah I was just stuck in thought" I told him before looking away. "Do you want to go help them?" He asked me as he stood to go inside. "I'll come in a minute" I smiled at him. He returned the smile and placed his staff over his shoulder and strolled into the house.

After a few minutes I stood to follow him inside. As I was about to enter the building I bumped into a frustrated looking Emma. "What's wrong?" I questioned as she passed me. She stopped and looked at me in shock before hesitantly explaining her situation to me "I know it may sound strange but I think Liam is hiding something from us" I nodded and followed her into the garden "but Killian won't believe me" she sighed. We continued to walk to the old well that stood in the garden where a figure was lurking next to it. "Find anything?" Emma questioned. Liam spun round to face us "Emma, (Y\N)" he smiled at me before turning back to Emma "I'm afraid only a ships capture can only be cooped up for so long. I thought I come out and get some air" he told us "What brings you two here?". "I wanted to show you this" she said as she held out a ring with a red gem on it much like Killians. "It's the ring I gave Killian" my brother stated "I noticed he wasn't wearing it". "That's because he gave it to me" she told him "You know what he told me when he did? That it belonged to a much better man than him" she explained. My brother looked down and smiled to himself but the smile soon faded. "You his hero" she told him "He doesn't think you could do any wrong" she gave him a slight smile "Which is why I can't figure out why you would lie to him". Suddenly Killian came out of the forest as if on cue "Liam? Emma? (Y\N)? What's going on?" He questioned us. "She thinks I've lied to you" Liam explained to my brother. "He took the pages I can prove it" she insisted "Ask him to show you his hands. He's been hiding them since the moment I got here". In surprise I stepped forward next to Emma and looked at in between the three. I never thought of my brother as a thief or a liar. "Look if it would help to clear things up I'd be happy to" Liam insisted as he began to pull his hands from his coat pockets. "That won't be necessary" Killian told him with his eyes staring straight into Emma's "I don't need proof to know what's really going on here. Emma when are you going to admit this isn't really about my brother?" He questioned her. "What else would you think it was about?" She asked him. "Us" he stated "You think if you could prove that Liam is a villain then I'll some how feel like I was less of one. That you could convince me I'm worth saving and that we have a future together". "You agree with him?" She asked. "Why bring me back if I should just move on?" He asked her back. His words hit me like a knife, he a wants to move on away from the people who care about him. "After we defeat Hades I won't be returning with you. My fate isn't in Storybrooke it should be determined here" he explained. That was enough to break me down into a million pieces. I can't lose my last remaining family not when I am so close to bringing him back. "It doesn't have to be" Emma told him as tears pricked her eyes "You can come home. You just have to forgive yourself". He turned from Emma sadly and looked at me. My tears were ready to drop as his eyes looked into mine as I opened my mouth to say something but the words wouldn't leave my mouth. "The thing is" Emma began "no matter how many times I tell you or anybody else have to do it your self" and with that she walked away with tears streaming down her face. "(Y\N)" Killian turned to me with sad eyes. "I came down here brother to save you but how can I do that when you won't try to save yourself?" I slowly approached him "Your not a villain" I state "And you never will be. I don't know what happened in Storybrooke but things happen and things can be easily changed if you try" I shook my head as the tears began to fall. I turned on my heals and followed Emma. "(Y\N)!" Killian called but I didn't turn.

Jacks POV

I watched from the shadows at the heartbreaking scene. "(Y\N)!" The hooked pirate called as his sister walked away. "Let her go Killian" his brother told him "Its for the best". Killian looked down at his brothers outstretched hand, that stopped him from chasing his crying sister, "Your hand" he gasped "Your hiding something". He brother moved his hand away but the pirate grabbed his arm and inspected his hand "Its ink from the pages Emma was right!" He turned to his brother in anger "Why would you lie to me?!" He shouted. "Because" a group of men suddenly appeared from the shadows not far from where I was hiding "he's got much bigger secrets from what's inside the book" he explained. The men spread out so they were all crowding the two brothers. I flew into the tree tops to not be seen. "Like the truth about what he did to us" he began. "What truth is he talking about Liam" the naive pirate questioned "What does it have to do with the missing pages?". "Your brother" the man started "is not the hero he pretends to be. I found that out". I furrowed my brows and turned and noticed (Y\N) watching from a distance behind a tree.


Once I got away from my brothers I croached down next to a tree and allowed the tears,that had formed, to fall. I cried until I heard many foots steps close to were I was hiding. I stood up and noticed a group of men crowding my brothers. I suddenly found my self sneaking closer and behind a tree that must have been only a few feet from the well. "Your brother" a man with a black hat on his head said "is not the hero he pretends to be. I found that out when I stopped by his tavern for my usual drink. He had a rather unexpected guest. Hades". I clenched my teeth at the name. "He traded our souls" he went on "for the eye of the storm. Hades had it until we revealed the truth unless you brother destroyed the pages from that book". "Is this true?" I questioned my brother. "I'm sorry" my told us "I didn't have any other choice I had to do what I could in order to save us" he explained. "You lied!" Killian stated with anger written across his face "to me". "And now your all going to pay. Men!" He ordered and they all crowded us. They placed bags over both my brothers heads and knocked me out cold...

A/N. I'm sorry I haven't written for a while but I'm in my last couple of months at school before I leave woohoo! However I'm because I school I've had a ridiculous amount of work to do and so I've had to put these books on hold and they still will be until I have time. This book will probably take a long time to update due to a lack of ideas and so if you have any that would be great! Hope you enjoyed!!!!

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