Chapter Nineteen Golds Warning

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A\N Before I say anything else I want to let those who don't know that the Disney star Cameron Boyce passed away this morning. It saddens me to see one of my childhood stars pass away so young 😢 I hope he is happy where he is now RIP ❤️💔

Sorry to bring up the sad new, but here is a new chapter. I'm not too sure where I'm going with the books ending 🤷‍♀️ but I'll see how it goes. Good news though, I have began to write a new book for you all to enjoy, it will be up after this one is finished. It is going to be darker than this one since I was 14 when I wrote and now 18, so it'll be a little different but I'm sure you'll all enjoy. Anyways enjoy the new chapter xxxxx

Peters POV

I jumped down the stairs and into the living room; (Y\N) was sat with Belle - giggling and laughing at something they are looking at.

I raised a brow "What's funny?"

(Y\N) beams at me "We are looking at wedding dresses" I go to take a look, but she hides the book or what they call magazine behind her back "You cannot see"

"What why? I want to give my opinion" I crossed my arms.

"Yeah, well you will" Belle tells me as she turns another page "When you see her in the dress she chooses"

I roll my eyes "Fine, fine, I'll leave you ladies to it" I say; kissing (Y\N) on the head then leaving the house.

I had been wondering around for a while now; collecting my random thoughts when I voice pulled me out of them.

"Congratulations on the baby" I turned to see the Dark one opening his shop.

"(Y\N) tell you?" I stopped and walk over to him.

He shook his head "No, I already knew" he pushed the door open and motioned for me to come in "There are many things I know" he says.

I rolled my eyes "And your point is?"

"I care for (Y\N), she is like a daughter to me" he smiles "And I want to warn you" he sighs "I fear that the child inside her - will kill her"

I raised a brow "Why do you think that?"

"Because I have seen it" he said with sorrow in his eyes, but he covered it up as he looked back at me "This child could possibly be born with both dark and light magic - inherited by the both of you" he leans against the counter and crossed his arms "With this being the case, the child will need more from (Y\N) to survive"

"How do know all this?" I rolled my eyes; not really believing what was coming out of his mouth.

He was hesitant "I've heard about it, in stories many years ago. I never believed it myself but I once witnessed it in my past. A child to be born of both dark and light magic - mother died" he inhaled deeply "I want what's best for the both of you, but you and I both know that she will have this child even with her life at risk"

I glared at him "I think you're full of shit" I shook my head with laugh "You don't want me and (Y\N) to be happy because Belle doesn't want to be anywhere near you - she doesn't want you anywhere near your child"

"That is not why I'm tellin-"

"(Y\N) may trust you, but I have no trust for you" I turn to leave "After all you are the Dark one" I slammed the door shut; causing the glass the smash.

Anger fuelled my body. I didn't believe a word he had just said - but I couldn't help but think that maybe he is right.


Belle had just left and I continued to knit - yeah I know it's probably what grandparents do for their grandchildren, but my child isn't gonna have them so I might as well do it.

Peter walked in moments later; looking completely in thought. I didn't bother him, but he soon came to and walked over to me with a raised brow.

"What are you doing?" He questioned.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm knitting for the baby" I laughed.

"Are you the baby's grandmother?" He smirks.

"No, Belle was just showing me how to do it"

"Oh, So is Belle going to be the baby's grandmother?" He asked with amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Well she can if she wants to be" I chuckled.

He sat beside me and watched as I began to knit again. I could tell something was playing on his mind. He was being unusually quiet.

"What's wrong?" I ask with out looking up from my knitting.

He sighs "Nothing"

"Liar" I put the knitting away and turned to face him "Tell me what on your mind"

He was hesitant, but soon explained what Mr Gold had told him. He looked at me, with worrying in his expression before looking away.

"So what do you want me to do?" I furrow my brow "Get rid of it"

"If he is telling the truth - then yes" he faced me again and took ahold of my hand "I don't want to lose you"

I shook my head "Your not going to lose me. There is always a chance of death after birth, but the chances are slim"

"But if the child has both dark and light magic-"

"I'm still going to have it" I tell him "No matter what the consequences are - the baby will be born - I will be fine, I feel fine and I promise you the minute I feel different I will let you know"

He takes a long deep sigh before meeting my eye "Okay" is all he said before leaving the room.

Looks like Gold has a lot of explaining to do...

I stormed into that shop like the bees when Winnie the Pooh stole their honey - I may or may not have been watching it moment before now, but that is not the issue at hand.

"(Y\N), what a pleasant surprise" Gold smiles and came out from the back of the shop.

"Why have you been filling, Peters head with thoughts about me dying from giving birth?" I questioned then looked at the door "What happened to the glass in your door?"

"Oh, your betrothed did that on his way out" he said calmly.

"That is not what I am her-"

"Yes, you want to know why I gave him that information" he sighs "I only told him that to protect you, that child will kill you. I wanted the both of you to have the chance to stop it before it's too late"

"How do you know this?"

"Because it has happened before" he says simply "(Y\N) I just want what's best for you"

"What are you not telling me" I say blandly.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your keeping something from me" I crossed my arms "So don't act stupid, tell me what it is"

He looks away from me and sighs; he then leans forward against the counter.

"You are a child that was born with light and dark magic"....

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