Chapter Eighteen A New Lost Child

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Today is the day me and Peter tell the lost boys the news. They will most probably take it better than Killian. They will be very happy to know that there is going to be a new lost child in the house. Although the baby will not be lost, but the boys like their group name and didn't want to change it.

"It's going to be a lot easier to tell them" Peter told me as we got dressed.

"Yes, and I'm really excited" I smiled and hopped into his outstretched arms.

"Come on let's go" he said after a while and led me down stairs to the living room.

He called all the boys over and within a few second they were all sat around us. Some asked questions and Felix just stood at the door way with a raised brow.

"We have some news we would like to tell you all" Peter announced once everyone had quieten down.

Me and Peter looked at each other with a smile before, I this time, got to say "I'm pregnant"

It took a few of them a moment to take it in, but before I could blink they were all congratulating and hugging us.

"Congrats" Felix said and pulled Peter into a boyish hug "I called it"

"What you mean?" I questioned after breaking away from a hug with Luke.

"Me and Luke made a bet for the reason you've been ill" Felix explained "He thought you had an allergic reaction to something".

"Well that's what she told Peter" he crossed his arms "Either way, I'm gonna be an uncle. I'm gonna be the best uncle ever!" He says and hugs his brother.

"You'll have to fight for that title with her brother" Peter smirks.

"Oh yeah, forgot about him" Luke sighs then looks at me "Not that, that's a bad thing or anything"

"I'm well aware that not a lot of us in this house are not a fan of my brother" I say with a small smile "But you've all gotta get use to him"

After celebrating with the lost boys I leave the house to be by myself for a while. I bumped into Emma, Henry, Snow, David and Regina on my walk.

"Hey (Y\N)" Snow greets me with a warm hug "How have you been?"

"I'm great thanks" I smile back at her.

"You wouldn't happen to know why Killian hadn't been himself have you?" Emma questions "He hasn't been the same since yesterday" they all stopped walking and looked at me as I sigh.

I look at them all before hesitantly answering "I'm pregnant"

Snow was the first the speak "Oh that's wonderful news" she hugs me once again.

"Aren't you like eighteen?" Regina asks with crossed arms.

"No I'm twenty - why does every think that?" I raise a brow.

She shrugged "Maybe you look younger since you've been in Neverland"

"Who are we to judge" Emma says and pulls me into her embrace "I was sixteen when I had Henry" she says.

"I wasn't judging" Regina argues.

"Congrats (Y\N)" Henry smiles.

"David" Snow nudges him.

"What?" He looks at her.

"Aren't you going to say something?" She motions towards me.

They have a moment of back and forth mouthing argument before David sighs in defeat and looks at me.

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