Chapter Fifteen Secrets Revealed

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The following day I woke early and found my brother waiting outside; next to Emma's little car.

"Good morning Killian, how long have you been here for?" I question after he pulled me into a quick embrace.

"Not long" he shrugged and opened the car door open for me "How you feeling today?"

"I'm alright" I told him.

"I still think you need to be checked over" he said with concern written all over his face; I nodded in agreement.

We drove, slowly, to the hospital. It was a pretty long journey. We could have walked there faster.

"I don't want to crash her car" he admitted whilst concentrating.

"Into what, there is literally no one else on the road" I rolled my eyes.

"Aye, but I'm not fully use to driving yet" he chuckled nervously.

We finally made it to the hospital where Killian took me to a man called Dr Whale. The Dr smiled and came out way.

"Killian" he greeted "I hope this is important, I am a busy man after all" he looked at me and smiled "You must be his sister"

"(Y\N)" I nodded.

"Great, So what's the issue?" He looked back at my brother.

"I thought that was your job" he crossed his arms.

"Yeah" he said awkwardly "Alright come this way" he said and led us to a room "So, what seems to be the problem?"

"Sickness, minor headaches" I shrugged.

"I didn't know your head was hurting" Killian tilted his head to the side and looked a me.

"It's minor" I assured him.

"Okay well I just do a quick examination" the Dr announced and brought out his equipment. He placed this think in his ears which connected to another long things and looked at me "Do you mind if I listen to your heart beat".

I nodded and raised a brow at Killian who rolled his eyes with a small smile at my confusion.

"Heart beat seems normal" the Dr mutters to himself and then placed the weird thing on my stomach.

"Can you get me some water?" I asked my brother as I could feel my stomach begin to churn. He nodded and walked out the room.

"So your dating Peter Pan right?" He questioned and sat back in his chair.

"Yeah" I raised a brow at the random question.

He takes a long sigh before explaining his full examination to me...

"Here's your water?" Killian announced as I left the room; meeting him in the corridor.

"Thanks" I smiled and took it from him; taking sips of the refreshing liquid.

"You done now?" He questioned as I walk to the door.

"Yeah, no he said I'm fine" I reassure him as we leave "He said I probably ate something bad"

He nods "Good well now that's done I feel much better" he lays my shoulder "I'll drop you off at home, I need to meet Emma"

He parked outside my house and sighed happily "I'm glad your okay sister" I returned the smiled and got out the car.

He waited for me to reach the door; then driving away down the road and out of sight. I entered the house and flopped onto the sofa.

"Hey soon to be sister in law" Luke walked into the room and sat next to me "How was it?"

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