Chapter Nine New Home

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A sudden shock shook the cafe. Everyone looking concerned and confused decided to investigate the situation. However myself and Peter decided to leave them and find Luke.

"Where do you think he is?" I questioned as we strolled down the street hand in hand.

He shrugged "I don't know but by luck we'll find him a Regina's".

As luck may have it we found him on the porch staring off into the distance; deep in thought. He hadn't heard us approaching and so jumped when we called his name. He chuckled under his breath as he smiled at us.

"Good evening" he waved.

"What you thinking about?" Peter questioned as he leaned against the porch fence.

"Just how unusual this place is and also the fact that the boys are ripping this house apart" he rolled his eyes and looked back at the house.

"Your kidding right?" I furrowed my brow but with no reply I sighed "Regina is gonna kill me".

"That's why I was thinking that we move the boys to a different location" he suggested "I saw a nice, uninhabited, house close to the forest".

"Sounds great" Peter agreed "I'm sure they'll feel at home next to the forest".

"They are having a hard time fitting in" Luke informed us.

"Okay well let fix the house before Regina sees it and relocate" I shrugged and entered the house.

To my surprise it wasn't as messy as I imagined from Luke's words. However muddy foot prints are trailed throughout the house and the pillows from the sofa are across the room. Bits of furniture and items are turned upside down but nothing a little magic can't fix.
I waved my hand across the room; after a couple of spell the house was back to normal.

"Boys!" Peter called as he entered the house; waiting at the bottom of the stairs for them to appear. One by one they all came down.

"We're relocating" I told them immediately. They all grinned from ear to ear as they heard the new. "Get whatever things you brought and don't leave your room a mess" I order them and they disappear back upstairs.

"Think your in charge now eh?" Peter questioned as his arm snaked around my waist; pulling me into his side.

I shrug "Maybe" I smirk "But you like that". He chuckled in my ear and kissed my neck gently.

Soon they boys came jumping down the stairs and we followed Luke to our new home. We hadn't walked long when the new house came into view. It is most certainly a beautiful build. About three stories high.

The boys didn't stop to admire the home as they all charged towards it; making their way in and finding their room. I rolled my eyes at them.

"Looks like we're gonna get last choice" Peter sighed with a chuckled "I tell you now we're gonna be in the attic or something".

"As long as I'm with you I'm fine" I kiss his cheek and made my way into the home.

As Peter predicted we got the attic but it is surprising all done up to our liking. A double bed against the wall with a beautiful bed spread. A window seat and a wardrobe.

"I've already decorated this place" Luke informed us "Found it weeks ago".

"So this is what you've been doing?" Peter asked knowingly and his brother nodded and left us alone.

"This place is amazing" I smiled in awe.

"You should see the boys room. Luke has decorated it differently for each boy" Peter told me proudly.

I jumped on the bed then lay down into the comfy cover. I sighed happily and snuggled into the pillows.

"Comfy?"Peter chuckled.

"Come join me" I told him and patted for him to sit. I didn't looked at him but I heard him laugh under his breath then join me.

He lay his arm around my waist and pulled me to him. His warm breath brushed my neck then his lips placed themselves on my bare shoulders. He placed his hand on mine and rubbed circles around the back of it. I turned to face him and placed my lips gently on his. I smiled into the kiss as he deepened it.

He began to take off my top and threw on the floor. I did the same and ripped off his green shirt. He smirked at me and ran his hands up and down my bare back. He lifts himself on top of me with a lustful smirk. However as he began to lean down to kiss me again the phone thing went off next us. I groaned and sat up; grabbing the phone.

"What the bloody hell is that?" Peter raised his brow.

"It's a phone. It allows you to communicate with others" I explained "Henry gave it to me but I don't know how to shut it up".

He looked over my shoulder and at the screen "Your brother wants to communicate" he states "Answer him".

"I don't know how to" I sigh "Henry was explaining it to me but I lost him when he was explain the internet crap".

Peter took the phone and swiped the green light to the side and a small voice began to speak. He then raised it his ear.

"Oh Captain couldn't hear you then" he chuckled "You sister can't come to the phone right no-"

"Give it here" I snatched the phone from him and pushed him down on the bed "Hello Killian".

"Hey where are you? I came by Regina's but you wasn't there and neither are the lost boys" he questions frantically.

"Don't worry brother we just moved to a house near the forest" I assured him "What's wrong?"

"Henry has gone somewhere and we can't find him" he explained "I'm glad your safe. He's not with you is he?"

"No I've not seen him" I tell him.

"What are you two doing anyway?" He questions suddenly.

"Ever heard curiosity kills the cat?" Peter takes the phones and questions him then chuckles at god knows what "Stop being an over protective brother she's fine".

I cross my arms and watch him as he continues to talk to my brother. The conversation last for a minute but Peter soon thanks my brother and hangs up. I raise a brow as he looks up at me.

He smirks "Your brother was warning me about the safety of sex".

My eyes widen and I feel my cheeks going red. "Bloody hell Peter" I mutter.

"Don't be embarrassed love" he pulls me down next to him "I was only joking. He was actually lecturing me about what will happen if I hurt you".

I roll my eyes "Mhm".

"Come on love let's go back to what we started" he chuckled and rolls back onto me and kisses my neck...

A/N. hey guys I don't know what to think about this chapter but I just wanted to put it in. It's just a little idea I thought of. I'll hopefully update again soon as all I want to do is write 😂❤️ hope you guys enjoyed; have a good day x

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