Chapter Eight Return to Storybrooke

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Hand in hand me and Peter strolled down the street in search of my friends. We found them all together in the decay bookshop. However Emma and my brother were no where to be seen.

Once we approached Mary Margret gave me a loving hug. "Where's my brother and Emma?" I questioned once she let go. She smiled slightly as she explained briefly "They've gone somewhere to bring your brother back to life so we can all leave". "Can't wait to get out of here" David muttered.

I beamed up at Peter with the joyful news. He squeezed my hand slightly with a bright expression on his face. "We're going home" I smiled excitedly. It's felt like we've been down here for months. "Indeed we are" he smirked and we all waited patiently for the return of my brother and Emma...

After what felt like forever the elevator started to move and Emma appeared...alone! Tears stained her pale cheeks as she stepped out of the elevator. "Mom!" Henry said and gave her a hug. "Emma where's my brother?" I stepped forward hesitantly with Peters hand still holding mine. My heart beat raced as Emma opened her mouth to explain and tears formed up in my eyes. "I'll explain later" she spoke after a few moments "we have to hurry to get to the thing". "We can't" Regina told her "The blond witch cast a spell trapping us here". "Let me guess she got it from Hades" Emma responded in which Regina nodded "This whole thing has been a set up to keep us trapped in the under world". "You mean the ambrosia?" David questioned. "It wasn't there" Emma explained. "So my brother..." I whispered as a tear fell down my cheek. "He can't leave" Henry finished. She looked at me sympathetically "He can move on" her voice hitched in a throat "But he wanted to make sure we all got out even if he couldn't" she explained. "Well then let's give him his wish" Regina spoke and both her and Emma used their magic to break the spell that had been put on the door after we arrived.

"You did it!" Henry cheered as the doors swung open. "Let's get out of here" Emma ordered and we all left the building. "I'm sorry (Y\N)" Peter whispered to me and kissed the top of my head. I didn't say anything as we followed the others.

We ran to the portal that sat in the middle of the grave yard. "The portal it's closing! Hurry! Hurry!" Emma shouted to us. One by one we all dived through the portal and into the real Storybrooke.

Me,Peter and Ruby walked in silence to Grannies where Felix emerged and hugged Ruby. I smiled at the couple as me and Peter found a table outside. He rubbed to the top of my hand comfortingly as he waited for me to speak but I didn't. If I spoke I was afraid I'd break...the tears that are inside threatening to fall - I don't want that - I don't want to be weak. "Your brother wouldn't want you to be upset" he told me in a calm tone "He would want you to be happy and move on...". "When I-I was young me and my-my brother, Killian" I stuttered as my breath hitched in my throat "We-we made a promise to always protect each other and be there for each other, to die for each other because we are siblings we are best friends and now I feel like I've broken that-that bond that promise" I cried. Peter whipped away my tears and his hand never left my face as he turned me to look at him "(Y\N) you went to hell you save him. You put your life on the line to save him. God you was even gonna sacrifice yourself to save him and you think that you have broken a promise?" He chuckled "You went way beyond that promise and created a bloody new one and no matter what has happened he is still your brother and best friend and forever will be with you" he pulled me on to his lap and into his embrace. "I-I love you" I whispered. "I love you too"...

It has been a few long days since my brother passed and a lot has happened with Hades turning everything to shit and now we are standing in front of the grave of Robin Hood. The man Regina loved dearly. I don't know him very much but the tears still fell down my cheek. These passed few days have been so emotional and even when I think things will get better they somehow don't.

We all walked back to Grannies to morn and eat. Regina heartbroken didn't speak much at all that day and I didn't blame her. Everyone was a mess after what we'd been through. We all sat in Grannies and ate whatever we had ordered. I couldn't eat and so I walked outside and on to the street.

"What a day" I muttered to myself. Then something unthinkable happened as I looked to my side to see Emma beaming with her hand entwined brother! At first I thought I was seeing things but as the grew closer I bolted towards him. Throwing myself into his arms as he caught me. He chuckled as he spun me around the places me on the ground. "How-when- what the bloody hell?" I stuttered. "I guess the gods above don't think it's my time yet" he smirked and pulled into another hug before walking into Grannies to be greeted by everyone. However Regina wasn't too happy and left the building.

"Well well well look who's back from the dead" Peter smirked. "Aye lad you can't get rid of me that easily" he chuckled "Plus I wasn't going to miss my sisters wedding" he patted Peters back then went to greet the others. I smiled like an idiot as I watch my brothers return "Pinch me I'm dreaming". "Afraid not love he's back from hell" he grinned at me and kissed my head "Thought we'd get married on the beach" he told me and pulled me into a side hug. "Whatever floats your boat" I chucked. He rolled his eyes and kissed me passionately "Wanna order some chocolate milk?" He questioned. "Yeah why not?" I shrugged. It's typical when you think life is getting better but their is always something lurking round the corner ready to ruin the happy times...

A\N. Hey little Auras I'm back with another chapter. Hope your all having a great summer holiday!!! Also hope you liked the chapter and know I have little ideas for future chapters and future books so woohoo!!!! Hope everyone who did their exams this year get good grades and have fun at college (I hope I do 😱) xxxx

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