Chapter Three Problems

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I sat in Emma and Snows apartment; sadly thinking about my brother Liam's departure and the future of my fate and Killians. He hadn't spoken to me since he found out about my deal with Hades and don't think anyone else knew either. Everyone sat talking about what not until a knock came at the door. Emma opened it to find a woman in a black dress and ginger hair frantically wondered into the apartment. Unlike me everyone knew her and looked extremely shocked and puzzled. "Zelena?" Robin questioned. "So someone finally did you in" Regina scoffed. "Sorry to disappoint" the woman, Zelena, spoke "but I'm much alive". "But how did you get here?" Robin questioned. "Through a portal" she explained "and I didn't come alone". They all looked at her. "Then who else is here?" Regina asked her. "Our baby" Zelena answered hesitantly. The stared at her in disbelief. "And she's in danger".

After the news was delivered by Zelena, Robin grabbed his bow. "Where are you going?" Zelena questioned. "To save our daughter" he explained in a hurry. "What about a tracking spell?" Zelena turned to Regina. "We don't have anything of the child's" Regina sighed. "We don't need magic I can find her" he insisted "I lived years in the forest I can track anyone" he said before heading for the door "I will find our daughter". Regina followed him and so did Zelena leaving me by myself. The others had headed out moments before and so I decided to go look for them.

"Hey" a voice flew over me. I smiled "Hey Jack where have you been?" I questioned him. "Here, there, everywhere" I explained and landed next to me. "Have you seen my brother or anyone else?" I asked him as we strolled down the dead street. "I saw the Prince Charming and his wife at the phone box" he told me. "The phone box?" I furrowed my brows. "Yeah it allows you to contact those that are above" he pointed up. My eyes lit up "Show me" I ordered "I need to contact someone" I told him. He smiled at me and began to lead me towards this phone box.

We walked in silence until we finally stumbled upon the red coloured phone box. I squeaked happily as he pointed at it. In seconds I was outside the strange creation. "What do I do?" I questioned. "Go in and answer it" he rolled his eyes and opened the door. I hesitantly stepped inside and took ahold of the strange device and waited intensely. "Hello?" I questioned anxiously. "(Y\N)!" A voice chimed down the phone who I recognised to be Ruby. "Ruby" I squeaked. "How are you? Are you ok?" She questioned but I was unable to answer as she wouldn't stop taking "How is everyone else? Ok give me a moment" she barked at someone "I understand you want to talk to her but I was here first". I chuckled "Is that my darling Peter trying to talk to me?" I questioned. "Fine" she huffed and disappeared. "Hello?" I ask worriedly. "(Y\N)!" He called down the phone. "Peter!" Tears pricked at my eyes as he voice came down the magic line. "(Y\N) are you ok? When will you return?" He questioned me hopefully. Will I ever return? I asked myself. "I don't know. A lot of things are happening down here but guess what?" I smiled. "What?" He replied. "I saw my mother and brother Liam" I told him. "That's great. Be careful" he warned. "I promise" I told him "I love you". "I love you too" was the last thing he said as I put down the phone.

After the phone call me and Jack wondered over to the cafe to get a drink. I get a chocolate milk as always and he ordered a ice tea. I should have known figuring he is the guardian of ice and snow. "How are you (Y\N)?" He questioned randomly. "Good thanks. Why you ask?" I raised a brow. "That phone call may have been the last time you hear his voice" he explained. I sighed looked down at my hands. "I just wanted you to know that" he muttered.

After a awkward drink at the cafe we headed back to the apartment. A lot had happened today. Zelena found her daughter and Emma was currently reading something off a page. "The infant son of Snow White and Prince Charming looked up at the tiny glass unicorns as they stirred by the wind. But on this night, he didn't hear the chime of the crystal. Instead, he heard the voices of his mother, Snow White, and his father, Prince Charming. They sang a lullaby until he fell asleep as soundly as if he were in their arms" she read with a smile. Mary Margret sighed happily. "Thanks Henry" David looked at Henry with a happy smile. "I don't know about anyone else, but I am really ready to get back home to my family my whole family. No more waiting. We can save ourselves. We're going to take down Hades, and we're going to do it now" Mary sighed.

I wondered out of the apartment and on to the street only to be followed by my one handed brother. "I need to talk to you" he said sternly behind me. I closed my eyes and turned to face him "About what?" I asked as I looked into his blue eyes. "About the deal you made with Hades" he growled "(Y\N) I don't understand why you would give up everything". "Because your my brother" tears threatened to fall as I saw the disappointment in his eyes "Because I love you". "And I love you but I don't want you to give up your life for me" he stepped forward.
"It wasn't your choice to make!" I yelled at him casing him to jump back in shock "It's my life, my choice". "But it is my choice whether to accept your heart or not" he sighed "and I don't want to. You have your whole life ahead of you and you need to go live it once you get out of here". A tear slipped down my face. He reached out and pulled me into a loving hug. "I know you want to help me but (Y\N) there is nothing you can possibly do for me now so please just enjoy the time we have left together" he pulled out of the hug and wiped away my tears "Do come on let's go back inside" he smiled and led me back into the warm cosy apartment. It saddened me to know that I will be returning without the reason I came but I am happy to know that I will soon return into the warm embrace of my future husband...

A/N. hey here you go finally!!! Also I want to start a competition for all of you guys if you are interested. Just let me know in the comments. As well I've started to write a new Peter Pan x reader and that will be out once this one is fully finished so yup!!!! Hope you guys enjoyed ❤️❤️❤️

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