Chapter Eleven Mr.Hyde

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I paced back and forth on the street; frustratedly trying to call Emma. However as I am no expert with this new technology I ended up cracking the corner of its screen.

"Come on you bloody infuriating device" I complained as I finally managed to get the thing to work. Finding Emma's number I called her in which she did not answer.

"Where has my brother galavanted to?" Luke questioned as he strolled over to me.

"He's in another world" I explained "He was taken through a portal".

"Wait what?" His expression turned serious "By Who?"

"From what I've been told I think the portal malfunctioned" I shrugged "Ive tried to call Emma but she hasn't answered. There's nothing we can do to find any of them" I sighed.

"Well we'll just have to be patient and hope they return soon" he said calmly; placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

Peters POV

I sat in the corner of the room; waiting for the man to return. I could tell everyone was getting restless. Killian was busy trying to pick the lock with his hook.

"Did you get into your own rum?" The red head questioned "You think that's going to work when my magic can't?"

"Well, I suppose I could do nothing, but then again that's your job!" He yelled back at her.

Gotta say it took me by surprise. I smirked in amusement at the little spatter between the two of them.

"If you really want to get out of here I can arrange a trip right back to the underworld!" She threatened and stormed over to him.

"Stop it!" David put his hand in between them "Now we need to be patient. The Groundsman promised to fix the wand and bring it back to us".

As if I'm cue the Groundsman returned "Unfortunately I was only able to keep half me promise" he rushed over to us.

"What do you mean?" The red questioned "Where's the wand?!"

"I've repaired it, but then the Warden took it from me" he explained.

"For the love of god open this door and I'll retrieve it myself" I ordered; jumping up from the floor and moving towards the bars.

He jumped at me tone but turned back to the others; nodding towards me "I didn't come empty-handed though, seems the Orderly, he enjoyed a little bit too much whiskey today" he held up the key with a small smile and began to open the cage.

"We need to get the wand back from the Warden. Do you know where he is?" Snow questioned.

"Eh, no, uh, be first things first before we find him we must have a way to defeat him" he told us "He's quite powerful. Now I might have a way but it's dangerous" he finally swung the door open.

"Hasn't stopped us before" Snow told him as she pass him with us following.

Killian stopped and grabbed the Groundsman; talking in a hushed tone "I just went to hell and back. I'm not afraid of your Warden".

The Groundsman gulped "Then follow me" he said and walked away.

"Very scary Captain" I smirked.

"Shut up and come on" he glanced at me then continued to follow the others.

We followed the Groundsman out the house and through a village; into the man square.

"Bloody hell" Hook muttered next to me.

"Where are we?" David questioned in awe.

"It's like all the realms all at once" Snow piped in as she stared at all the people.

"You're closer than you think" the Groundsman spoke "This land is a refuge filled with outcasts from all over. Each forced to flee their problems. Each finding safe haven here"

"Forced to flee from what?" I questioned with a raise brow.

"Well the reasons are varied as the populace and everyone has their own tale. That's why this place has come to be known as "The Land of Untold Stories" He explained.

"It's a tad ironic of a name, no, given that this land is seemingly filled with stories" Killian muttered.

"Perhaps but there's only one story we need to worry about right now. That's our own" he told us.

"Right and the story better end with us getting back to our world" I sighed and followed the others through the village stalls.

We found ourselves in a room with a table full of random liquids in bottles and jars. The Groundsman picked up a small tube full of blue liquid.

"What's that?" I questioned.

"A serum I created designed to separate the food from evil in someone" he explained.

"Give some of that to him" Hook grinned as he pointed at me; I scowled at him.

"It's what we're going to use to defeat the Warden" he finished "There is only enough for one, sorry" he glanced at myself and Hook.

"Well, how? I didn't exactly see any good in him" Hook stared back at the Groundsman.

"Uh, it's - it's there" he stuttered "And the good has been fighting to get out for a long time, but it never could - till now" he pulled a flower from his pocket.

"The flower. It's from the vine you were trimming back in the garden" David said as he looked at the flower.

"Yes the final ingredient" he cut the bottom of it off at he stared at the flower quietly and squeezing the liquid out of it into the tube. He then put a cork in the top of the tube and shook the tube lightly; lifting it up. The blue liquid suddenly turned red "If only he knew I was growing it right under his nose".

"Actually he did" the man who knocked us out when we first came stormed in "Back off!" He yelled at me and the red head.

"I don't understand" the Groundsman spoke; fear in his voice "You - you were passed out drunk" he stuttered.

The Man grabbed the Groundsman by the collar "I let you get away so you could finish your serum" he wrapped his arm around his neck roughly "Now let's show the Warden what you've done" he forced the Groundsman to drink some blue liquid.

The Groundsman lent over in pain as he was let free from the others grasp "Get away!" He yelled at us.

"What did you do to him?" David questioned frantically.

"You have to run" the Groundsman groaned he face suddenly becoming red and purple and he began to morph into something or someone else.

"David I think I know what story our good doctor is from" Snow spoke up.

"Dr.Jekyll, which means he's..." David began.

"Mr.Hyde" Snow finished as the man raised his head and looked at us.

"The Warden - Mr who? Who's Mr.Hyde?" Hook questioned and raised his voice.

"You know what I say?" The red head say as she raises her hand full of green magic "Shoot first questions later!"

She shot it at the man who flowed with the green magic but other than that he seemed unaffected.

He sighed; rolling his shoulders back and staring us again.

"Jekyll was right" Snow whispered "Run!".

We didn't hesitate to get the hell out of there; running away from the building...

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