Chapter Six Rescue and Truth

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A\N. omg do you see that ^^ it's moving 😍🤗 lol I found out how to use gifs so ta da! Hope you enjoy the new chapter


We snuck down into the narrow halls of Hades Lair - filled with cobwebs and statues as such. The wall torches lit which is kinda random unless Hades is in fact down here with us. "This is a stupid idea" Peter grunted. "Where's your sense of adventure gone?" I questioned with a smirk. "It's gone no where" he shrugged "But the fact that I am powerless makes me feel weak" he finally admitted. Jack chuckled and flicked a snow ball, he formed, at Peter. In return Peter stared at him with a furious expression "How come Snowflake has his magic?". "He's a guardian" I shrugged. Jack smirked and launched his staff onto his shoulder; placing his hand in his blue jacket pocket and continued to stroll down the hall like he owned the place. "Jack please be careful" I crossed my arms. "Why do you care?" Peter mutter behind me. I gave him a perplex expression but didn't question his attitude.

We wandered aimlessly around the maze of halls and doors until we approached a black chained door. "Guess that leads to the dungeon" I suggested. Jack shrugged and pulled on the door. However it didn't budge or make a sound. "Damn" he cursed. "We need something to break the lock" I told them and began to search for something. On the other hand Jack had a different idea; he used his staff to blow ice into the lock. "And what's that suppose to do?" Peter questioned with a raised brow. Jack glanced at him but didn't reply; instead he used his stick and smashed the lock clean off "It weakened the lock" he finally explained.

We tugged off the heavy chains from the door; pushing them to one side then Jack did the honour of opening the door. "Ladies first" he said politely to me. I smile and started to walk through the door until a hand grasped my arms and pulled me back. "Ladies first to get killed?" The owner to the hand growled. Jacked huffed; staring at Peter, as they both shot daggers at one another, then reluctantly strolled through the door and the down the flight of uneven stairs that accompanied us.

Once we landed at the bottom, many jail cells became visible to us. "Grace!" Jack whisper shouted as he past many cells. I help Jack but began to lose hope in the plan. "She isn't here" Jack yelled in frustration. I was about to comfort him until an unexpected voice called out. "Jack" a female said with a hint if unsureness. Jacks eyebrows raised and a hopeful smile ran along his face. He didn't hesitate - he dashed to where the voice was heard; to a cell in the far corner. The cells is quiet dark apart from a small lite from the torch on the wall next to me. Jack called her name once again and with a sudden movement a woman, maybe in mid twenties, with long brown hair and chocolate brown eyes appeared at the bars. "Jack" she breathed out in shock; placing her small hand on his cheek. Jack looked back at me with a beaming smiled and yanked open the cell door.

After the little reunion we wandered back up the stairs and down the narrow halls. "It's nice to meet you Grace" I shook her hand as we walked "I'm (Y\N) and this is Peter" I introduced. She stared at me for a time in deep thought but returned the smile never the less.

We had accidentally strolled straight through two large doors and into a huge open room. The room sat on a metal plate that was surrounded by some sort of strange liquid. "What was that?" Jack jumped back from staring into the liquid. "That was a lost soul" a husk voice explained. We looked up and straight at a throne - where Hades lounged.
He smiled at us and motioned for us to come in. Hesitantly we huddled together and into the room. "Ahh (Y\N) and another one of you" he pointed at Peter "And the Overland siblings. So glad you finally found each other again" he did a mocking sigh but his expression stayed dark "However you did trespass in my home and so you all must be punished". I rolled me eyes and crossed my arms. Hades looked at me in confusion "What wrong (Y\N)? You want to make another deal?". "What deal?" Peter questioned with furrowed brows. "Oh you didn't tell him! Though it doesn't matter anymore. Her brother declined her offer" he chuckled. "What does he mean?" Peter asked in frustration. I opened my mouth to answer him but Hades beat me to it "Your little sweetheart here" he appeared next to me and placed a firm grip on my shoulder "Made a deal to take her life in exchange for her brother to be set free back to the upper world" he chuckled darkly and strolled away. Peter stared at me in pure shock and anger "You was planning on staying down here?" he shouted. "Peter please let me explain!" I pleaded. "Explain what? He already explain" he growled; he eyes turned dark green, nearly black, out of rage "Was this your plan form the beginning?". I shook my head "Of course not". Peter shook his head rapidly and stormed out of the room.

Hades clasped his hands together and laughed hysterically "Now wasn't that entertaining!". Tears pricked my eyes - I saw the hurt in Peter's heartbroken he was from the sudden news of my attempt to save my brother. "That's enough" Jack spat and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. Hades sighed disappointedly "Fine, but now what to do with the rest of you" he leant against his throne arm and placed a finger on the tip of his chin. "You trapped my sister alone in a cell for God knows how many years" Jack growled "Isn't that enough punishment?". Hades breathed out in frustration "I guess you right and plus its not like I can do anything with a guardian" he groaned. "In that case we will be going" Grace said bravely. "I guess you should" he waved us away with out another word but his creepy smile followed us out of the room.

After a silent walk down different halls - we finally found the way out. Grace sighed in relief and began to explore a small part of the area "I'm so glad to be finally out of that place". Jack beamed at his sister be when he turned to me his expression was full of worry "Are you alright?" He questioned hesitantly. I nodded "Yeah but I think I need to find him". "Just give him some time and he'll come around. It's not like you are actually staying here" he shrugged and gave me a friendly side hug. "I hope so"...

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