Chapter Four Emma's dream

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I stood on top of a roof with my brother and Emma who is currently sleeping. We were waiting for the signally from the other that are inside the building. If I'm being honest I don't know why but my brother dragged me into this. He's been acting strange about me since the current events: the deal with Hades and our little argument last night. I've never seen him this way but I guess he's just worried - his friends out down here risking his life but something tells me he has no hope in Emma's rescue plan and definitely agrees against my attempt. "You ok?" A voice broke me from my thought. I sighed deeply and looked up at my brother with a shrug "Just wanna see everyone de-stressed back in the real Storybrooke" I admitted. "Aye, so do I" he looked behind; at Emma with caring eyes. "And I mean all of us" I stared at him and swung my arms at my side. He nodded and looked out at the pitch black sky "I'm sure Pan wants to see you" he smirked. "Yeah and I also wanted to ask you something" I said seriously and he looked down at me "I was wondering you know because father can't do it" I ducked in a deep breath "I was wondering if you would give me away?". He was silent for a moment "Yeah I'll just give you to a supermarket in Storybrooke. Put a price tag thing on your nose" I chuckled. "No I'm being serious" I laughed. He shook his head with a smile and turn fully towards me "Of course I will give you away". I squealed and jumped into his embrace. "Even if it is to that boy" he muttered. "Shut up" I cried sarcastically.

Suddenly Emma jolted away; gasping for air. "Bad dream?" Killian asked and broke the hug. I sat and the edge of the building and looked down; waiting for the signal. "Yeah. It was nothing" she explained and pulled herself up "Sorry I fell asleep" she said as she approached us. "I'm glad you did" my brother admitted. "It's not the best way to keep watch" she told him. "We've got it under control" he pointed at me, "Do you realise this is the first time you've slept since you rescued me?" He questioned her. "I will sleep for weeks as soon as we been Hades, I promise" she whispered and looked down. "That's the signal they're ready" I told them and jumped up.

We made our way down into the library. Regina stood in front of a door with many symbols. "Mom" Emma said worriedly as we were let in. She pulled Snow into a hug "Oh! Is everything okay?" Snow asked in shock. "Yeah. It's just good to see you" Emma admitted. "When you're done hugging it out, Emma I can use a little help here" Regina ruined their moment. "So this is what you've been working on all night?" My brother questioned in disbelief "This is our new plan to defeat Hades and go home - a bunch of squiggly like lines". "Hades put one hell of a protection spell on his elevator and these 'squiggly lines' are the only way to crack it open" she emphasised 'squiggly lines' at my brother as she explained. "Then hopefully that elevator will take us straight to him" Snow said hopefully. "Maybe with a surprise on our side, we can get a shot at him" David added to our hope. "That's a lot of 'maybe's and 'hopefully's" Killian stated. "It's all we have right now" Emma said worriedly "Okay let's do this". Emma and Regina lifted their hands to release their magic that will hopefully break the spell. The 'ticked' and 'click' suggesting that it was working and the symbols that lit up added to that.

Moments later and the door opened to a disappointing brick wall. "So much for surprising him" David sighed. "Oh we'll think of something else" Snow suggested "We always do". "What if?" Emma said in a mere whisper "What if I can burn our names off the gravestones that Hades made for us, the ones holding us here?". "I looked for a spell like that. It doesn't exist" Regina sighed deeply. "Actually it does" Emma corrected her "It kind of came to me in a dream". "In a dream?" David questioned her and crossed his arms. "I know it sounds crazy but I can remember every detail. It would be a long shot but..." she was cut off by my brother. "Well as for 'maybe' s and 'hopefully's" he began "I've learned never to question yours. I'm coming with you". "Snow and I will take Henry back to the apartment and keep him safe" David told Emma. "No actually I'm gonna go with Emma" snow refused. "No! No that's not s good idea" Emma told her sternly in more of a panicked tone. "I promised to take down Hades and get back my son remember?" She questioned "if this is how we do it, I'm in". "Emma I would argue with your mother" David warned "Trust me". "Get going and I'll - I'll meet you at the cemetery" Regina told them "First I should talk to my sister. Apparently she has some history with Hades". "You think she'll talk to you?" Emma asked. "I don't know" Regina said and grabbed her coat "but if he does have a weakness, she might be the only person who knows what it is" and with that she walked out. "What are you doing" my brother asked me. "I'm coming with you guys" I told him with a nod and we too strolled out of the building.

We stood in front of the gravestones that held Emma, Regina and Snow names. "The spell worked in my dream" Emma told us "Now I just need to make it happen" she closed her eyes and raised her hands; ready to start the spell. "Emma wait" my brother stopped her "any captain worth his salt k led when a storms brewing" he told us "and trust me we need to find shelter". "Why did you just say that?" Emma questioned with a scared and confused expression. "Oh it's fine love, it's just a storm" he assured her "I've survived worse". "No, I should not have brought you here" she cried "My dream - it's wasn't just a dream. This is exactly how it happened" she admitted. "Can we talk about that a bit later?" Killian insisted "We need to take shelter now" and with that he grabbed my firearm and dragged me behind him as we dashed through the graveyard.

We stopped behind a giant gravestone and leaned against it - and storm all of a sudden stopped. Emma looked distraught at the fact, as my brother spoke "Well look at that. The worlds fastest storm" he joked "maybe this is turning into a good dream". "It wasn't the storm I was worried about" she admitted "In the dean the cyclone brought a monster". "What kind of monster?" Snow asked sternly. Like on cue a loud roar erupted from behind us! "That kind" Emma muttered. "I'll take a look" Snow told us but Emma stopped her immediately. "No, mom you have to trust me. I can't let you do this" she insisted. "Okay, okay Emma" Snow assured her "it was your dream. You tell us. What do we do now?". The creature roared again - "We run!".

We dashed into a vault to hide from the creature. "Okay I know it's seems a little creepy but we should be safe down here" Emma told us. The creature was close - it called to us in the distance. "Are you sure about that?" I asked her. "What the hell is that thing and why is it chasing us?" My brother questioned. "I don't know but if it comes close, I can get a shot at it" Snow assured us. "No you can not go back out there" Emma told her. "Emma what are you so afraid of?" Snow questioned "We've faced monsters before". "My dream - it's happening" she explained "and there's something I didn't tell you" she took in a deep breath "you died".

"I think that monsters gone away" my brother informed us. However something in the stairs moved; my brother grabbed something to use as a weapon and Snow grabbed her bow and arrows. My brother held out his knife quickly as someone appeared - it was Regina who looked extremely shocked at Killian's action. "Sorry, love" he apologised. "Well I'm glad your reflexes are better than your sense of style" she sassed and walked past him "Well this has turned into quite a day. Why are you all in my vault?" She questioned us. "Shirt version - thing with fangs tried to kill us" Snow explained vaguely. "And your hiding instead of fighting?" Regina asked her. "I saw this monster in my dream. And in the end it..." she stopped mid sentence. "It killed me so..." Snow finished. "I though it was a message or some sort of vision of the future" Emma continued. "Well you dreamt it. It's not like it'll happen. Maybe this dream isn't just a the monster. It's about you working out some issues" Regina suggested. "I don't have any issues" Emma denied. "Much as it pains me, I have to agree with Regina," my brother admitted "Emma what's going on?". She sighed "Maybe I...feel like I failed everyone". "Failed? You saved me" he insisted. "But we're still trapped in the underworld. What the hell was I thinking bringing everyone down here?" She questioned herself "bringing Henry down here? This was a terrible plan. I should have done this alone. Now I'm always frightened - I'm frightened that som one will die and tulle be my fault. And I'll never forgive myself". "Emma you didn't force any of us down here" Snow reassured her "We all wanted to come down here with you. We knew it would be hard. These things always are but some things are worth it. Love is worth it. Now if you want to get home let's do what works. Let's face this monster together!".

We stalked through the forest silently looking fir this monster. "It's close" Snow told us as she looked down at a paw track "Keep your eyes peeled". "There" Regina pointed as the monster ran in the distance. Snow help up her bow and Regina and Emma raised their hands and I joined in, in capturing this creature. Emma's magic blurred out golden and Regina's purple with mine (F/C) blurring in the same direction as theirs. "Nice shot" my brother complemented as we shot the beast to a halt. We dashed forwards to where the beast fell. "Wait everybody stay back, that thing could still be alive!" Emma warned. "Emma stop don't kill it" Snow ordered and dropped her arrows "I think your dream was a vision. But it wasn't about saving me. It was about finding her" she said and through a red cloak over the black wolf but it was soon replaced with Ruby "Red?" Snow called... 

A/N. Hey little Auras! I just wanted to know if you wanted me to carry on with the story line of once upon a time in the underworld or send you back up to the other world with Peter. And if so please have a vote in the comments and I'll decide from that.

P.s. I have an idea for whatever you choose...

Any thanks for reading and voting!!!

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