Chapter Twenty Two The End

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Was this it? Was this the truth? I was going to die due to my child being too strong for me to survive. My entire body was numb, bright lights shone over me and people were running around frantically. I could hear them talking but I didn't know what they were saying. Their worried expression as they communicated to one another. Was I already dead? Watching the world go by in my body? Everything felt still until an increasing amount of pain surged through me; awakening me from my state. Then the panic as I a scream erupted from my mouth.

The nurses were telling me to push. One was dabbing my forehead with a wet towel, another holding my hand and shoulder. And then another push. I had heard child birth being painful but this was excruciating. I had turned to the nurse in all the chaos and asked for Peter. I couldn't hear what they were saying to each other, but I didn't need to as one nurse left the room. The whole situation was terrifying, this was a normal birth, but it felt different. Maybe because I was fearing the end, the warning I was given but chose to ignore. If I only got to glance at my child just once I'll die happy.

The doors flew open as Peter came to my side, taking my hand tightly and lightly kissing my head. I could see the fear in his eyes. They had forced him to wait outside when I was brought to the hospital. I could hear him saying something to me, but my hearing got the better of me and I failed to take it in. Then another shot of pain followed by my screams. I felt his hand tighten around mine. The pain kept coming, over and over again until silence.

Beads of sweat rolled down my cheeks as I gathered my breath. I glanced at Peter and he was staring at something with emotions I had never seen from him before. I wasn't sure if he was going to cry, faint, smile, he looked completely frozen in place. Then again so was I, I was alive. After all the fear and worry, I was still here. A cry woke us both from our state as the doctor turned to us with a smile.

"It's a boy" he announced, handing my son to his father. Peter took him so delicately, like he was glass that would shatter at any moment. Peters smile wondered as he laid eyes on him, looking back to me. All the worry leaving him to be replaced with a full smile. He stood slowly, handing the small bundle to me, wrapping his arm around me and placing a kiss upon my head. The cries soon dispersed and I was finally able to see his baby blue, my son, so perfect.

Everything felt normal, happy, exciting. I was alive, holding my child as he slept. But all that soon diminished as I felt another wave of pain. Was this the end? The world was spinning and my body was feeling numb once again. I felt the bundle taken from me and the last thing I could hear where the worried screams from Peter.

Peters POV

"What's happening?!" I yelled at the nurses as they ushered me away. The couldn't tell me anything, they didn't knew themselves and that was not reassuring. I was sent back to the waiting room where everyone immediately stood up. Regina, Henry and Belle had arrived since I was allowed into the room.

"What's going on?" Hook came over to me in a second, followed by the rest. It wasn't until the Dark One entered the room that I snapped.

"This is your fault!" Within a second I had him pinned against the wall. However, I was unable to do much damage as I was dragged off of him. I wanted to kill him where he stood.

"What are you talking about?" Hook questioned, turning his attention to me then to Gold. He was straightening his jacket, recomposing himself before turning to everyone to explain the situation. Within a matter of minutes I watched everyone face change from confused to shocked at the story Gold had just told them.

"You gotta be kidding me right?" Hook released a low unsure laugh "Let me get this straight, your (Y\N)s father? She's not really my sister? And she is now going to die because of you?" I sensed he was holding back from doing the same thing I did to Gold not so long ago.

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