Chapter Sixteen A New Adventure

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"I'm pregnant"

I finally told him - I finally told him the secret that had been eating at my mind. The lie I was telling myself. Telling everyone I'm fine, but really I'm terrified. He hadn't spoken at all since I announced the news. Whether he was unhappy or happy he didn't show it - I was starting to feel nervous.

"Peter" I whispered "Please, please say something"

He sighs and looks away from the ocean "I'm just glad you're not dying or something"

I rolled my eyes "Pet-"

He takes my hand "(Y\N) I love and no matter what tasks face us, we work through it together" he pauses and looks down at my stomach before looking back into my eyes "And together we will raise this child. I love you more than life it's self and to be able to build a home, a family with something I never thought I'd ever have. I'm so glad to have this adventure with you"

I don't know when it happened, but half way through his speech tears began to fall down my face and now I probably look like an absolute mess "Tha-that's so-so nice of yo-you to say" he chuckled at my happy tearful mess "I'm-I'm so excited to build a fam-family with yo-you. Fuck off hormones" I laughed and wiped the tears from my face.

"Wow, how pregnant are you?" He chuckled and pulled me into a hug.

I shrug "A few months. Now I know how Belle feels" I say as I snuggle into his chest.

He stroked my hair soothingly and rubbed circle, gently, on my back "The only thing I want to know is why didn't you tell me when you found out?"

I was hesitant by answered his question "I was scared, when I found out I didn't know what to think. The idea of have a child terrified me and I didn't know how to tell you. I spent the last few days taking the information in" I explain.

He kissed the top of my head "Does Hook know?"

"No, only Dr Whale" I assure him.

"Dr Whale? Dr Whale" I could feel his chest vibrate with laughter "What type of whale is he?"

"Shut up" I laugh.

"A hump back? Killer?" He names a few whale species.

We both burst out in laughter on the warm sand. I'm so glad at his reaction, I was worried that he was gonna be upset or something, but you can never truly guess how people will react - sometimes they can surprise you. Which reminds me...

"My brother is gonna kill me" I groan.

"Actually, he'll probably kill me" Peter chuckled "Don't worry, everything will be fine"

"You know, my mum use to be able to feel people babies from a young age. She had a gift that many women came to her for. She could tell them if they were pregnant, if the baby is okay and so on" I tell him "Can you do that? I know it's early days"

"I can try" he shrugs and places hand over my stomach carefully and concentrated. I watched as his face went from serious to a smile.

"What? What did you feel or see or what?" I asked excitedly.

"You are most definitely pregnant" he stated "The baby is fine, that all I can tell"

"What's it like? To have contact with him or her?" I question.

"It's like a warm feeling. It's an unusual feeling, I can't really explain it" he shakes his head trying to find a way to express what he felt "When do you want to tell people or if not people your brother?"

I groan "I don't want to tell him"

"Fine with me, but he will probably figure it out when your stomach gets bigger. He may be stupid, but he ain't that stupid" he jokes.

"My brother isn't stupid" I argue "But you are right, I need to tell him and I'd rather tell him sooner than later. Get the conversation over with" I sigh "Why does it feel harder to tell him than it was to tell you"

"Because your brother is over protective" he rolled his eyes.

"Hey, don't roll your eyes! Your over protective too" I argue and crossed my arms.

"Yes, yes I am, but this is your brother we're taking about" he snickers "Everything will be fine, love. I'll be with you, so he probably won't be angry with you at all, all his anger will be on me as he pulls out his sword and waves it in my face"

"I don't how you can just joke about this" I take a deep breath "I need to sleep on this"

"Do you want me to carry you home?" He questions.

"Nah, let's sleep here" I smile and snuggle into him, he reacted by wrapping his arms around me and resting his head on top of mine.

"I'm really excited for the future for us" he whispers "All of us" he adds an strokes my stomach with such care and love.

"I'm so happy you feel this way" I hum happily "Goodnight"

"Goodnight, love" he kissed the top of my head one more time before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

I woke up confused for a moment, as I couldn't fell the usual bed sheets, but I realised quickly that we had slept on the beach. I sat up and watch as the sun rose from below the ocean.

"Morning, love" Peter murmured as he came out of his sleep.

"I didn't mean to wake you" I apologised; kissing him softly on his cheek.

He sat up and yawn before wrapping an arm around my waist "I was already waking up".

We sat, for what felt like hours, on the beach - watching the sun fully rise into the sky; and the birds flying around. It almost made me forget the task for the day - telling my brother he's gonna be an uncle.

"Can we just stay here all day?" I as quietly; snuggling into his side.

"Would be great, but I know what your doing" he smirked and bopped me on the nose "Can't get out of telling him that easily"

"Well, how about going Grannies?" I asked, and sat up to look at him, he shook his head "Going making tree houses with the lost boys" he rolled his eyes, I slouched in my spot; thinking for an alternative - "Let go back to Neverland"


"Peter" I complain.

"He's you brother, he deserves the right to know"

"I know, I know" I sigh "I just - don't want the baby to grow up with out it's father"

He smirked "He may throw a few things, but he won't kill me" he chuckled "Plus he's no match for me"

"Yeah, yeah" I roll me eyes; hiding the smile that was creeping on my face "Right then let's get it over with"

"What like right now?" He looked stunned.

"Well yeah" I said as I got up "Get it over with, like you have been saying"

"Yeah, But (Y\N) I'm too young to die" he jokes and get up "Come on then let's go great uncle Hook"

"This will be interesting"

Hello everyone, I hope you all enjoying the book. I've got a little competition for all of you to take part in.
Now that (Y\N) is pregnant it's up to you to decided the gender of the baby and it's name. Write your suggestions in the comments!!!

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