Chapter 2

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"I forgive you, she says." Adrien said as he paced around the room. "What does that even mean? 'I forgive you'." He moved his two fingers up and down, and rolled his eyes.

Nino sat down on the floor and watched his friend. "Dude," he spoke. "I've been watching you for the past minutes and I'm waiting for you to admit."

"Admit what?" The blond scoffed.

"That you've totally lost it." Nino shook his head and chuckled. Adrien shot him a icy glare and crossed his arms.

"I haven't lost it. I'm just confused." He stated as if it were obvious.

"Mmhmm, keep telling yourself that." Nino smirked. Adrien groaned at his friend and slumped down in his seat next to Nino.

"Shut up, dude. Say, this is just the first day. She's gonna lose it after a week." Adrien grinned deviously.

"Is that a bet I hear?" Nino looked at his friend suspiciously.

Adrien chuckled and shook his head. "Nah, it's just a fact."

"Like girl! Are you crazy? He's the school bully! No one forgives a bully!" Alya exclaimed as she watched Marinette walk into the bathroom with a new pair of pants.

"Oh? Than what do they do?" Marinette asked from the bathroom.

"They get revenge, duh!" Alya told her. Marinette laughed a little.

"I don't know. That would make things worse." Marinette said as she came out the bathroom.

"Yeah... You're right." Alya mumbled in defeat. She let out an audible sigh and looked at the bluenette. "But if you want revenge, I'm only one call away." Alya smiled.

"Yeah, sure. Quote Charlie Puth." The bluenette rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag. "C'mon or we'll be late."

The two girls ran out of the bakery and ran across the road towards the school. "So your parents own a bakery?" Alya asked.

Marinette nodded. "Yeah..." She trailed off. Alya just nodded and decided to keep the silence between them going till they reached their next class.

The day went by quickly for Marinette. She even made a friend on her first day, which was a first.

Though she didn't feel quite comfortable with the blonde who kept sending her mischievous smirks that sent unpleasant chills down her spins. But she decided to ignore him.

Adrien made his way to his car which had parked a few meters away from him. He had decided that today, he would let the newcomer loose of his devious plans.

Tomorrow was going to be a new day. And how great would it be to destroys someones day with a harmless prank?
Hey! I was supposed to update yesterday but this darn phone wouldn't come on!

But I fixed it! Yay!O:-)

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