Chapter 32

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"HOLY SHIT! IT'S ALMOST THE NEW YEAR!" The raven haired boy exclaimed while pacing back and forth in his room.

"But that ain't it." He mumbled as he stooped. "ADRIENETTE ISN'T EVEN CANON!" He hollered and fell to his bed. He picked up his phone and called his girlfriend.

"Hello, bitch!" A very dreadful voice said. Nino groaned.

"Lila, where's Alya!"

(Hmmm...that rhymes. XD)

"Hey! Give me back my phone!" Alya yelled from the other end. "Sorry about that. What is it?!" Alya said.

"It's about Marinette and Adrien." Nino replied. He heard Alya groan.

"Isn't Adrien and Marinette kissing enough?"

"THEY WHAT?!" Lila voice scream in horror.

"SHUT UP, LILA!" Than he heard a door slam. Alya sighed from the other end. "I'll text you."

"Okay." Nino replied. Just as he was about to end the call, Alya stopped him. "It's a group chat. I'm gonna add Adrien, so we can discuss this." Than she ended the call.

Nino's phone beeped.

Alya created a group called, 'Mission get-Adrienette-together😀'

You and 1 other were added.

Alya: Hello.

Adrien: Sup?

Nino: Hey bro.

Adrien: Wassup, Dude?😎

Nino: Nm. Texting you.

(Me during every chat. ^^😂)

Adrien: Cool.

Alya: Srsly? You two are lame😑

Adrien: Fine. What're you doing?

Alya: Planning world domination🌏

Adrien: Wow😮 That's big...

Nino: That's what she said😂😂😂😂😂

Adrien: Bruh😂😂😂😂😂

Alya: Shut the hell up!

Nino: Okay. Okay. Now, let's get down to business

Alya: Thank you, Nino.

Nino: To defeat!

Adrien: NO!


Alya: Wait, did you say the puns?

Nino: Yeah😀

Adrien: How would you defeat the puns?

Nino: ahem..

Nino: Punishment 😎

Alya: Okay! Now. Back to mission Adrienette

Adrien: so this is what it's about.

Nino: Yup! 😁😀

Adrien: Well, I texted her the day after Christmas. She was pretty pissed that I did😂 Than she asked me why I was texting her and I said, 'what? Can't I text my girlfriend? xxx

Nino: You spooked her with those x's

Alya: Your an idiot Nino.

Nino: What?

Alya: Anyway. You might've made her a little giddy with the girlfriend part

Adrien: A LITTLE?!

Alya: What? That was lame

Nino: Plz. Adrien is not lame

Adrien: Thanks, man.

Nino: But when it comes to women, he's super lame

Adrien: Sleep with one eye open, bruh

Nino:😉 I'm sorry. Ily

Alya: Umm...

Adrien: Ily2 bro

Alya: Okay. Enough bromance. Wait, are you two, by any chance... Bi?

Nino: No. We just love each other.

Adrien: Love is in the air

Alya: 😑😑 Okay. Adrien, what are you gonna do about Marinette?

Adrien: I dunno. Follow her until she becomes mine.

Nino: Dude, that's desperate

Adrien: That's what you did when you wanted to be my friend

Alya: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 You got burned Nino.

Nino: 😡 Whatevs.

Alya: I think you should court her.

Adrien: tf?! Court? As in, take her to court?

Alya: No! You imbecile! It's when a guy persuade a girl. Ya'know. He goes out of his way to make the girl say yes to become his girlfriend


Nino: She means! You will do sweet things like, give her flowers, take her out and make her feel happy. It's like what couple do except your not a couple.

Adrien: Okay. Okay. There's this thing and that thing! What's the catch?!



Alya: Okay.

Adrien: Wait. Are you guys saying you want me to seduce Marinette?

Nino: Yes!!

Alya: No!!

Nino: Why?

Alya: Shut up, ily.


Alya: It's something like that but less....sexual. No touching.

Nino: Pssh

Alya: Look. All we're trying to say is woo her. Sweep her off her feet as they say

Adrien: Wait, what am I supposed to do again?


alya went offline.

Nino: See'ya bro.

Adrien: Kay, bye.

Both went offline


Nino snickered. "Well, she's pissed off."

Hello people. XD I'm sorry for this late update. Well, I'm sorry. I was just hanging with mah music.

 I was just hanging with mah music

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