Chapter 17

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I'm feeling so high because I updated. 😂

"Yessh! What's taking Alya so long?" Marinette mumbled as she paced around her room in her dress. She stopped and glanced at the two masks on her table. Hers and Alya's.

"Marinette! Alya is here!" She heard her mother call. She quickly picked up her shoes and picked up the two masks and ran down.

"Alya!" Marinette shouted once she spotted her best friend. Alya's eyes widened in amazement.

"Girl, is that you?" She asked. Marinette giggled and did a little twirl.

"Yup, do you like what I did with my hair?" She gestured her blue hair that was tied in a messy bun with a few strands of hair, hanging loosely.

"Yeah, you look amazing." Alya commented. "And thanks for the dress."

"For the last time, no problem!" Marinette laughed.

"So, what are you two going as?" Marinette's father asked.

"I'm going as Madame WiFi!" Alya announced.

"Nah, Lady WiFi sounds more awesome." She added. Marinette laughed at her friend.

"And I'm going to be Ladybug. It's a nice name, because I don't have to add some fancy name first." The bluenette giggled and did a curtsey.

"Madame Bug?" Alya thought out loud.

"Okay, my mom's waiting for us outside. Let's go!" They both ran put with big smiles on their faces.


"So what do you think, Nino?" Adrien asked with pride. He had used the costume Nino bought and made it into something else. There was this black leather suit he had and he has no idea why he does. He simply ordered Nathalie to have it look like a tuxedo. Like why can't he do it himself?!

"Like a sexy neko!" Nino said.

"Ew, dude. Don't be gay!" Adrien gaged as he put on the paw-like black shoes that Nino bought for him. Nino spotted a imperfection with Adrien's cat ears so he sneaked his way behind the blond while he was still tying his laces.

"Ha!" Nino exclaimed in triumph as he straightened his ears. Unfortunately, the shout caused Adrien to jump in shock.

"Huh, you even act like a cat. I knew it was the best choice." Nino stated.

Adrien growled.

"See, you're even feisty like one."

"LOOK HERE YOU LITTLE CLOWN PRINCE!" He said, referring to Nino's face which was covered with blue make up. Nino sweatdropped.


"He he...bye!"

And that's how Nino died.


"Wow, Alya. I didn't know we were gonna come here." She looked at the big hotel in front of them. Alya shrugged and let out a little laugh.

"Well, there's no turning back." Alya said and put her mask on her face. Marinette nodded and copied Alya's actions, placing her mask. Tonight, they weren't Alya and Mari. Tonight, they were Ladybug and Lady WiFi.

"Enjoy yourselfs! And stay away from alcohol!" They heard from behind them. "Okay, mom!" Alya called back as she and Marinette entered the noisy atmosphere.

"There's more people than I expected." Alya mused. Marinette nodded. "You can't tell who is who... You know, with all the masks."

"Yeah, hope we don't lose each other." Alya laughed as they walked into the crowd.

Tonight wasn't really Marinette's night because, yep! You guessed it. She lost Alya. She was totally lost in the flood of people who were unknown to her because of their masks.

"Umm, excuse me." She looked up and saw a tall figure in black. He was dressed as a cat. She than realized that she had bumped into him without realizing.

"S-sorry." She stuttered as she back away from him. The boy let out a soft chuckle and shook his head. "It's okay.. Anyway, you look lost."

"Yeah. I lost my friend in the crowd. By any chance, have you seen her?"


"W-well, she is wearing a black dress that has a white WiFi sign with a purple highlight, a black mask in the shape of a butterfly and also white gloves...and she goes by the name of Lady Wifi." Marinette said.

The boy was dumbfound but than began to chuckle. "Might the girl you're talking about, fit the description of the one with my friend." The boy pointed towards his friend and Alya.

"Yeah, that's her!" Marinette said in relief. "Lady WiFi!" Marinette shouted and waved to her friend. Alya looked at her and smiled, waving back at her before turning her attention to the boy dress like a clown. Why? He had blue make up on his face and the costume really went well with the makeup.

"Well, at least she's not worried about me." Marinette muttered.

"It's good to see you both are in character. Wouldn't want your identity to be figured out, right?" The boy winked. Marinette looked at him, the black mask really complimented his green emerald eyes. She than snapped out of her trance.

"U-uh..yeah!" She managed out.

"Well, see you around... Umm.."

"Ladybug. Call me Ladybug." Marinette spoke breathlessly.

He smiled. "See ya later, Ladybug."

"You too, Chaton."


"Nothing!" She blushed behind her red mask. "See you later." The cat boy nodded and disappeared into the crowd.
*mumbles* Fuck you glitch. *sees you guys and starts sweating* u-u-uhmm.. Long story short.

My phone glitches when I write long chapters.😁

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